require=(function(e,t,n){function i(n,s){if(!t[n]){if(!e[n]){var o=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!s&&o)return o(n,!0);if(r)return r(n,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+n+"'")}var u=t[n]={exports:{}};e[n][0].call(u.exports,function(t){var r=e[n][1][t];return i(r?r:t)},u,u.exports)}return t[n].exports}var r=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var s=0;s 0) { var fn = queue.shift(); fn(); } } }, true); return function nextTick(fn) { queue.push(fn); window.postMessage('process-tick', '*'); }; } return function nextTick(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }; })(); process.title = 'browser'; process.browser = true; process.env = {}; process.argv = []; process.binding = function (name) { throw new Error('process.binding is not supported'); } // TODO(shtylman) process.cwd = function () { return '/' }; process.chdir = function (dir) { throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported'); }; },{}],1:[function(require,module,exports){ (function(process){if (!process.EventEmitter) process.EventEmitter = function () {}; var EventEmitter = exports.EventEmitter = process.EventEmitter; var isArray = typeof Array.isArray === 'function' ? Array.isArray : function (xs) { return === '[object Array]' } ; function indexOf (xs, x) { if (xs.indexOf) return xs.indexOf(x); for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { if (x === xs[i]) return i; } return -1; } // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than // 10 listeners are added to it. This is a useful default which // helps finding memory leaks. // // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. var defaultMaxListeners = 10; EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) { if (!this._events) this._events = {}; this._events.maxListeners = n; }; EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) { // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw. if (type === 'error') { if (!this._events || !this._events.error || (isArray(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length)) { if (arguments[1] instanceof Error) { throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event } else { throw new Error("Uncaught, unspecified 'error' event."); } return false; } } if (!this._events) return false; var handler = this._events[type]; if (!handler) return false; if (typeof handler == 'function') { switch (arguments.length) { // fast cases case 1:; break; case 2:, arguments[1]); break; case 3:, arguments[1], arguments[2]); break; // slower default: var args =, 1); handler.apply(this, args); } return true; } else if (isArray(handler)) { var args =, 1); var listeners = handler.slice(); for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) { listeners[i].apply(this, args); } return true; } else { return false; } }; // EventEmitter is defined in src/ // EventEmitter.prototype.emit() is also defined there. EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) { if ('function' !== typeof listener) { throw new Error('addListener only takes instances of Function'); } if (!this._events) this._events = {}; // To avoid recursion in the case that type == "newListeners"! Before // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListeners". this.emit('newListener', type, listener); if (!this._events[type]) { // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. this._events[type] = listener; } else if (isArray(this._events[type])) { // Check for listener leak if (!this._events[type].warned) { var m; if (this._events.maxListeners !== undefined) { m = this._events.maxListeners; } else { m = defaultMaxListeners; } if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) { this._events[type].warned = true; console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' + 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' + 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.', this._events[type].length); console.trace(); } } // If we've already got an array, just append. this._events[type].push(listener); } else { // Adding the second element, need to change to array. this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener]; } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener; EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) { var self = this; self.on(type, function g() { self.removeListener(type, g); listener.apply(this, arguments); }); return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) { if ('function' !