
503 lines
14 KiB

var fs = require("fs")
, child_process = require("child_process")
, path = require("path")
, chain = require("slide").chain
, asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap
, TapProducer = require("./tap-producer.js")
, TapConsumer = require("./tap-consumer.js")
, assert = require("./tap-assert.js")
, inherits = require("inherits")
, util = require("util")
, CovHtml = require("./tap-cov-html.js")
, glob = require("glob")
// XXX Clean up the coverage options
, doCoverage = process.env.TAP_COV
|| process.env.npm_package_config_coverage
|| process.env.npm_config_coverage
module.exports = Runner
inherits(Runner, TapProducer)
function Runner (options, cb) {
this.options = options
var diag = this.options.diag
var dir = this.options.argv.remain, diag)
this.doCoverage = doCoverage
// An array of full paths to files to obtain coverage
this.coverageFiles = []
// The source of these files
this.coverageFilesSource = {}
// Where to write coverage information
this.coverageOutDir = this.options["coverage-dir"]
// Temporary test files bunkerified we'll remove later
this.f2delete = []
// Raw coverage stats, as read from JSON files
this.rawCovStats = []
// Processed coverage information, per file to cover:
this.covStats = {}
if (dir) {
var filesToCover = this.options.cover
if (doCoverage) {
var mkdirp = require("mkdirp")
this.coverageOutDir = path.resolve(this.coverageOutDir)
var self = this
return mkdirp(this.coverageOutDir, '0755', function (er) {
if (er) return self.emit("error", er), cb)
}, cb)
} = function() {
var self = this
, args =
, cb = args.pop() || finish
function finish (er) {
if (er) {
self.emit("error", er)
if (!doCoverage) return self.end()
// Cleanup temporary test files with coverage:
self.f2delete.forEach(function(f) {
self.getFilesToCoverSource(function(err, data) {
if (err) {
self.emit("error", err)
self.getPerFileCovInfo(function(err, data) {
if (err) {
self.emit("error", err)
self.mergeCovStats(function(err, data) {
if (err) {
self.emit("error", err)
CovHtml(self.covStats, self.coverageOutDir, function() {
if (Array.isArray(args[0])) {
args = args[0]
self.runFiles(args, "", cb)
Runner.prototype.runDir = function (dir, cb) {
var self = this
fs.readdir(dir, function (er, files) {
if (er) {
self.write("failed to readdir " + dir, { error: er }))
files = files.sort(function(a, b) {
return a > b ? 1 : -1
files = files.filter(function(f) {
return !f.match(/^\./)
files = {
return path.resolve(dir, file)
self.runFiles(files, path.resolve(dir), cb)
// glob the filenames so that test/*.js works on windows
Runner.prototype.runFiles = function (files, dir, cb) {
var self = this
var globRes = []
chain( (f) {
return function (cb) {
glob(f, function (er, files) {
if (er)
return cb(er)
globRes.push.apply(globRes, files)
}), function (er) {
if (er)
return cb(er)
runFiles(self, globRes, dir, cb)
// set some default options for node debugging tests
function setOptionsForDebug(self) {
// Note: we automatically increase the default timeout here. Yes
// the user can specify --timeout to increase, but by default,
// 30 seconds is not a long time to debug your test.
self.options.timeout = 1000000;
// Note: we automatically turn on stderr so user can see the 'debugger listening on port' message.
