CHANGELOG ========= 5.4 --- * Add `github` format & autodetection to render errors as annotations when running the Twig linter command in a Github Actions environment. 5.3 --- * Add a new `markAsPublic` method on `NotificationEmail` to change the `importance` context option to null after creation * Add a new `fragment_uri()` helper to generate the URI of a fragment * Add support of Bootstrap 5 for form theming * Add a new `serialize` filter to serialize objects using the Serializer component 5.2.0 ----- * added the `impersonation_exit_url()` and `impersonation_exit_path()` functions. They return a URL that allows to switch back to the original user. * added the `workflow_transition()` function to easily retrieve a specific transition object * added support for translating `TranslatableInterface` objects * added the `t()` function to easily create `TranslatableMessage` objects * Added support for extracting messages from the `t()` function * Added `field_*` Twig functions to access string values from Form fields * changed the `importance` context option of `NotificationEmail` to allow `null` 5.0.0 ----- * removed `TwigEngine` class, use `\Twig\Environment` instead. * removed `transChoice` filter and token * `HttpFoundationExtension` requires a `UrlHelper` on instantiation * removed support for implicit STDIN usage in the `lint:twig` command, use `lint:twig -` (append a dash) instead to make it explicit. * added form theme for Foundation 6 * added support for Foundation 6 switches: add the `switch-input` class to the attributes of a `CheckboxType` 4.4.0 ----- * added a new `TwigErrorRenderer` for `html` format, integrated with the `ErrorHandler` component * marked all classes extending twig as `@final` * deprecated to pass `$rootDir` and `$fileLinkFormatter` as 5th and 6th argument respectively to the `DebugCommand::__construct()` method, swap the variables position. * the `LintCommand` lints all the templates stored in all configured Twig paths if none argument is provided * deprecated accepting STDIN implicitly when using the `lint:twig` command, use `lint:twig -` (append a dash) instead to make it explicit. * added `--show-deprecations` option to the `lint:twig` command * added support for Bootstrap4 switches: add the `switch-custom` class to the label attributes of a `CheckboxType` * Marked the `TwigDataCollector` class as `@final`. 4.3.0 ----- * added the `form_parent()` function that allows to reliably retrieve the parent form in Twig templates * added the `workflow_transition_blockers()` function * deprecated the `$requestStack` and `$requestContext` arguments of the `HttpFoundationExtension`, pass a `Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\UrlHelper` instance as the only argument instead 4.2.0 ----- * add bundle name suggestion on wrongly overridden templates paths * added `name` argument in `debug:twig` command and changed `filter` argument as `--filter` option * deprecated the `transchoice` tag and filter, use the `trans` ones instead with a `%count%` parameter 4.1.0 ----- * add a `workflow_metadata` function 3.4.0 ----- * added an `only` keyword to `form_theme` tag to disable usage of default themes when rendering a form * deprecated `Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Form\TwigRenderer` * deprecated `DebugCommand::set/getTwigEnvironment`. Pass an instance of `Twig\Environment` as first argument of the constructor instead * deprecated `LintCommand::set/getTwigEnvironment`. Pass an instance of `Twig\Environment` as first argument of the constructor instead 3.3.0 ----- * added a `workflow_has_marked_place` function * added a `workflow_marked_places` function 3.2.0 ----- * added `AppVariable::getToken()` * Deprecated the possibility to inject the Form `TwigRenderer` into the `FormExtension`. * [BC BREAK] Registering the `FormExtension` without configuring a runtime loader for the `TwigRenderer` doesn't work anymore. Before: ```php use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\FormExtension; use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Form\TwigRenderer; use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Form\TwigRendererEngine; // ... $rendererEngine = new TwigRendererEngine(['form_div_layout.html.twig']); $rendererEngine->setEnvironment($twig); $twig->addExtension(new FormExtension(new TwigRenderer($rendererEngine, $csrfTokenManager))); ``` After: ```php // ... $rendererEngine = new TwigRendererEngine(['form_div_layout.html.twig'], $twig); // require Twig 1.30+ $twig->addRuntimeLoader(new \Twig\RuntimeLoader\FactoryRuntimeLoader([ TwigRenderer::class => function () use ($rendererEngine, $csrfTokenManager) { return new TwigRenderer($rendererEngine, $csrfTokenManager); }, ])); $twig->addExtension(new FormExtension()); ``` * Deprecated the `TwigRendererEngineInterface` interface. * added WorkflowExtension (provides `workflow_can` and `workflow_transitions`) 2.7.0 ----- * added LogoutUrlExtension (provides `logout_url` and `logout_path`) * added an HttpFoundation extension (provides the `absolute_url` and the `relative_path` functions) * added AssetExtension (provides the `asset` and `asset_version` functions) * Added possibility to extract translation messages from a file or files besides extracting from a directory 2.5.0 ----- * moved command `twig:lint` from `TwigBundle` 2.4.0 ----- * added stopwatch tag to time templates with the WebProfilerBundle 2.3.0 ----- * added helpers form(), form_start() and form_end() * deprecated form_enctype() in favor of form_start() 2.2.0 ----- * added a `controller` function to help generating controller references * added a `render_esi` and a `render_hinclude` function * [BC BREAK] restricted the `render` tag to only accept URIs or ControllerReference instances (the signature changed) * added a `render` function to render a request * The `app` global variable is now injected even when using the twig service directly. * Added an optional parameter to the `path` and `url` function which allows to generate relative paths (e.g. "../parent-file") and scheme-relative URLs (e.g. "//"). 2.1.0 ----- * added global variables access in a form theme * added TwigEngine * added TwigExtractor * added a csrf_token function * added a way to specify a default domain for a Twig template (via the 'trans_default_domain' tag)