== typeof listener) { throw new Error('removeListener only takes instances of Function'); } // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type] if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) return this; var list = this._events[type]; if (isArray(list)) { var i = indexOf(list, listener); if (i < 0) return this; list.splice(i, 1); if (list.length == 0) delete this._events[type]; } else if (this._events[type] === listener) { delete this._events[type]; } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) { if (arguments.length === 0) { this._events = {}; return this; } // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type] if (type && this._events && this._events[type]) this._events[type] = null; return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) { if (!this._events) this._events = {}; if (!this._events[type]) this._events[type] = []; if (!isArray(this._events[type])) { this._events[type] = [this._events[type]]; } return this._events[type]; }; })(require("__browserify_process")) },{"__browserify_process":2}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ var Api = require('./remark/api') , polyfills = require('./polyfills') , styler = require('components/styler') ; // Expose API as `remark` window.remark = new Api(); // Apply polyfills as needed polyfills.apply(); // Apply embedded styles to document styler.styleDocument(); },{"components/styler":"t5Lx4S","./remark/api":4,"./polyfills":5}],"components/styler":[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require('t5Lx4S'); },{}],"t5Lx4S":[function(require,module,exports){ var resources = require('../../resources') , highlighter = require('../../highlighter') ; module.exports = { styleDocument: styleDocument , setPageSize: setPageSize }; // Applies bundled styles to document function styleDocument () { var headElement, styleElement, style; // Bail out if document has already been styled if (getRemarkStylesheet()) { return; } headElement = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.type = 'text/css'; // Set title in order to enable lookup styleElement.title = 'remark'; // Set document styles styleElement.innerHTML = resources.documentStyles; // Append highlighting styles for (style in highlighter.styles) { if (highlighter.styles.hasOwnProperty(style)) { styleElement.innerHTML = styleElement.innerHTML + highlighter.styles[style]; } } // Put element first to prevent overriding user styles headElement.insertBefore(styleElement, headElement.firstChild); } function setPageSize (size) { var stylesheet = getRemarkStylesheet() , pageRule = getPageRule(stylesheet) ; = size; } // Locates the embedded remark stylesheet function getRemarkStylesheet () { var i, l = document.styleSheets.length; for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) { if (document.styleSheets[i].title === 'remark') { return document.styleSheets[i]; } } } // Locates the CSS @page rule function getPageRule (stylesheet) { var i, l = stylesheet.cssRules.length; for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) { if (stylesheet.cssRules[i] instanceof window.CSSPageRule) { return stylesheet.cssRules[i]; } } } },{"../../resources":6,"../../highlighter":7}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ exports.apply = function () { forEach([Array, window.NodeList, window.HTMLCollection], extend); }; function forEach (list, f) { var i; for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { f(list[i], i); } } function extend (object) { var prototype = object && object.prototype; if (!prototype) { return; } prototype.forEach = prototype.forEach || function (f) { forEach(this, f); }; prototype.filter = prototype.filter || function (f) { var result = []; this.forEach(function (element) { if (f(element, result.length)) { result.push(element); } }); return result; }; = || function (f) { var result = []; this.forEach(function (element) { result.push(f(element, result.length)); }); return result; }; } },{}],"components/timer":[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports=require('yAcg0L'); },{}],"yAcg0L":[function(require,module,exports){ var utils = require('../../utils'); module.exports = TimerViewModel; function TimerViewModel (events, element) { var self = this; = events; self.element = element; self.startTime = null; self.pauseStart = null; self.pauseLength = 0; element.innerHTML = '0:00:00'; setInterval(function() { self.updateTimer(); }, 100); events.on('start', function () { // When we do the first slide change, start the clock. self.startTime = new Date(); }); events.on('resetTimer', function () { // If we reset the timer, clear everything. self.startTime = null; self.pauseStart = null; self.pauseLength = 0; self.element.innerHTML = '0:00:00'; }); events.on('pause', function () { self.pauseStart = new Date(); }); events.on('resume', function () { self.pauseLength += new Date() - self.pauseStart; self.pauseStart = null; }); } TimerViewModel.prototype.updateTimer = function () { var self = this; if (self.startTime) { var millis; // If we're currently paused, measure elapsed time from the pauseStart. // Otherwise, use "now". if (self.pauseStart) { millis = self.pauseStart - self.startTime - self.pauseLength; } else { millis = new Date() - self.startTime - self.pauseLength; } var seconds = Math.floor(millis / 1000) % 60; var minutes = Math.floor(millis / 60000) % 60; var hours = Math.floor(millis / 3600000); self.element.innerHTML = hours + (minutes > 9 ? ':' : ':0') + minutes + (seconds > 9 ? ':' : ':0') + seconds; } }; },{"../../utils":8}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ /* Automatically generated */ module.exports = { documentStyles: "html.remark-container,body.remark-container{height:100%;width:100%;-webkit-print-color-adjust:exact;}.remark-container{background:#d7d8d2;margin:0;overflow:hidden;}.remark-container:focus{outline-style:solid;outline-width:1px;}:-webkit-full-screen .remark-container{width:100%;height:100%;}.remark-slides-area{position:relative;height:100%;width:100%;}.remark-slide-container{display:none;position:absolute;height:100%;width:100%;page-break-after:always;}.remark-slide-scaler{background-color:transparent;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;-webkit-transform-origin:top left;-moz-transform-origin:top left;transform-origin:top-left;-moz-box-shadow:0 0 30px #888;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 30px #888;box-shadow:0 0 30px #888;}.remark-slide{height:100%;width:100%;display:table;table-layout:fixed;}.remark-slide>.left{text-align:left;}.remark-slide>.center{text-align:center;}.remark-slide>.right{text-align:right;}.remark-slide>.top{vertical-align:top;}.remark-slide>.middle{vertical-align:middle;}.remark-slide>.bottom{vertical-align:bottom;}.remark-slide-content{background-color:#fff;background-position:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;display:table-cell;font-size:20px;padding:1em 4em 1em 4em;}.remark-slide-content h1{font-size:55px;}.remark-slide-content h2{font-size:45px;}.remark-slide-content h3{font-size:35px;}.remark-slide-content .left{display:block;text-align:left;}.remark-slide-content .center{display:block;text-align:center;}.remark-slide-content .right{display:block;text-align:right;}.remark-slide-number{bottom:12px;opacity:0.5;position:absolute;right:20px;}.remark-slide-notes{border-top:3px solid black;position:absolute;display:none;}.remark-code{font-size:18px;}.remark-code-line{min-height:1em;}.remark-code-line-highlighted{background-color:rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5);}.remark-code-span-highlighted{background-color:rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5);padding:1px 2px 2px 2px;}.remark-visible{display:block;z-index:2;}.remark-fading{display:block;z-index:1;}.remark-fading .remark-slide-scaler{-moz-box-shadow:none;-webkit-box-shadow:none;box-shadow:none;}.remark-backdrop{position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;display:none;background:#000;z-index:2;}.remark-pause{bottom:0;top:0;right:0;left:0;display:none;position:absolute;z-index:1000;}.remark-pause .remark-pause-lozenge{margin-top:30%;text-align:center;}.remark-pause .remark-pause-lozenge span{color:white;background:black;border:2px solid black;border-radius:20px;padding:20px 30px;font-family:Helvetica,arial,freesans,clean,sans-serif;font-size:42pt;font-weight:bold;}.remark-container.remark-presenter-mode.remark-pause-mode .remark-pause{display:block;}.remark-container.remark-presenter-mode.remark-pause-mode .remark-backdrop{display:block;opacity:0.5;}.remark-help{bottom:0;top:0;right:0;left:0;display:none;position:absolute;z-index:1000;-webkit-transform-origin:top left;-moz-transform-origin:top left;transform-origin:top-left;}.remark-help .remark-help-content{color:white;font-family:Helvetica,arial,freesans,clean,sans-serif;font-size:12pt;position:absolute;top:5%;bottom:10%;height:10%;left:5%;width:90%;}.remark-help .remark-help-content h1{font-size:36px;}.remark-help .remark-help-content td{color:white;font-size:12pt;padding:10px;}.remark-help .remark-help-content td:first-child{padding-left:0;}.remark-help .remark-help-content .key{background:white;color:black;min-width:1em;display:inline-block;padding:3px 6px;text-align:center;border-radius:4px;font-size:14px;}.remark-help .dismiss{top:85%;}.remark-container.remark-help-mode .remark-help{display:block;}.remark-container.remark-help-mode .remark-backdrop{display:block;opacity:0.95;}.remark-preview-area{bottom:2%;left:2%;display:none;opacity:0.5;position:absolute;height:47.25%;width:48%;}.remark-preview-area .remark-slide-container{display:block;}.remark-notes-area{background:#e7e8e2;bottom:0;display:none;left:52%;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;}.remark-notes-area .remark-top-area{height:50px;left:20px;position:absolute;right:10px;top:10px;}.remark-notes-area .remark-bottom-area{position:absolute;top:75px;bottom:10px;left:20px;right:10px;}.remark-notes-area .remark-bottom-area .remark-toggle{display:block;text-decoration:none;font-family:Helvetica,arial,freesans,clean,sans-serif;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;height:21px;font-size:0.75em;font-weight:bold;text-transform:uppercase;color:#666;text-shadow:#f5f5f5 1px 1px 1px;}.remark-notes-area .remark-bottom-area .remark-notes-current-area{height:70%;position:relative;}.remark-notes-area .remark-bottom-area .remark-notes-current-area .remark-notes{clear:both;border-top:1px solid #f5f5f5;position:absolute;top:22px;bottom:0px;left:0px;right:0px;overflow-y:auto;margin-bottom:20px;}.remark-notes-area .remark-bottom-area .remark-notes-preview-area{height:30%;position:relative;}.remark-notes-area .remark-bottom-area .remark-notes-preview-area .remark-notes-preview{border-top:1px solid #f5f5f5;position:absolute;top:22px;bottom:0px;left:0px;right:0px;overflow-y:auto;}.remark-notes-area .remark-bottom-area .remark-notes>*:first-child,.remark-notes-area .remark-bottom-area .remark-notes-preview>*:first-child{margin-top:5px;}.remark-notes-area .remark-bottom-area .remark-notes>*:last-child,.remark-notes-area .remark-bottom-area .remark-notes-preview>*:last-child{margin-bottom:0;}.remark-toolbar{color:#979892;vertical-align:middle;}.remark-toolbar .remark-toolbar-link{border:2px solid #d7d8d2;color:#979892;display:inline-block;padding:2px 2px;text-decoration:none;text-align:center;min-width:20px;}.remark-toolbar .remark-toolbar-link:hover{border-color:#979892;color:#676862;}.remark-toolbar .remark-toolbar-timer{border:2px solid black;border-radius:10px;background:black;color:white;display:inline-block;float:right;padding:5px 10px;font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-size:175%;text-decoration:none;text-align:center;}.remark-container.remark-presenter-mode .remark-slides-area{top:2%;left:2%;height:47.25%;width:48%;}.remark-container.remark-presenter-mode .remark-preview-area{display:block;}.remark-container.remark-presenter-mode .remark-notes-area{display:block;}.remark-container.remark-blackout-mode:not(.remark-presenter-mode) .remark-backdrop{display:block;opacity:0.99;}.remark-container.remark-mirrored-mode:not(.remark-presenter-mode) .remark-slides-area{-webkit-transform:scaleX(-1);-moz-transform:scaleX(-1);-ms-transform:scaleX(-1);-o-transform:scaleX(-1);}@media print{.remark-container{overflow:visible;background-color:#fff;} .remark-container.remark-presenter-mode .remark-slides-area{top:0px;left:0px;height:100%;width:681px;} .remark-container.remark-presenter-mode .remark-preview-area,.remark-container.remark-presenter-mode .remark-notes-area{display:none;} .remark-container.remark-presenter-mode .remark-slide-notes{display:block;margin-left:30px;width:621px;} .remark-slide-container{display:block;position:relative;} .remark-slide-scaler{-moz-box-shadow:none;-webkit-box-shadow:none;box-shadow:none;}}@page {margin:0;}", containerLayout: "
\n +\n -\n \n
Notes for current slide
Notes for next slide
\n Paused\n



Keyboard shortcuts

\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n ,\n ,\n Pg Up,\n k\n Go to previous slide
\n ,\n ,\n Pg Dn,\n Space,\n j\n Go to next slide
\n Home\n Go to first slide
\n End\n Go to last slide
\n b /\n m /\n f\n Toggle blackout / mirrored / fullscreen mode
\n c\n Clone slideshow
\n p\n Toggle presenter mode
\n t\n Restart the presentation timer
\n ?,\n h\n Toggle this help
\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n Esc\n Back to slideshow
