
247 lines
6.8 KiB

module.exports = TapConsumer
// pipe a stream into this that's emitting tap-formatted data,
// and it'll emit "data" events with test objects or comment strings
// and an "end" event with the final results.
var yamlish = require("yamlish")
, Results = require("./tap-results")
, inherits = require("inherits")
TapConsumer.decode = TapConsumer.parse = function (str) {
var tc = new TapConsumer
, list = []
tc.on("data", function (res) {
tc.results.list = list
return tc.results
var Stream = require("stream").Stream
inherits(TapConsumer, Stream)
function TapConsumer () {
if (!(this instanceof TapConsumer)) {
return new TapConsumer
this.results = new Results
this.readable = this.writable = true
this.on("data", function (res) {
if (typeof res === "object") this.results.add(res)
this._plan = null
this._buffer = ""
this._indent = []
this._current = null
this._actualCount = 0
this._passed = []
this._failed = []
//console.error("TapConsumer ctor done")
TapConsumer.prototype.bailedOut = false
TapConsumer.prototype.write = function (chunk) {
if (!this.writable) this.emit("error", new Error("not writable"))
if (this.bailedOut) return true
this._buffer = this._buffer + chunk
// split it up into lines.
var lines = this._buffer.split(/\r?\n/)
// ignore the last line, since it might be incomplete.
this._buffer = lines.pop()
for (var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i ++) {
//console.error([i, lines[i]])
// see if it's indented.
var line = lines[i]
, spaces = (this._indent.length && !line.trim())
|| line.match(/^\s/)
// at this level, only interested in fully undented stuff.
if (spaces) {
var c = i
while (c < l && (!lines[c].trim() || lines[c].match(/^\s/))) {
//console.error(c-i, "indented", this._indent, this._current)
i = c - 1
// some kind of line. summary, ok, notok, comment, or garbage.
// this also finishes parsing any of the indented lines from before
return true
TapConsumer.prototype.end = function () {
// finish up any hanging indented sections or final buffer
if (this._buffer.match(/^\s/)) this._indent.push(this.buffer)
else this._parseLine(this._buffer)
if (!this.bailedOut &&
this._plan !== null &&
this.results.testsTotal !== this._plan) {
while (this._actualCount < this._plan) {
this.emit("data", {ok: false, name:"MISSING TEST",
id:this._actualCount ++ })
this._buffer = ""
this.writable = false
this.emit("end", null, this._actualCount, this._passed)
TapConsumer.prototype._parseLine = function (line) {
if (this.bailedOut) return
//console.error("_parseLine", [line])
// if there are any indented lines, and there is a
// current object already, then they belong to it.
// if there is not a current object, then they're garbage.
if (this._current && this._indent.length) {
this._indent.length = 0
if (this._current) {
if (this._current.ok) this._passed.push(
else this._failed.push(
this.emit("data", this._current)
this._current = null
line = line.trim()
if (!line) return
// try to see what kind of line this is.
var bo
if (bo = line.match(/^bail out!\s*(.*)$/i)) {
this.bailedOut = true
// this.emit("error", new Error(line))
this.emit("bailout", bo[1])
if (line.match(/^#/)) { // just a comment
line = line.replace(/^#+/, "").trim()
// console.error("outputting comment", [line])
if (line) this.emit("data", line)
var plan = line.match(/^([0-9]+)\.\.([0-9]+)(?:\s+#(.*))?$/)
if (plan) {
var start = +(plan[1])
, end = +(plan[2])
, comment = plan[3]
// TODO: maybe do something else with this?
// it might be something like: "1..0 #Skip because of reasons"
this._plan = end
this.emit("plan", end, comment)
// plan must come before or after all tests.
if (this._actualCount !== 0) {
this._sawPlan = true
if (line.match(/^(not )?ok(?:\s+([0-9]+))?/)) {
// garbage. emit as a comment.
//console.error("emitting", [line.trim()])
if (line.trim()) this.emit("data", line.trim())
TapConsumer.prototype._parseDirective = function (line) {
line = line.trim()
if (line.match(/^TODO\b/i)) {
return { todo:true, explanation: line.replace(/^TODO\s*/i, "") }
} else if (line.match(/^SKIP\b/i)) {
return { skip:true, explanation: line.replace(/^SKIP\s*/i, "") }
TapConsumer.prototype._parseResultLine = function (line) {
this._actualCount ++
if (this._sawPlan) {
this.emit("data", {ok: false, name:"plan in the middle of tests"
,id:this._actualCount ++})
var parsed = line.match(/^(not )?ok(?: ([0-9]+))?(?:(?: - )?(.*))?$/)
, ok = !parsed[1]
, id = +(parsed[2] || this._actualCount)
, rest = parsed[3] || ""
, name
, res = { id:id, ok:ok }
// split on un-escaped # characters
//console.log("# "+JSON.stringify([name, rest]))
rest = rest.replace(/([^\\])((?:\\\\)*)#/g, "$1\n$2").split("\n")
name = rest.shift()
rest = rest.filter(function (r) { return r.trim() }).join("#")
//console.log("# "+JSON.stringify([name, rest]))
// now, let's see if there's a directive in there.
var dir = this._parseDirective(rest.trim())
if (!dir) name += rest ? "#" + rest : ""
else {
res.ok = true
if (dir.skip) res.skip = true
else if (dir.todo) res.todo = true
if (dir.explanation) res.explanation = dir.explanation
} = name
//console.error(line, [ok, id, name])
this._current = res
TapConsumer.prototype._parseIndented = function () {
// pull yamlish block out
var ind = this._indent
, ys
, ye
, yind
, diag
//console.error(ind, this._indent)
for (var i = 0, l = ind.length; i < l; i ++) {
var line = ind[i]
if (line === undefined) continue
var lt = line.trim()
if (!ys) {
ys = line.match(/^(\s*)---(.*)$/)
if (ys) {
yind = ys[1]
diag = [ys[2]]
//console.error([line,ys, diag])
} else if (lt) this.emit("data", lt)
} else if (ys && !ye) {
if (line === yind + "...") ye = true
else {
} else if (ys && ye && lt) this.emit("data", lt)
if (diag) {
//console.error('about to parse', diag)
diag = yamlish.decode(diag.join("\n"))
//console.error('parsed', diag)
Object.keys(diag).forEach(function (k) {
//console.error(this._current, k)
if (!this._current.hasOwnProperty(k)) this._current[k] = diag[k]
}, this)