// Without this it looks like tap has hung..
self.options.stderr = true;
function runFiles(self, files, dir, cb) {
chain( {
return function (cb) {
if (self._bailedOut) return
var relDir = dir || path.dirname(f)
, fileName = relDir === "." ? f : f.substr(relDir.length + 1)
fs.lstat(f, function(er, st) {
if (er) {
self.write("failed to stat " + f, {error: er}))
return cb()
var cmd = f, args = [], env = {}
if (path.extname(f) === ".js") {
cmd = process.execPath
if (self.options.gc) {
if (self.options.debug) {
if (self.options["debug-brk"]) {
if (self.options.strict) {
if (self.options.harmony) {
} else if (path.extname(f) === ".coffee") {
cmd = "coffee"
} else {
// Check if file is executable
if ((st.mode & parseInt('0100', 8)) && process.getuid) {
if (process.getuid() != st.uid) {
return cb()
} else if ((st.mode & parseInt('0010', 8)) && process.getgid) {
if (process.getgid() != st.gid) {
return cb()
} else if ((st.mode & parseInt('0001', 8)) == 0) {
return cb()
cmd = path.resolve(cmd)
if (st.isDirectory()) {
return self.runDir(f, cb)
if (doCoverage && path.extname(f) === ".js") {
var foriginal = fs.readFileSync(f, "utf8")
, fcontents = self.coverHeader() + foriginal + self.coverFooter()
, tmpBaseName = path.basename(f, path.extname(f))
+ ".with-coverage." + + path.extname(f)
, tmpFname = path.resolve(path.dirname(f), tmpBaseName)
fs.writeFileSync(tmpFname, fcontents, "utf8")
args.splice(-1, 1, tmpFname)
for (var i in process.env) {
env[i] = process.env[i]
env.TAP = 1
var cp = child_process.spawn(cmd, args, { env: env, cwd: relDir })
, out = ""
, err = ""
, tc = new TapConsumer()
, childTests = [f]
var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
if (!cp._ended) {
cp._timedOut = true
}, self.options.timeout * 1000)
tc.on("data", function(c) {
self.emit("result", c)
tc.on("bailout", function (message) {
console.log("# " + f.substr(process.cwd().length + 1))
process.stdout.write(out + "\n")
self._bailedOut = true
cp._ended = true
cp.stdout.on("data", function (c) { out += c })
cp.stderr.on("data", function (c) {
if (self.options.stderr) process.stderr.write(c)
err += c
cp.on("close", function (code, signal) {
if (cp._ended) return
cp._ended = true
var ok = !cp._timedOut && code === 0
//childTests.forEach(function (c) { self.write(c) })
var res = { name: path.dirname(f).replace(process.cwd() + "/", "")
+ "/" + fileName
, ok: ok
, exit: code }
if (cp._timedOut)
res.timedOut = cp._timedOut
if (signal)
res.signal = signal
if (err) {
res.stderr = err
if (tc.results.ok &&
tc.results.tests === 0 &&
!self.options.stderr) {
// perhaps a compilation error or something else failed.
// no need if stderr is set, since it will have been
// output already anyway.
// tc.results.ok = tc.results.ok && ok
res.command = '"'+[cmd].concat(args).join(" ")+'"'
self.emit("result", res)
self.emit("file", f, res, tc.results)
if (doCoverage) {
}), cb)
return self
// Get an array of full paths to files we are interested into obtain
// code coverage.
Runner.prototype.getFilesToCover = function(filesToCover) {
var self = this
filesToCover = filesToCover.split(",").map(function(f) {
return path.resolve(f)
}).filter(function(f) {
var existsSync = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync;
return existsSync(f)
function recursive(f) {
if (path.extname(f) === "") {
// Is a directory:
fs.readdirSync(f).forEach(function(p) {
recursive(f + "/" + p)
} else {
filesToCover.forEach(function(f) {
// Prepend to every test file to run. Note tap.test at the very top due it
// "plays" with include paths.
Runner.prototype.coverHeader = function() {
// semi here since we're injecting it before the first line,
// and don't want to mess up line numbers in the test files.
return "var ___TAP_COVERAGE = require("
+ JSON.stringify(require.resolve("runforcover"))
+ ").cover(/.*/g);"
// Append at the end of every test file to run. Actually, the stuff which gets
// the coverage information.
// Maybe it would be better to move into a separate file template so editing
// could be easier.
