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2022-05-03 08:54:45 +02:00
* Add a `Cidr` constraint to validate CIDR notations
* Add a `CssColor` constraint to validate CSS colors
* Add support for `ConstraintViolationList::createFromMessage()`
* Add error's uid to `Count` and `Length` constraints with "exactly" option enabled
* Add the `normalizer` option to the `Unique` constraint
* Add `Validation::createIsValidCallable()` that returns true/false instead of throwing exceptions
* added a `Cascade` constraint to ease validating nested typed object properties
* deprecated the `allowEmptyString` option of the `Length` constraint
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
* @Assert\Length(min=5, allowEmptyString=true)
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
* @Assert\AtLeastOneOf({
* @Assert\Blank(),
* @Assert\Length(min=5)
* })
* added the `Isin` constraint and validator
* added the `ULID` constraint and validator
* added support for UUIDv6 in `Uuid` constraint
* enabled the validator to load constraints from PHP attributes
* deprecated the `NumberConstraintTrait` trait
* deprecated setting or creating a Doctrine annotation reader via `ValidatorBuilder::enableAnnotationMapping()`, pass `true` as first parameter and additionally call `setDoctrineAnnotationReader()` or `addDefaultDoctrineAnnotationReader()` to set up the annotation reader
* added the `Hostname` constraint and validator
* added the `alpha3` option to the `Country` and `Language` constraints
* allow to define a reusable set of constraints by extending the `Compound` constraint
* added `Sequentially` constraint, to sequentially validate a set of constraints (any violation raised will prevent further validation of the nested constraints)
* added the `divisibleBy` option to the `Count` constraint
* added the `ExpressionLanguageSyntax` constraint
* an `ExpressionLanguage` instance or null must be passed as the first argument of `ExpressionValidator::__construct()`
* removed the `checkDNS` and `dnsMessage` options of the `Url` constraint
* removed the `checkMX`, `checkHost` and `strict` options of the `Email` constraint
* removed support for validating instances of `\DateTimeInterface` in `DateTimeValidator`, `DateValidator` and `TimeValidator`
* removed support for using the `Bic`, `Country`, `Currency`, `Language` and `Locale` constraints without `symfony/intl`
* removed support for using the `Email` constraint without `egulias/email-validator`
* removed support for using the `Expression` constraint without `symfony/expression-language`
* changed default value of `canonicalize` option of `Locale` constraint to `true`
* removed `ValidatorBuilderInterface`
* passing a null message when instantiating a `ConstraintViolation` is not allowed
* changed the default value of `Length::$allowEmptyString` to `false` and made it optional
* removed `Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Cache\CacheInterface` in favor of PSR-6.
* removed `ValidatorBuilder::setMetadataCache`, use `ValidatorBuilder::setMappingCache` instead.
* [BC BREAK] using null as `$classValidatorRegexp` value in `PropertyInfoLoader::__construct` will not enable auto-mapping for all classes anymore, use `'{.*}'` instead.
* added `EnableAutoMapping` and `DisableAutoMapping` constraints to enable or disable auto mapping for class or a property
* using anything else than a `string` as the code of a `ConstraintViolation` is deprecated, a `string` type-hint will
be added to the constructor of the `ConstraintViolation` class and to the `ConstraintViolationBuilder::setCode()`
method in 5.0
* deprecated passing an `ExpressionLanguage` instance as the second argument of `ExpressionValidator::__construct()`. Pass it as the first argument instead.
* added the `compared_value_path` parameter in violations when using any
comparison constraint with the `propertyPath` option.
* added support for checking an array of types in `TypeValidator`
* added a new `allowEmptyString` option to the `Length` constraint to allow rejecting empty strings when `min` is set, by setting it to `false`.
* Added new `minPropertyPath` and `maxPropertyPath` options
to `Range` constraint in order to get the value to compare
from an array or object
* added the `min_limit_path` and `max_limit_path` parameters in violations when using
`Range` constraint with respectively the `minPropertyPath` and
`maxPropertyPath` options
* added a new `notInRangeMessage` option to the `Range` constraint that will
be used in the violation builder when both `min` and `max` are not null
* added ability to use stringable objects as violation messages
* Overriding the methods `ConstraintValidatorTestCase::setUp()` and `ConstraintValidatorTestCase::tearDown()` without the `void` return-type is deprecated.
