{% extends '@CadolesCore/base.html.twig' %} {% set color = app.session.get('color') %} {% set colormain = color['main'] %} {% block pagewrapper %}
{% if bookmarks is not empty %}
{% if items is not empty %}


{% else %}

{% endif %}
{% else %} {% endif %} {% set mycategs = [] %} {% for itemcategory in itemcategorys %} {% set haveitem=false %} {% for item in items if item.itemcategory==itemcategory %} {% if loop.index ==1 %} {% set mycategs = mycategs|merge({ (loop.index) : itemcategory}) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% for itemcategory in mycategs %} {% set haveitem=false %} {% for item in items if item.itemcategory==itemcategory %} {% if loop.index ==1 %} {% set haveitem=true %} {% if mycategs|length > 1 or bookmarks is not empty %}

{{ itemcategory.label }}

{% else %}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %} {% block localjavascript %} $('document').ready(function(){ // Ajustement des frames $(window).resize(function() { AjustFrame(); }); // Création des grilles d'items var optiongrid={columnWidth: '.grid-sizer', itemSelector: '.grid-item', gutter: '.grid-gutter-sizer'}; $('body').imagesLoaded(function() { var grid = $('.grid').masonry(optiongrid); }); // Preview item de bureau $( ".grid .item-preview" ).click(function() { if($(this).parent().children(".grid-item-body").css('display') == 'none') { $(this).html(''); heightbody=$(this).parent().children(".grid-item-body").height()+30; heightitem=$(this).parent().parent().height(); $(this).parent().children(".grid-item-body").show(); $(this).parent().parent().css("width","100%"); $(this).parent().parent().css("height",heightitem+heightbody); $(this).parent().children(".grid-item-content").css("height",heightitem+heightbody); $(this).parent().children(".item-preview").css("height",heightitem+heightbody); var grid = $('.grid').masonry(optiongrid); } else { $(this).html(''); $(this).parent().children(".grid-item-body").hide(); $(this).parent().parent().css("width",""); $(this).parent().parent().css("height",""); $(this).parent().children(".grid-item-content").css("height",""); $(this).parent().children(".item-preview").css("height",""); var grid = $('.grid').masonry(optiongrid); } }); }); // Ajout d'un bookmark function addBookmark(idwidget,touser) { var url="{{ path('cadoles_portal_user_bookmark_submit',{idpage:0,idwidget:'xx',touser:'yy'})}}"; url=url.replace('xx',idwidget); url=url.replace('yy',touser); $(location).attr('href', url); } // Modifciation d'un bookmark function modBookmark(idbookmark) { var url="{{ path('cadoles_portal_user_bookmark_update',{idpage:0,id:'xx'})}}"; url=url.replace('xx',idbookmark); $(location).attr('href', url); } // Ajouter un item aux bookmark function heartBookmark(iditem) { var idbookmark; $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "{{ path('cadoles_portal_user_bookmark_heart') }}", data: { iditem:iditem }, success: function(idbookmark) { location.reload(); } }); } // Supprimer un fichier function delFile(directory,filename) { var r = confirm("Confirmez-vous la suppression de ce fichier ?"); if (r == true) { $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "{{ path('cadoles_core_user_file_delete') }}", data: { directory:directory, filename:filename }, success: function() { location.reload(); } }); } } // Ajustement des frames function AjustFrame() { $('.frameajust').iframeAutoHeight({ minHeight: 500, // Sets the iframe height to this value if the calculated value is less heightOffset: 0, // Optionally add some buffer to the bottom callback: function(callbackObject) { $(this).parent().css("height",callbackObject.newFrameHeight) ;} }); if($(".frameitem").length>0) { var heightbody = $('html').height(); var heightheader = $('.header').height(); if($('.pagemenu').css("display")=="none") var heightmenu = 0; else var heightmenu = $('.pagemenu').height(); var heightframe = heightbody-heightheader-heightmenu; $(".frameitem").height(heightframe); } } // Affichage d'un Flux function showFlux(idwidget, id) { if(id=="all") $(".widget[data-id="+idwidget+"]").find(".feed").show(); else { $(".widget[data-id="+idwidget+"]").find(".feed").hide(); $(".widget[data-id="+idwidget+"]").find(".flux-"+id).show(); } var optiongrid={columnWidth: '.grid-sizer',itemSelector: '.grid-item'}; var grid = $('.grid').masonry(optiongrid); } // Affichage des frames associés aux items de bureau function resizeFrame() { var iFrame = document.getElementById('frameContent'); var heightbody = $('html').height(); var heightheader = $('.header').height(); if($('#appmenu').css("display")=="none") var heightmenu = 0; else var heightmenu = $('#appmenu').height(); var heightframe = heightbody-heightheader-heightmenu; $(".pageframe").each(function( index ) { $(this).height(heightframe); }); } function showFrameitem(id,url,forcereload) { $(".pageframe").hide(); // Si force le rechargement et frame existante on la détruit if(forcereload&&$("#frameitem-"+id).length) $("#frameitem-"+id).remove(); // Si la frame en cours existe déjà on l'affiche if($("#frameitem-"+id).length) $("#frameitem-"+id).show(); // Sinon on la génère else $("#pagecontainer").append(""); resizeFrame(); } {% endblock %}