{% set theme = app.session.get('theme') %} {% if theme is not empty %} {{ include('@Theme/'~theme~'/function.html.twig') }} {% endif %} {% import "@CadolesPortal/Pagewidget/constants.twig" as constants %} {% set stylewidget = constants.mystylewidget(entity) %} {% set stylewidgetmenu = constants.mystylewidgetmenu(entity) %} {% set stylewidgetheader = constants.mystylewidgetheader(entity) %} {% set stylewidgetbody = constants.mystylewidgetbody(entity) %} {% set color = app.session.get('color') %} {% set colorbodyfont = entity.colorbodyfont %} {% if colorbodyfont is null %} {% set colorbodyfont = color['fontcolorhover'] %} {% endif %} {% set colorbodyback = entity.colorbodyback %} {% if colorbodyback is null %} {% set colorbodyback = color['main'] %} {% endif %} {% set colorbodyfont = entity.colorbodyfont %} {% if colorbodyfont is null %} {% if colorbodyback==color['fontcolorhover'] %} {% set colorbodyfont = color['main'] %} {% else %} {% set colorbodyfont = color['fontcolorhover'] %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if modelist==0 %} {% set stylegrid="grid-preview" %} {% elseif modelist==1 %} {% set stylegrid="grid-list" %} {% endif %} {%if mini %}
{% if entity.icon %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if canupdate %} {% endif %} {% if look=="list" %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% if entity.icon %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ entity.name }}
{% set firstflux="" %}
{% if fluxs is defined %} {% if fluxs|length > 1 %}
{% for flux in fluxs %} {% set stylefeed = "background-color: #" ~ color['main'] ~ ";" %} {% if flux.color is not null %} {% set stylefeed = "background-color: #" ~ flux.color ~ ";" %} {% endif %}
{{ flux.title }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% for feed in feeds %} {% if loop.index==1 %}
{% endif %} {% set stylecolor = "background-color: #" ~ color['main'] ~ ";" %} {% if feed.color is defined and feed.color is not null %} {% set stylecolor = "background-color: #" ~ feed.color ~ ";" %} {% endif %} {% set stylefeed = "" %} {% if feed.image is not null and feed.image != ""%} {% set stylefeed = stylefeed ~ "background: url(" ~ feed.image ~ ") no-repeat center; background-size: cover;" %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}