* deprecated `Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Cache\CacheInterface` in favor of PSR-6.
* deprecated `ValidatorBuilder::setMetadataCache`, use `ValidatorBuilder::setMappingCache` instead.
* Marked the `ValidatorDataCollector` class as `@final`.
* added `Timezone` constraint
* added `NotCompromisedPassword` constraint
* added options `iban` and `ibanPropertyPath` to Bic constraint
* added UATP cards support to `CardSchemeValidator`
* added option `allowNull` to NotBlank constraint
* added `Json` constraint
* added `Unique` constraint
* added a new `normalizer` option to the string constraints and to the `NotBlank` constraint
* added `Positive` constraint
* added `PositiveOrZero` constraint
* added `Negative` constraint
* added `NegativeOrZero` constraint
* added a new `UnexpectedValueException` that can be thrown by constraint validators, these exceptions are caught by
the validator and are converted into constraint violations
* added `DivisibleBy` constraint
* decoupled from `symfony/translation` by using `Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface`
* deprecated `ValidatorBuilderInterface`
* made `ValidatorBuilder::setTranslator()` final
* marked `format` the default option in `DateTime` constraint
* deprecated validating instances of `\DateTimeInterface` in `DateTimeValidator`, `DateValidator` and `TimeValidator`.
* deprecated using the `Bic`, `Country`, `Currency`, `Language` and `Locale` constraints without `symfony/intl`
* deprecated using the `Email` constraint without `egulias/email-validator`
* deprecated using the `Expression` constraint without `symfony/expression-language`
* Deprecated the `checkDNS` and `dnsMessage` options of the `Url` constraint.
* added a `values` option to the `Expression` constraint
* Deprecated use of `Locale` constraint without setting `true` at "canonicalize" option, which will be the default value in 5.0
* Setting the `strict` option of the `Choice` constraint to anything but `true`
is not supported anymore.
* removed the `DateTimeValidator::PATTERN` constant
* removed the `AbstractConstraintValidatorTest` class
* removed support for setting the `checkDNS` option of the `Url` constraint to `true`
* added support for validation groups to the `Valid` constraint
* not setting the `strict` option of the `Choice` constraint to `true` is
deprecated and will throw an exception in Symfony 4.0
* setting the `checkDNS` option of the `Url` constraint to `true` is deprecated in favor of
the `Url::CHECK_DNS_TYPE_*` constants values and will throw an exception in Symfony 4.0
* added min/max amount of pixels check to `Image` constraint via `minPixels` and `maxPixels`
* added a new "propertyPath" option to comparison constraints in order to get the value to compare from an array or object
* added `AddValidatorInitializersPass`
* added `AddConstraintValidatorsPass`
* added `ContainerConstraintValidatorFactory`
* deprecated `Tests\Constraints\AbstractConstraintValidatorTest` in favor of `Test\ConstraintValidatorTestCase`
* added support for PHP constants in YAML configuration files
* deprecated `DateTimeValidator::PATTERN` constant
* added a `format` option to the `DateTime` constraint
* added the BIC (SWIFT-Code) validator
* deprecated `DefaultTranslator` in favor of `Symfony\Component\Translation\IdentityTranslator`
* deprecated PHP7-incompatible constraints (Null, True, False) and related validators (NullValidator, TrueValidator, FalseValidator) in favor of their `Is`-prefixed equivalent
* [BC BREAK] `FileValidator` disallow empty files
* [BC BREAK] `UserPasswordValidator` source message change
* [BC BREAK] added internal `ExecutionContextInterface::setConstraint()`
* added `ConstraintViolation::getConstraint()`
* [BC BREAK] The `ExpressionValidator` will now evaluate the Expression even when the property value is null or an empty string
* deprecated `ClassMetadata::hasMemberMetadatas()`
* deprecated `ClassMetadata::getMemberMetadatas()`
* deprecated `ClassMetadata::addMemberMetadata()`
