/* Copyright (c) JSC iCore. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ package identp import ( "context" "fmt" "html/template" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "reflect" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "github.com/i-core/werther/internal/hydra" "github.com/justinas/nosurf" "github.com/pkg/errors" ) func TestHandleLoginStart(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string challenge string scopes []string skip bool subject string redirect string wantStatus int wantInitErr error wantAcceptErr error wantLoc string wantBody string }{ { name: "no login challenge", wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, { name: "happy path", challenge: "foo", wantStatus: http.StatusOK, wantBody: ` LoginURL: login?login_challenge=foo; CSRFToken: true; Challenge: foo; `, }, { name: "skip", challenge: "foo", skip: true, wantLoc: "/", wantStatus: http.StatusFound, }, { name: "unknown challenge", challenge: "foo", wantInitErr: hydra.ErrChallengeNotFound, wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, { name: "used challenge", challenge: "foo", wantInitErr: hydra.ErrChallengeExpired, wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, { name: "init error", challenge: "foo", wantInitErr: errors.New("init error"), wantStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError, }, { name: "accept error", challenge: "foo", skip: true, wantAcceptErr: errors.New("accept error"), wantStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { url := "/login" if tc.challenge != "" { url += "?login_challenge=" + tc.challenge } r, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } r.Host = "gopkg.example.org" rr := httptest.NewRecorder() tmplRenderer := &testTemplateRenderer{ renderTmplFunc: func(w http.ResponseWriter, name string, data interface{}) error { if name != "login.tmpl" { t.Fatalf("wrong template name: got %q; want \"login.tmpl\"", name) } const loginT = ` LoginURL: {{ .LoginURL }}; CSRFToken: {{ if .CSRFToken }} true {{- else -}} false {{- end }}; Challenge: {{ .Challenge }}; ` tmpl, err := template.New("login").Parse(loginT) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to parse template: %s", err) } return tmpl.Execute(w, data) }, } rproc := testLoginReqProc{ initReqFunc: func(challenge string) (*hydra.ReqInfo, error) { if challenge != tc.challenge { t.Errorf("wrong challenge while initiating the request: got %q; want %q", challenge, tc.challenge) } return &hydra.ReqInfo{ Challenge: tc.challenge, RequestedScopes: tc.scopes, Skip: tc.skip, Subject: tc.subject, }, tc.wantInitErr }, acceptReqFunc: func(challenge string, remember bool, subject string) (string, error) { if challenge != tc.challenge { t.Errorf("wrong challenge while accepting the request: got %q; want %q", challenge, tc.challenge) } if remember { t.Error("unexpected enabled remember flag") } if subject != tc.subject { t.Errorf("wrong subject while accepting the request: got %q; want %q", subject, tc.subject) } return tc.redirect, tc.wantAcceptErr }, } handler := nosurf.New(newLoginStartHandler(rproc, tmplRenderer)) handler.ExemptPath("/login") handler.ServeHTTP(rr, r) if status := rr.Code; status != tc.wantStatus { t.Errorf("wrong status code: got %v; want %v", status, tc.wantStatus) } wantBody, gotBody := noindent(tc.wantBody), noindent(rr.Body.String()) if wantBody != "" && gotBody != wantBody { t.Errorf("wrong body:\ngot %q\nwant %q", gotBody, wantBody) } if gotLoc := rr.Header().Get("Location"); gotLoc != tc.wantLoc { t.Errorf("wrong location:\ngot %q\nwant %q", gotLoc, tc.wantLoc) } }) } } func noindent(s string) string { wsRe := regexp.MustCompile(`(?:^\s+|(;)\s+)`) return wsRe.ReplaceAllString(s, "$1 ") } type testLoginReqProc struct { initReqFunc func(string) (*hydra.ReqInfo, error) acceptReqFunc func(string, bool, string) (string, error) } func (lrp testLoginReqProc) InitiateRequest(challenge string) (*hydra.ReqInfo, error) { return lrp.initReqFunc(challenge) } func (lrp testLoginReqProc) AcceptLoginRequest(challenge string, remember bool, subject string) (string, error) { return lrp.acceptReqFunc(challenge, remember, subject) } func TestHandleLoginEnd(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string challenge string subject string webBasePath string redirect string wantStatus int wantAcceptErr error wantAuthErr error wantInvAuth bool wantLoc string wantBody string }{ { name: "no login challenge", subject: "joe", wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, { name: "happy path", challenge: "foo", subject: "joe", redirect: "/redirect-to", wantStatus: http.StatusFound, wantLoc: "/redirect-to", }, { name: "auth unknown error", challenge: "foo", subject: "joe", webBasePath: "testBasePath", wantStatus: http.StatusOK, wantInvAuth: false, wantAuthErr: errors.New("Unknown error"), wantBody: ` LoginURL: /login; CSRFToken: T; Challenge: foo; InvCreds: F; IsIntErr: T; `, }, { name: "unauth error", challenge: "foo", subject: "joe", wantStatus: http.StatusOK, wantInvAuth: true, wantBody: ` LoginURL: /login; CSRFToken: T; Challenge: foo; InvCreds: T; IsIntErr: F; `, }, { name: "accept error", challenge: "foo", subject: "joe", wantStatus: http.StatusOK, wantAcceptErr: errors.New("accept error"), wantBody: ` LoginURL: /login; CSRFToken: T; Challenge: foo; InvCreds: F; IsIntErr: T; `, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { url := "/login" ps := "username=joe&password=pass" if tc.challenge != "" { ps += "&login_challenge=" + tc.challenge } r, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader(ps)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } r.Host = "gopkg.example.org" r.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") rr := httptest.NewRecorder() tmplRenderer := &testTemplateRenderer{ renderTmplFunc: func(w http.ResponseWriter, name string, data interface{}) error { if name != "login.tmpl" { t.Fatalf("wrong template name: got %q; want \"login.tmpl\"", name) } const loginT = ` LoginURL: {{ .LoginURL }}; CSRFToken: {{ if .CSRFToken -}} T {{- else -}} F {{- end }}; Challenge: {{ .Challenge }}; InvCreds: {{ if .IsInvalidCredentials -}} T {{- else -}} F {{- end }}; IsIntErr: {{ if .IsInternalError -}} T {{- else -}} F {{- end}}; ` tmpl, err := template.New("login").Parse(loginT) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to parse template: %s", err) } return tmpl.Execute(w, data) }, } rproc := testLoginReqProc{ acceptReqFunc: func(challenge string, remember bool, subject string) (string, error) { if challenge != tc.challenge { t.Errorf("wrong challenge while accepting the request: got %q; want %q", challenge, tc.challenge) } if remember { t.Error("unexpected enabled remember flag") } if subject != tc.subject { t.Errorf("wrong subject while accepting the request: got %q; want %q", subject, tc.subject) } return tc.redirect, tc.wantAcceptErr }, } auther := testAuthenticator{ authnFunc: func(ctx context.Context, username, password string) (bool, error) { if username == "" { t.Error("unexpected empty username") } if password == "" { t.Error("unexpected empty password") } return !tc.wantInvAuth, tc.wantAuthErr }, } handler := nosurf.New(newLoginEndHandler(rproc, auther, tmplRenderer)) handler.ExemptPath("/login") handler.ServeHTTP(rr, r) if status := rr.Code; status != tc.wantStatus { t.Errorf("wrong status code: got %v; want %v", status, tc.wantStatus) } wantBody, gotBody := noindent(tc.wantBody), noindent(rr.Body.String()) if wantBody != "" && gotBody != wantBody { t.Errorf("wrong body:\ngot %q\nwant %q", gotBody, wantBody) } if gotLoc := rr.Header().Get("Location"); gotLoc != tc.wantLoc { t.Errorf("wrong location:\ngot %q\nwant %q", gotLoc, tc.wantLoc) } }) } } type testTemplateRenderer struct { renderTmplFunc func(w http.ResponseWriter, name string, data interface{}) error } func (tl *testTemplateRenderer) RenderTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, name string, data interface{}) error { return tl.renderTmplFunc(w, name, data) } type testAuthenticator struct { authnFunc func(context.Context, string, string) (bool, error) } func (au testAuthenticator) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, username, password string) (bool, error) { return au.authnFunc(ctx, username, password) } func TestHandleConsent(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string challenge string redirect string subject string skip bool claims map[string]interface{} scopes []string wantStatus int wantAcceptErr error wantInitErr error wantFindErr error wantLoc string }{ { name: "no login challenge", subject: "joe", wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, { name: "unknown challenge", challenge: "foo", wantInitErr: hydra.ErrChallengeNotFound, wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, { name: "used challenge", challenge: "foo", wantInitErr: hydra.ErrChallengeExpired, wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, { name: "happy path", challenge: "foo", subject: "joe", redirect: "/redirect-to", wantStatus: http.StatusFound, wantLoc: "/redirect-to", claims: map[string]interface{}{"a": "foo", "b": "bar", "c": "baz"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { url := "/consent" if tc.challenge != "" { url += "?consent_challenge=" + tc.challenge } r, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } r.Host = "gopkg.example.org" rr := httptest.NewRecorder() rproc := testConsentReqProc{ initReqFunc: func(challenge