#WERTHER_DEV_MODE= # [description] a development mode # [type] True or False # [default] false # [required] #WERTHER_LISTEN= # [description] a host and port to listen on (<host>:<port>) # [type] String # [default] :8080 # [required] WERTHER_IDENTP_HYDRA_URL=http://localhost:4445/ # [description] an admin URL of ORY Hydra Server # [type] String # [default] # [required] true #WERTHER_IDENTP_SESSION_TTL= # [description] a user session's TTL # [type] Duration # [default] 24h # [required] #WERTHER_IDENTP_CLAIM_SCOPES= # [description] a mapping of OpenID Connect claims to scopes (all claims are URL encoded) # [type] Comma-separated list of String:String pairs # [default] name:profile,family_name:profile,given_name:profile,email:email,https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fi-core%2Fwerther%2Fclaims%2Froles:roles # [required] WERTHER_LDAP_ENDPOINTS=localhost:389 # [description] a LDAP's server URLs as "<address>:<port>" # [type] Comma-separated list of String # [default] # [required] true WERTHER_LDAP_BINDDN= # [description] a LDAP bind DN # [type] String # [default] # [required] WERTHER_LDAP_BINDPW= # [description] a LDAP bind password # [type] String # [default] # [required] WERTHER_LDAP_BASEDN=ou=users,dc=myorg,dc=com # [description] a LDAP base DN for searching users # [type] String # [default] # [required] true #WERTHER_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_QUERY= # [description] the user search query # [type] String # [default] (&(|(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))(|(uid=%[1]s)(mail=%[1]s)(userPrincipalName=%[1]s)(sAMAccountName=%[1]s))) # [required] #WERTHER_LDAP_ATTR_CLAIMS= # [description] a mapping of LDAP attributes to OpenID connect claims # [type] Comma-separated list of String:String pairs # [default] name:name,sn:family_name,givenName:given_name,mail:email # [required] WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_BASEDN=ou=groups,dc=myorg,dc=com # [description] a LDAP base DN for searching roles # [type] String # [default] # [required] true #WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_SEARCH_QUERY= # [description] the role search query # [type] String # [default] (|(&(|(objectClass=group)(objectClass=groupOfNames))(member=%[1]s))(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(uniqueMember=%[1]s))) # [required] #WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_ATTR= # [description] a LDAP group's attribute that contains a role's name # [type] String # [default] description # [required] #WERTHER_LDAP_ROLE_CLAIM= # [description] a name of an OpenID Connect claim that contains user roles # [type] String # [default] https://github.com/i-core/werther/claims/roles # [required] #WERTHER_LDAP_CACHE_SIZE= # [description] a user info cache's size in KiB # [type] Integer # [default] 512 # [required] #WERTHER_LDAP_CACHE_TTL= # [description] a user info cache TTL # [type] Duration # [default] 30m # [required] #WERTHER_LDAP_IS_TLS= # [description] should LDAP connection be established via TLS # [type] True or False # [default] false # [required] #WERTHER_WEB_DIR= # [description] a path to an external web directory # [type] String # [default] # [required] #WERTHER_WEB_BASE_PATH= # [description] a base path of web pages # [type] String # [default] / # [required] #WERTHER_LDAP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT= # [description] LDAP server connection timeout # [type] Duration # [default] 60s # [required]