render($this->twig.'list.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usemenu' => false, 'usesidebar' => true, 'access' => $access, 'usage' => $usage, 'istemplate' => false, ]); } public function tablelist($access, $usage, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em): Response { $query = $request->query->all(); $start = $query['start']; $length = $query['length']; $search = $query['search']; $draw = $query['draw']; $ordercolumn = $query['order'][0]['column']; $orderdir = $query['order'][0]['dir']; $alluser = $query['alluser']; // On sauvegarde en session le flag alluser $request->getSession()->set('alluserpage', $alluser); // Query de base $qbase = $em->getManager()->createQueryBuilder()->from($this->entity, 'table'); $qsearch = $em->getManager()->createQueryBuilder()->from($this->entity, 'table'); if ('false' == $alluser) { $qbase->where('table.user is null'); $qbase->andWhere('table.parentfor is null'); $qsearch->where('table.user is null'); $qsearch->andWhere('table.parentfor is null'); } else { $qbase->from('App:User', 'user') ->where('table.user=user'); $qsearch->from('App:User', 'user') ->where('table.user=user'); } if ('false' == $alluser) { $qsearch->andwhere(' LIKE :value OR LIKE :value'); } else { $qsearch->andWhere(' LIKE :value OR LIKE :value OR user.username LIKE :value'); } $qsearch->setParameter('value', '%'.$search['value'].'%'); // Nombre total d'enregistrement $total = $qbase->select('COUNT(table)')->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); // Nombre d'enregistrement filtré if ('' == $search['value']) { $totalf = $total; } else { $totalf = $qsearch->select('COUNT(table)')->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); } // Parcours des Enregistrement if ('' == $search['value']) { $qb = $qbase->select('table'); } else { $qb = $qsearch->select('table'); } // Order if ($ordercolumn) { switch ($ordercolumn) { case 1: $qb->orderBy('table.roworder', $orderdir); break; case 2: $qb->orderBy('', $orderdir); break; case 4: if ('true' == $alluser) { $qb->orderBy('user.username', $orderdir); } break; } } // Execution de la requete d'affichage $datas = $qb->setFirstResult($start)->setMaxResults($length)->getQuery()->getResult(); // Construction du tableau de retour $output = [ 'draw' => $draw, 'recordsFiltered' => $totalf, 'recordsTotal' => $total, 'data' => [], ]; foreach ($datas as $data) { $route = str_replace('_admin_', '_'.$access.'_', $this->route); $route = str_replace('_usage', '_'.$usage, $route); $action = ''; // $action.="$data->getId()))."'>"; $action .= " $data->getId()])."'>"; $action .= " $data->getId()])."'>"; $action .= " $data->getId()])."' data-method='delete'>"; $user = ''; if ($data->getUser()) { $user .= " 'avatar/'.$data->getUser()->getAvatar()])."' class='avatar' style='margin:0px 5px 0px 0px;display:inline-block;'>"; $user .= $data->getUser()->getUsername(); } $icon = ''; if ($data->getFonticon()) { $icon .= " "; } array_push($output['data'], [ $action, $data->getRoworder(), $icon.$data->getName(), $data->getPagecategory()->getName(), $user, ]); } // Retour return new Response(json_encode($output), 200); } private function entityForm(Page $entity, $access, $em) { $route = str_replace('_admin_', '_'.$access.'_', $this->route); if ($em->getManager()->contains($entity)) { // Type Tools if ($entity->getPagecategory()->getId() < 0) { return $this->createForm(PageUpdateToolType::class, $entity, [ 'mode' => 'update', 'access' => $access, ]); } // Type URL if (1 == $entity->getPagecategory()->getId()) { return $this->createForm(PageUpdateURLType::class, $entity, [ 'mode' => 'update', 'access' => $access, ]); } // Type Widget elseif (2 == $entity->getPagecategory()->getId()) { return $this->createForm(PageUpdateWidgetType::class, $entity, [ 'mode' => 'update', 'access' => $access, ]); } // Type Editeur elseif (3 == $entity->getPagecategory()->getId()) { return $this->createForm(PageUpdateEditorType::class, $entity, [ 'mode' => 'update', 'access' => $access, ]); } } else { return $this->createForm(PageSubmitType::class, $entity, [ 'mode' => 'update', 'access' => $access, 'user' => $this->getUser(), ]); } } public function submit($access, $usage, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em): Response { $entity = new Page(); $entity->setMaxwidth(0); $entity->setRoworder(0); $form = $this->entityForm($entity, $access, $em); $form->handleRequest($request); // Une page d'usage groupe doit avoir au moins un group de selectionné $datausage = $form->get('usage')->getData(); if ('group' == $datausage && $entity->getGroups()->isEmpty()) { $form->addError(new FormError('Vous devez selectionner au minimum un groupe')); } // Sur validation if ($form->get('submit')->isClicked() && $form->isValid()) { if ('all' == $access) { $entity->setUser($this->getUser()); } // Si template on duplique le template if ($entity->getPage()) { $page = $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Page")->clonePage($this->getUser(), $entity->getPage()); $page->setName($entity->getName()); $page->setRoworder($entity->getRoworder()); $page->setMaxwidth($entity->getMaxwidth()); foreach ($entity->getGroups() as $group) { $page->addGroup($group); } $em->getManager()->persist($page); $em->getManager()->flush(); $route = str_replace('_admin_', '_'.