* [BC BREAK] added `Mapping\MetadataInterface::getConstraints()`
* added generic "payload" option to all constraints for attaching domain-specific data
* [BC BREAK] added `ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface::setCause()`
* deprecated `ApcCache` in favor of `DoctrineCache`
* added `DoctrineCache` to adapt any Doctrine cache
* `GroupSequence` now implements `ArrayAccess`, `Countable` and `Traversable`
* [BC BREAK] changed `ClassMetadata::getGroupSequence()` to return a `GroupSequence` instance instead of an array
* `Callback` can now be put onto properties (useful when you pass a closure to the constraint)
* deprecated `ClassBasedInterface`
* deprecated `MetadataInterface`
* deprecated `PropertyMetadataInterface`
* deprecated `PropertyMetadataContainerInterface`
* deprecated `Mapping\ElementMetadata`
* added `Mapping\MetadataInterface`
* added `Mapping\ClassMetadataInterface`
* added `Mapping\PropertyMetadataInterface`
* added `Mapping\GenericMetadata`
* added `Mapping\CascadingStrategy`
* added `Mapping\TraversalStrategy`
* deprecated `Mapping\ClassMetadata::accept()`
* deprecated `Mapping\MemberMetadata::accept()`
* removed array type hint of `Mapping\ClassMetadata::setGroupSequence()`
* deprecated `MetadataFactoryInterface`
* deprecated `Mapping\BlackholeMetadataFactory`
* deprecated `Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory`
* added `Mapping\Factory\MetadataFactoryInterface`
* added `Mapping\Factory\BlackHoleMetadataFactory`
* added `Mapping\Factory\LazyLoadingMetadataFactory`
* deprecated `ExecutionContextInterface`
* deprecated `ExecutionContext`
* deprecated `GlobalExecutionContextInterface`
* added `Context\ExecutionContextInterface`
* added `Context\ExecutionContext`
* added `Context\ExecutionContextFactoryInterface`
* added `Context\ExecutionContextFactory`
* deprecated `ValidatorInterface`
* deprecated `Validator`
* deprecated `ValidationVisitorInterface`
* deprecated `ValidationVisitor`
* added `Validator\ValidatorInterface`
* added `Validator\RecursiveValidator`
* added `Validator\ContextualValidatorInterface`
* added `Validator\RecursiveContextualValidator`
* added `Violation\ConstraintViolationBuilderInterface`
* added `Violation\ConstraintViolationBuilder`
* added `ConstraintViolation::getParameters()`
* added `ConstraintViolation::getPlural()`
* added `Constraints\Traverse`
* deprecated `$deep` property in `Constraints\Valid`
* added `ValidatorBuilderInterface::setApiVersion()`
* added `Validation::API_VERSION_2_4`
* added `Validation::API_VERSION_2_5`
* added `Exception\OutOfBoundsException`
* added `Exception\UnsupportedMetadataException`
* made `Exception\ValidatorException` extend `Exception\RuntimeException`
* added `Util\PropertyPath`
* made the PropertyAccess component an optional dependency
* deprecated `ValidatorBuilder::setPropertyAccessor()`
* deprecated `validate` and `validateValue` on `Validator\Context\ExecutionContext` use `getValidator()` together with `inContext()` instead
* added a constraint the uses the expression language
* added `minRatio`, `maxRatio`, `allowSquare`, `allowLandscape`, and `allowPortrait` to Image validator
* fixed compatibility with PHP7 and up by introducing new constraints (IsNull, IsTrue, IsFalse) and related validators (IsNullValidator, IsTrueValidator, IsFalseValidator)
* added the ISBN, ISSN, and IBAN validators
* copied the constraints `Optional` and `Required` to the
`Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\` namespace and deprecated the original
* added comparison validators (EqualTo, NotEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, IdenticalTo, NotIdenticalTo)
* added a CardScheme validator
* added a Luhn validator
* moved @api-tags from `Validator` to `ValidatorInterface`
* moved @api-tags from `ConstraintViolation` to the new `ConstraintViolationInterface`
* moved @api-tags from `ConstraintViolationList` to the new `ConstraintViolationListInterface`
* moved @api-tags from `ExecutionContext` to the new `ExecutionContextInterface`