Runner.prototype.coverFooter = function() {
var self = this
// This needs to be a string with proper interpolations:
return [ ""
, "var ___TAP = require(" + JSON.stringify(require.resolve("./main.js")) + ")"
, "if (typeof ___TAP._plan === 'number') ___TAP._plan ++"
, "___TAP.test(" + JSON.stringify("___coverage") + ", function(t) {"
, " var covFiles = " + JSON.stringify(self.coverageFiles)
, " , covDir = " + JSON.stringify(self.coverageOutDir)
, " , path = require('path')"
, " , fs = require('fs')"
, " , testFnBase = path.basename(__filename, '.js') + '.json'"
, " , testFn = path.resolve(covDir, testFnBase)"
, ""
, " function asyncForEach(arr, fn, callback) {"
, " if (!arr.length) {"
, " return callback()"
, " }"
, " var completed = 0"
, " arr.forEach(function(i) {"
, " fn(i, function (err) {"
, " if (err) {"
, " callback(err)"
, " callback = function () {}"
, " } else {"
, " completed += 1"
, " if (completed === arr.length) {"
, " callback()"
, " }"
, " }"
, " })"
, " })"
, " }"
, ""
, " ___TAP_COVERAGE(function(coverageData) {"
, " var outObj = {}"
, " asyncForEach(covFiles, function(f, cb) {"
, " if (coverageData[f]) {"
, " var stats = coverageData[f].stats()"
, " , stObj = stats"
, " stObj.lines = (l) {"
, " return { number: l.lineno, source: l.source() }"
, " })"
, " outObj[f] = stObj"
, " }"
, " cb()"
, " }, function(err) {"
, " ___TAP_COVERAGE.release()"
, " fs.writeFileSync(testFn, JSON.stringify(outObj))"
, " t.end()"
, " })"
, " })"
, "})" ].join("\n")
Runner.prototype.getFilesToCoverSource = function(cb) {
var self = this
asyncMap(self.coverageFiles, function(f, cb) {
fs.readFile(f, "utf8", function(err, data) {
var lc = 0
if (err) {
self.coverageFilesSource[f] = data.split("\n").map(function(l) {
lc += 1
return { number: lc, source: l }
}, cb)
Runner.prototype.getPerFileCovInfo = function(cb) {
var self = this
, covPath = path.resolve(self.coverageOutDir)
fs.readdir(covPath, function(err, files) {
if (err) {
self.emit("error", err)
var covFiles = files.filter(function(f) {
return path.extname(f) === ".json"
asyncMap(covFiles, function(f, cb) {
fs.readFile(path.resolve(covPath, f), "utf8", function(err, data) {
if (err) {
}, function(f, cb) {
fs.unlink(path.resolve(covPath, f), cb)
}, cb)
Runner.prototype.mergeCovStats = function(cb) {
var self = this
self.rawCovStats.forEach(function(st) {
Object.keys(st).forEach(function(i) {
// If this is the first time we reach this file, just add the info:
if (!self.covStats[i]) {
self.covStats[i] = {
missing: st[i].lines
} else {
// If we already added info for this file before, we need to remove
// from self.covStats any line not duplicated again (since it has
// run on such case)
self.covStats[i].missing = self.covStats[i].missing.filter(
function(l) {
return (st[i].lines.indexOf(l))
// This is due to a bug into
// chrisdickinson/node-bunker/blob/feature/add-coverage-interface
// which is using array indexes for line numbers instead of the right number
Object.keys(self.covStats).forEach(function(f) {
self.covStats[f].missing = self.covStats[f] {
return { number: line.number, source: line.source }
Object.keys(self.coverageFilesSource).forEach(function(f) {
if (!self.covStats[f]) {
self.covStats[f] = { missing: self.coverageFilesSource[f]
, percentage: 0
self.covStats[f].lines = self.coverageFilesSource[f]
self.covStats[f].loc = self.coverageFilesSource[f].length
if (!self.covStats[f].percentage) {
self.covStats[f].percentage =
1 - (self.covStats[f].missing.length / self.covStats[f].loc)