$access.'_', $this->route); $route = str_replace('_usage', '_'.$usage, $route); return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl($route.'_update', ['id' => $page->getId()])); } else { $em->getManager()->persist($entity); $em->getManager()->flush(); $route = str_replace('_admin_', '_'.$access.'_', $this->route); $route = str_replace('_usage', '_'.$usage, $route); return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl($route.'_update', ['id' => $entity->getId()])); } } return $this->render($this->twig.'submit.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usemenu' => false, 'usesidebar' => ('admin' == $access), 'maxwidth' => ('user' == $access), $this->data => $entity, 'mode' => 'submit', 'usage' => $usage, 'access' => $access, 'form' => $form->createView(), ]); } public function update($id, $access, $usage, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em): Response { $entity = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->find($id); if (!$entity) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find entity.'); } // On s'assure que l'utilisateur à la permission de modifier if ('all' == $access) { $em->getRepository($this->entity)->getPermission($this->getUser(), $entity, $cansee, $canupdate, $canadd); if (!$canupdate) { throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('Permission denied'); } } // Création du formulaire $form = $this->entityForm($entity, $access, $em); $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->get('submit')->isClicked() && $form->isValid()) { $em->getManager()->flush(); if ('admin' == $access) { $route = str_replace('_admin_', '_'.$access.'_', $this->route); $route = str_replace('_usage', '_'.$usage, $route); return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl($route.'_view', ['id' => $id])); } else { return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('app_home', ['id' => $id])); } } // Type URL if (1 == $entity->getPagecategory()->getId()) { return $this->render($this->twig.'updateurl.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usemenu' => false, 'usesidebar' => ('admin' == $access), 'maxwidth' => ('all' == $access), $this->data => $entity, 'access' => $access, 'usage' => $usage, 'mode' => 'update', 'form' => $form->createView(), ]); } // Type Widget elseif (2 == $entity->getPagecategory()->getId()) { return $this->render($this->twig.'updatewidget.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usemenu' => false, 'usesidebar' => ('admin' == $access), 'maxwidth' => ('all' == $access), $this->data => $entity, 'access' => $access, 'mode' => 'update', 'usage' => $usage, 'form' => $form->createView(), ]); } // Type Editeur elseif (3 == $entity->getPagecategory()->getId()) { return $this->render($this->twig.'updateeditor.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => true, 'usemenu' => false, 'usesidebar' => ('admin' == $access), 'maxwidth' => ('all' == $access), $this->data => $entity, 'access' => $access, 'usage' => $usage, 'mode' => 'update', 'form' => $form->createView(), ]); } } public function delete($id, $access, $usage, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em): Response { $data = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->find($id); if (!$data) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find entity.'); } // On s'assure que l'utilisateur à la permission de supprimer if ('all' == $access) { $em->getRepository($this->entity)->getPermission($this->getUser(), $data, $cansee, $canupdate, $canadd); if (!$canupdate) { throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('Permission denied'); } } // Tentative de suppression try { $em->getManager()->remove($data); $em->getManager()->flush(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $e->getMessage()); return $this->redirectToRoute(str_replace('_admin_', '_'.$access.'_', $this->route).'_update', ['id' => $id]); } // Retour if ('admin' == $access) { $route = str_replace('_admin_', '_'.$access.'_', $this->route); $route = str_replace('_usage', '_'.$usage, $route); return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl($route)); } else { return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('app_home')); } } public function order($access, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em): Response { $output = []; $id = $request->request->get('id'); $order = $request->request->get('order'); $entity = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->find($id); if (!