Mechanismes objets

L'impossible définition

Pour être qualifié de Orienté Objet, un langage doit être **pur**.

.. glossary::

    langage pur

        Langage dans lequel tout est objet. Exemples : smalltalk, python

- We should stop using the term "Object Oriented".
- plusieurs définitions :
- on ne peut pas en choisir une seule :

Quelques essais de définition technique :

- Les objets sont des dictionnaires, des clefs-valeurs qui peuvent contenir
  des pointeurs sur des fonctions. Le reste n'est que sucre syntaxique.

- Variante: "objects are maps that can map interfaces and/or references to other such maps."

- OO is the view of **EverythingIsa** a behavior (including data structures)

- OO is the "natural extension" of programmer-defined types (sometimes known as user-defined types).

- Inheritance + Encapsulation (no polymorphism): "Inheritance is what separates abstract data type (ADT) programming from OO programming."

class based programming

In a class-based language (like Python JavaLanguage or SmalltalkLanguage), every object is an instance of a class.
An object contains its own data (instance variables), but its class holds its behaviour (methods). To make a new object, you ask a class to "instantiate" itself.

An Object Oriented system, language, or environment should include at least Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and Inheritance.

There is a largely accepted definition of OO: roughly the style encouraged by
Java (classes, encapsulation, inheritance, subtype polymorphism, and even
sometimes genericity).


- d'attributs
- de méthode (exposer une interface mais on ne sait pas comment cette interface est codée)


Than please define what you think delegation is. Let's start with something concrete:
If the method call::


Is then resolved in the body of TargetClass.method() to:

Yet another reason is the popularity of languages that brand themselves "OO".
C++, Java, Python, Javascript, Self… New ones pop up daily. That doesn't help
define "OO", but it does makes it ever more present.

les méthodes spéciales

Les méthodes spéciales permettent de changer la manière dont Python
réagit à certains opérateurs et accède aux attributs d’une instance.
Les méthodes spéciales sont entourées de deux "__"

La liaison retardée

Internal polymorphism is the kind of polymorphism that you see in most OO computer languages. When you call a method on an object the actual function called is based on the dynamic type of the object.


A prototype is an object that is used as a template to create other objects. 2 mechanisms are used for this: copy and delegation. When creating a derived object from a prototype, you can copy part of the prototype. The part that isn't copied can still be accessed through a delegation pointer stored in the derived object. When you try to access a member of the derived object, and it isn't there, we walk up the delegation pointer to ask the prototype instead.

Prototype based programming have lots of interesting implications, that I have no experience with. I don't know how if it helps you write shorter or more modular code, especially compared to other mechanisms. I will just note that prototypes are easily implemented (or emulated) in any dynamic language with first class functions and associative maps.

In a prototype-based language, an object can contain both data and behaviour. It's a self-contained thing. To make a new object, you just call the "copy" method on an existing object.