* [BC BREAK] `ConstraintValidatorInterface::initialize` is now type hinted against `ExecutionContextInterface` instead of `ExecutionContext`
* [BC BREAK] changed the visibility of the properties in `Validator` from protected to private
* deprecated `ClassMetadataFactoryInterface` in favor of the new `MetadataFactoryInterface`
* deprecated `ClassMetadataFactory::getClassMetadata` in favor of `getMetadataFor`
* created `MetadataInterface`, `PropertyMetadataInterface`, `ClassBasedInterface` and `PropertyMetadataContainerInterface`
* deprecated `GraphWalker` in favor of the new `ValidationVisitorInterface`
* deprecated `ExecutionContext::addViolationAtPath`
* deprecated `ExecutionContext::addViolationAtSubPath` in favor of `ExecutionContextInterface::addViolationAt`
* deprecated `ExecutionContext::getCurrentClass` in favor of `ExecutionContextInterface::getClassName`
* deprecated `ExecutionContext::getCurrentProperty` in favor of `ExecutionContextInterface::getPropertyName`
* deprecated `ExecutionContext::getCurrentValue` in favor of `ExecutionContextInterface::getValue`
* deprecated `ExecutionContext::getGraphWalker` in favor of `ExecutionContextInterface::validate` and `ExecutionContextInterface::validateValue`
* improved `ValidatorInterface::validateValue` to accept arrays of constraints
* changed `ValidatorInterface::getMetadataFactory` to return a `MetadataFactoryInterface` instead of a `ClassMetadataFactoryInterface`
* removed `ClassMetadataFactoryInterface` type hint from `ValidatorBuilderInterface::setMetadataFactory`.
As of Symfony 2.3, this method will be typed against `MetadataFactoryInterface` instead.
* [BC BREAK] the switches `traverse` and `deep` in the `Valid` constraint and in `GraphWalker::walkReference`
are ignored for arrays now. Arrays are always traversed recursively.
* added dependency to Translation component
* violation messages are now translated with a TranslatorInterface implementation
* [BC BREAK] inserted argument `$message` in the constructor of `ConstraintViolation`
* [BC BREAK] inserted arguments `$translator` and `$translationDomain` in the constructor of `ExecutionContext`
* [BC BREAK] inserted arguments `$translator` and `$translationDomain` in the constructor of `GraphWalker`
* [BC BREAK] inserted arguments `$translator` and `$translationDomain` in the constructor of `ValidationVisitor`
* [BC BREAK] inserted arguments `$translator` and `$translationDomain` in the constructor of `Validator`
* [BC BREAK] added `setTranslator()` and `setTranslationDomain()` to `ValidatorBuilderInterface`
* improved the Validator to support pluralized messages by default
* [BC BREAK] changed the source of all pluralized messages in the translation files to the pluralized version
* added ExceptionInterface, BadMethodCallException and InvalidArgumentException
* added support for `ctype_*` assertions in `TypeValidator`
* improved the ImageValidator with min width, max width, min height, and max height constraints
* added support for MIME with wildcard in FileValidator
* changed Collection validator to add "missing" and "extra" errors to
individual fields
* changed default value for `extraFieldsMessage` and `missingFieldsMessage`
in Collection constraint
* made ExecutionContext immutable
* deprecated Constraint methods `setMessage`, `getMessageTemplate` and
* added support for dynamic group sequences with the GroupSequenceProvider pattern
* [BC BREAK] ConstraintValidatorInterface method `isValid` has been renamed to
`validate`, its return value was dropped. ConstraintValidator still contains
`isValid` for BC
* [BC BREAK] collections in fields annotated with `Valid` are not traversed
recursively anymore by default. `Valid` contains a new property `deep`
which enables the BC behavior.
* added Count constraint
* added Length constraint
* added Range constraint
* deprecated the Min and Max constraints
* deprecated the MinLength and MaxLength constraints
* added Validation and ValidatorBuilderInterface
* deprecated ValidatorContext, ValidatorContextInterface and ValidatorFactory