$entity) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find entity.'); } // On s'assure que l'utilisateur à la permission if ('all' == $access) { $em->getRepository($this->entity)->getPermission($this->getUser(), $entity, $cansee, $canupdate, $canadd); if (!$canupdate) { throw $this->createAccessDeniedException('Permission denied'); } } $entity->setRoworder($order); $em->getManager()->flush(); return new JsonResponse($output); } public function view($id, $access, $usage, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em): Response { $entity = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->find($id); if (!$entity) { return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('app_home')); } // Permissions if ('admin' == $access) { $canupdate = true; } else { // On s'assure que l'utilisateur à la permission de voir $em->getRepository($this->entity)->getPermission($this->getUser(), $entity, $cansee, $canupdate, $canadd); if (!$cansee) { return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('app_home')); } } // Type Calendrier if (-100 == $entity->getPageCategory()->getId()) { $entity->setUrl($this->generateUrl('app_user_calendar_view')); return $this->render($this->twig.'viewurl.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => ('admin' == $access), 'usemenu' => ('admin' == $access), 'usesidebar' => ('admin' == $access), $this->data => $entity, 'access' => $access, 'canupdate' => $canupdate, 'usage' => $usage, ]); } // Type Blob if (-90 == $entity->getPageCategory()->getId()) { $entity->setUrl($this->generateUrl('app_user_blog_view')); return $this->render($this->twig.'viewurl.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => ('admin' == $access), 'usemenu' => ('admin' == $access), 'usesidebar' => ('admin' == $access), $this->data => $entity, 'access' => $access, 'canupdate' => $canupdate, 'usage' => $usage, ]); } // Type URL if (1 == $entity->getPageCategory()->getId()) { return $this->render($this->twig.'viewurl.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => ('admin' == $access), 'usemenu' => ('admin' == $access), 'usesidebar' => ('admin' == $access), $this->data => $entity, 'access' => $access, 'canupdate' => $canupdate, 'usage' => $usage, ]); } // Type Widgets if (2 == $entity->getPageCategory()->getId()) { return $this->render($this->twig.'viewwidget.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => ('admin' == $access), 'usemenu' => ('admin' == $access), 'usesidebar' => ('admin' == $access), $this->data => $entity, 'access' => $access, 'canupdate' => $canupdate, 'widgets' => $em->getRepository("App\Entity\Widget")->getWidgetAccess($access, 'config'), 'usage' => "$usage", ]); } // Type Editeur if (3 == $entity->getPageCategory()->getId()) { return $this->render($this->twig.'vieweditor.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => ('config' == $access), 'usemenu' => ('admin' == $access), 'usesidebar' => ('config' == $access), $this->data => $entity, 'access' => $access, 'canupdate' => $canupdate, 'usage' => $usage, ]); } } public function application($access, Request $request, ManagerRegistry $em): Response { $entity = $em->getRepository($this->entity)->findOneBy(['parentfor' => 'app']); if (!$entity) { return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('app_home')); } $canupdate = false; return $this->render($this->twig.'viewwidget.html.twig', [ 'useheader' => ('admin' == $access), 'usemenu' => false, 'usesidebar' => ('admin' == $access), $this->data => $entity, 'access' => $access, 'canupdate' => $canupdate, 'mode' => 'view', 'widgets' => $em->getRepository('App\Entity\Widget')->getWidgetAccess($access, 'config'), 'usage' => 'portal', 'selwidget' => null, ]); } protected function getPreference($user, $key, $id, $default) { $preference = $user->getPreference(); $return = $default; if (is_array($preference)) { if (array_key_exists($key, $preference)) { if (array_key_exists($id, $preference[$key])) { $return = $preference[$key][$id]; } } } return $return; } protected function setPreference($user, $key, $id, $value) { $preference = $user->getPreference(); $toupdate = false; if (!array_key_exists($key, $preference)) { $toupdate = true; $preference[$key] = []; } if (!array_key_exists($id, $preference[$key])) { $toupdate = true; $preference[$key][$id] = $value; } if ($value && $preference[$key][$id] != $value) { $toupdate = true; $preference[$key][$id] = $value; } // Mise à jour des préferences if ($toupdate) { $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $user->setPreference($preference); $em->persist($this->getUser()); $em->flush(); } } }