string) (*hydra.ReqInfo, error) { if challenge != tc.challenge { t.Errorf("wrong challenge while initiating the request: got %q; want %q", challenge, tc.challenge) } return &hydra.ReqInfo{ Challenge: tc.challenge, Subject: tc.subject, RequestedScopes: tc.scopes, }, tc.wantInitErr }, acceptReqFunc: func(challenge string, remember bool, grantScope []string, idToken interface{}) (string, error) { if challenge != tc.challenge { t.Errorf("wrong challenge while accepting the request: got %q; want %q", challenge, tc.challenge) } if remember == tc.skip { t.Error("unexpected enabled remember flag") } if len(grantScope) != len(tc.scopes) { t.Errorf("wrong granted scopes while accepting the request: got %q; want %q", grantScope, tc.scopes) } else { for i := range grantScope { if grantScope[i] != tc.scopes[i] { t.Errorf("wrong granted scopes while accepting the request: got %q; want %q", grantScope, tc.scopes) break } } } if !reflect.DeepEqual(idToken, tc.claims) { t.Errorf("wrong an id token while accepting the request: got %q; want %q", idToken, tc.claims) } return tc.redirect, tc.wantAcceptErr }, } cfinder := testOIDCClaimsFinder{ findFunc: func(ctx context.Context, username string) (map[string]interface{}, error) { if username == "" { t.Error("unexpected empty username") } return tc.claims, tc.wantFindErr }, } handler := nosurf.New(newConsentHandler(rproc, cfinder, nil)) handler.ExemptPath("/consent") handler.ServeHTTP(rr, r) if status := rr.Code; status != tc.wantStatus { t.Errorf("wrong status code: got %v; want %v", status, tc.wantStatus) } if gotLoc := rr.Header().Get("Location"); gotLoc != tc.wantLoc { t.Errorf("wrong location:\ngot %q\nwant %q", gotLoc, tc.wantLoc) } }) } } type testConsentReqProc struct { initReqFunc func(string) (*hydra.ReqInfo, error) acceptReqFunc func(string, bool, []string, interface{}) (string, error) } func (crp testConsentReqProc) InitiateRequest(challenge string) (*hydra.ReqInfo, error) { return crp.initReqFunc(challenge) } func (crp testConsentReqProc) AcceptConsentRequest(challenge string, remember bool, grantScope []string, idToken interface{}) (string, error) { return crp.acceptReqFunc(challenge, remember, grantScope, idToken) } type testOIDCClaimsFinder struct { findFunc func(context.Context, string) (map[string]interface{}, error) } func (cf testOIDCClaimsFinder) FindOIDCClaims(ctx context.Context, username string) (map[string]interface{}, error) { return cf.findFunc(ctx, username) } func TestLogoutHandler(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string challenge string initErr error acceptErr error redirectTo string wantStatus int wantLoc string }{ { name: "no login challenge", wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, { name: "unknown challenge", challenge: "foo", initErr: hydra.ErrChallengeNotFound, wantStatus: http.StatusBadRequest, }, { name: "init logout request error", challenge: "foo", initErr: fmt.Errorf("init logout request error"), wantStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError, }, { name: "accept logout request error", challenge: "foo", acceptErr: fmt.Errorf("accept logout request error"), wantStatus: http.StatusInternalServerError, }, { name: "happy path", challenge: "foo", redirectTo: "/redirect-to", wantStatus: http.StatusFound, wantLoc: "/redirect-to", }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { url := "/logout" if tc.challenge != "" { url += "?logout_challenge=" + tc.challenge } r, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } r.Host = "gopkg.example.org" rr := httptest.NewRecorder() rproc := &testLogoutReqProc{ initReqFunc: func(challenge string) (*hydra.ReqInfo, error) { if challenge != tc.challenge { t.Errorf("wrong challenge while initiating the request: got %q; want %q", challenge, tc.challenge) } return &hydra.ReqInfo{}, tc.initErr }, acceptReqFunc: func(challenge string) (string, error) { if challenge != tc.challenge { t.Errorf("wrong challenge while accepting the request: got %q; want %q", challenge, tc.challenge) } return tc.redirectTo, tc.acceptErr }, } handler := newLogoutHandler(rproc) handler.ServeHTTP(rr, r) if rr.Code != tc.wantStatus { t.Errorf("wrong status code: got %v; want %v", rr.Code, tc.wantStatus) } if gotLoc := rr.Header().Get("Location"); gotLoc != tc.wantLoc { t.Errorf("wrong location:\ngot %q\nwant %q", gotLoc, tc.wantLoc) } }) } } type testLogoutReqProc struct { initReqFunc func(string) (*hydra.ReqInfo, error) acceptReqFunc func(string) (string, error) } func (p *testLogoutReqProc) InitiateRequest(challenge string) (*hydra.ReqInfo, error) { return p.initReqFunc(challenge) } func (p *testLogoutReqProc) AcceptLogoutRequest(challenge string) (string, error) { return p.acceptReqFunc(challenge) }