{% extends "base.html.twig" %} {% block localstyle %} {% endblock %} {% block body %}


Retour Semaine Suivante Semaine Précedente {% if message is defined and not message is empty %}
{{ message|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% set trans_day_hash = { "Monday": "Lundi", "Tuesday": "Mardi", "Wednesday": "Mercredi", "Thursday": "Jeudi", "Friday": "Vendredi", "Saturday": "Samedi", "Sunday": "Dimanche" } %} {%for date in dates %} {% if date["tallydays"] is empty %} {% else %} {% endif %} {%endfor%}
Action Date Créneaux Durée
{% if not date.isvalideuser and not date.isvalidemaster and (not firstvalidate or firstvalidate.dateof < date["date"]) %} {% elseif not date.isvalidemaster and (not firstvalidate or firstvalidate.dateof < date["date"]) %} {% endif %} {{ trans_day_hash[date["date"]|date('l')] }} {{date["date"]|date("d/m/Y")}} {% if not date.isvalideuser and not date.isvalidemaster and (not firstvalidate or firstvalidate.dateof < date["date"]) %} Ajouter un créneau {% endif %} 00:00 {% set breakdayall=false %} {% for tallyday in date["tallydays"] %} {% if tallyday.datestart or tallyday.dateend %} {% if tallyday.isbreakday %} {% if tallyday.datestart|date("H")==10 %} {% set breakdayall=true %} {% endif %} {{tallyday.name}} {% else %} {% if not date.isvalideuser and not date.isvalidemaster and (not firstvalidate or firstvalidate.dateof < date["date"]) %} {% endif %} {% if tallyday.datestart is not null %} de {{tallyday.datestart|date("H:i")}} {%endif%} {% if tallyday.dateend is not null %} de {{tallyday.dateend|date("H:i")}} {%endif%} {% endif %} = {{tallyday.timedayformatted}}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if not breakdayall and not date.isvalideuser and not date.isvalidemaster and (not firstvalidate or firstvalidate.dateof < date["date"]) %} Ajouter un créneau {% endif %}
{{ date.timeday }}
TOTAL SEMAINE = {{ timeweek }}
CAPITAL TEMPS = {{capitaltime}}
{% endblock %} {% block localjavascript %} $(document).ready(function() { $('#dataTables').DataTable({ columnDefs: [ { "targets": "no-sort", "orderable": false }, { "targets": "no-string", "type" : "num" } ], responsive: true, iDisplayLength: 100, paging: false, ordering: false, info: false, searching: false, }); }); {% endblock %}