\n" }; },{}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ (function(){/* Automatically generated */ var hljs = new (/* Syntax highlighting with language autodetection. */ function() { /* Utility functions */ function escape(value) { return value.replace(/&/gm, '&').replace(//gm, '>'); } function tag(node) { return node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); } function testRe(re, lexeme) { var match = re && re.exec(lexeme); return match && match.index == 0; } function blockLanguage(block) { var classes = (block.className + ' ' + (block.parentNode ? block.parentNode.className : '')).split(/\s+/); classes = {return c.replace(/^lang(uage)?-/, '');}); return classes.filter(function(c) {return getLanguage(c) || c == 'no-highlight';})[0]; } function inherit(parent, obj) { var result = {}; for (var key in parent) result[key] = parent[key]; if (obj) for (var key in obj) result[key] = obj[key]; return result; }; /* Stream merging */ function nodeStream(node) { var result = []; (function _nodeStream(node, offset) { for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { if (child.nodeType == 3) offset += child.nodeValue.length; else if (tag(child) == 'br') offset += 1; else if (child.nodeType == 1) { result.push({ event: 'start', offset: offset, node: child }); offset = _nodeStream(child, offset); result.push({ event: 'stop', offset: offset, node: child }); } } return offset; })(node, 0); return result; } function mergeStreams(original, highlighted, value) { var processed = 0; var result = ''; var nodeStack = []; function selectStream() { if (!original.length || !highlighted.length) { return original.length ? original : highlighted; } if (original[0].offset != highlighted[0].offset) { return (original[0].offset < highlighted[0].offset) ? original : highlighted; } /* To avoid starting the stream just before it should stop the order is ensured that original always starts first and closes last: if (event1 == 'start' && event2 == 'start') return original; if (event1 == 'start' && event2 == 'stop') return highlighted; if (event1 == 'stop' && event2 == 'start') return original; if (event1 == 'stop' && event2 == 'stop') return highlighted; ... which is collapsed to: */ return highlighted[0].event == 'start' ? original : highlighted; } function open(node) { function attr_str(a) {return ' ' + a.nodeName + '="' + escape(a.value) + '"';} result += '<' + tag(node) +, attr_str).join('') + '>'; } function close(node) { result += ''; } function render(event) { (event.event == 'start' ? open : close)(event.node); } while (original.length || highlighted.length) { var stream = selectStream(); result += escape(value.substr(processed, stream[0].offset - processed)); processed = stream[0].offset; if (stream == original) { /* On any opening or closing tag of the original markup we first close the entire highlighted node stack, then render the original tag along with all the following original tags at the same offset and then reopen all the tags on the highlighted stack. */ nodeStack.reverse().forEach(close); do { render(stream.splice(0, 1)[0]); stream = selectStream(); } while (stream == original && stream.length && stream[0].offset == processed); nodeStack.reverse().forEach(open); } else { if (stream[0].event == 'start') { nodeStack.push(stream[0].node); } else { nodeStack.pop(); } render(stream.splice(0, 1)[0]); } } return result + escape(value.substr(processed)); } /* Initialization */ function compileLanguage(language) { function reStr(re) { return (re && re.source) || re; } function langRe(value, global) { return RegExp( reStr(value), 'm' + (language.case_insensitive ? 'i' : '') + (global ? 'g' : '') ); } function compileMode(mode, parent) { if (mode.compiled) return; mode.compiled = true; mode.keywords = mode.keywords || mode.beginKeywords; if (mode.keywords) { var compiled_keywords = {}; function flatten(className, str) { if (language.case_insensitive) { str = str.toLowerCase(); } str.split(' ').forEach(function(kw) { var pair = kw.split('|'); compiled_keywords[pair[0]] = [className, pair[1] ? Number(pair[1]) : 1]; }); } if (typeof mode.keywords == 'string') { // string flatten('keyword', mode.keywords); } else { Object.keys(mode.keywords).forEach(function (className) { flatten(className, mode.keywords[className]); }); } mode.keywords = compiled_keywords; } mode.lexemesRe = langRe(mode.lexemes || /\b[A-Za-z0-9_]+\b/, true); if (parent) { if (mode.beginKeywords) { mode.begin = '\\b(' + mode.beginKeywords.split(' ').join('|') + ')\\b'; } if (!mode.begin) mode.begin = /\B|\b/; mode.beginRe = langRe(mode.begin); if (!mode.end && !mode.endsWithParent) mode.end = /\B|\b/; if (mode.end) mode.endRe = langRe(mode.end); mode.terminator_end = reStr(mode.end) || ''; if (mode.endsWithParent && parent.terminator_end) mode.terminator_end += (mode.end ? '|' : '') + parent.terminator_end; } if (mode.illegal) mode.illegalRe = langRe(mode.illegal); if (mode.relevance === undefined) mode.relevance = 1; if (!mode.contains) { mode.contains = []; } var expanded_contains = []; mode.contains.forEach(function(c) { if (c.variants) { c.variants.forEach(function(v) {expanded_contains.push(inherit(c, v));}); } else { expanded_contains.push(c == 'self' ? mode : c); } }); mode.contains = expanded_contains; mode.contains.forEach(function(c) {compileMode(c, mode);}); if (mode.starts) { compileMode(mode.starts, parent); } var terminators = { return c.beginKeywords ? '\\.?(' + c.begin + ')\\.?' : c.begin; }) .concat([mode.terminator_end, mode.illegal]) .map(reStr) .filter(Boolean); mode.terminators = terminators.length ? langRe(terminators.join('|'), true) : {exec: function(s) {return null;}}; mode.continuation = {}; } compileMode(language); } /* Core highlighting function. Accepts a language name, or an alias, and a string with the code to highlight. Returns an object with the following properties: - relevance (int) - value (an HTML string with highlighting markup) */ function highlight(name, value, ignore_illegals, continuation) { function subMode(lexeme, mode) { for (var i = 0; i < mode.contains.length; i++) { if (testRe(mode.contains[i].beginRe, lexeme)) { return mode.contains[i]; } } } function endOfMode(mode, lexeme) { if (testRe(mode.endRe, lexeme)) { return mode; } if (mode.endsWithParent) { return endOfMode(mode.parent, lexeme); } } function isIllegal(lexeme, mode) { return !ignore_illegals && testRe(mode.illegalRe, lexeme); } function keywordMatch(mode, match) { var match_str = language.case_insensitive ? match[0].toLowerCase() : match[0]; return mode.keywords.hasOwnProperty(match_str) && mode.keywords[match_str]; } function buildSpan(classname, insideSpan, leaveOpen, noPrefix) { var classPrefix = noPrefix ? '' : options.classPrefix, openSpan = ''; return openSpan + insideSpan + closeSpan; } function processKeywords() { if (!top.keywords) return escape(mode_buffer); var result = ''; var last_index = 0; top.lexemesRe.lastIndex = 0; var match = top.lexemesRe.exec(mode_buffer); while (match) { result += escape(mode_buffer.substr(last_index, match.index - last_index)); var keyword_match = keywordMatch(top, match); if (keyword_match) { relevance += keyword_match[1]; result += buildSpan(keyword_match[0], escape(match[0])); } else { result += escape(match[0]); } last_index = top.lexemesRe.lastIndex; match = top.lexemesRe.exec(mode_buffer); } return result + escape(mode_buffer.substr(last_index)); } function processSubLanguage() { if (top.subLanguage && !languages[top.subLanguage]) { return escape(mode_buffer); } var result = top.subLanguage ? highlight(top.subLanguage, mode_buffer, true, : highlightAuto(mode_buffer); // Counting embedded language score towards the host language may be disabled // with zeroing the containing mode relevance. Usecase in point is Markdown that // allows XML everywhere and makes every XML snippet to have a much larger Markdown // score. if (top.relevance > 0) { relevance += result.relevance; } if (top.subLanguageMode == 'continuous') { =; } return buildSpan(result.language, result.value, false, true); } function processBuffer() { return top.subLanguage !== undefined ? processSubLanguage() : processKeywords(); } function startNewMode(mode, lexeme) { var markup = mode.className? buildSpan(mode.className, '', true): ''; if (mode.returnBegin) { result += markup; mode_buffer = ''; } else if (mode.excludeBegin) { result += escape(lexeme) + markup; mode_buffer = ''; } else { result += markup; mode_buffer = lexeme; } top = Object.create(mode, {parent: {value: top}}); } function processLexeme(buffer, lexeme) { mode_buffer += buffer; if (lexeme === undefined) { result += processBuffer(); return 0; } var new_mode = subMode(lexeme, top); if (new_mode) { result += processBuffer(); startNewMode(new_mode, lexeme); return new_mode.returnBegin ? 0 : lexeme.length; } var end_mode = endOfMode(top, lexeme); if (end_mode) { var origin = top; if (!(origin.returnEnd || origin.excludeEnd)) { mode_buffer += lexeme; } result += processBuffer(); do { if (top.className) { result += ''; } relevance += top.relevance; top = top.parent; } while (top != end_mode.parent); if (origin.excludeEnd) { result += escape(lexeme); } mode_buffer = ''; if (end_mode.starts) { startNewMode(end_mode.starts, ''); } return origin.returnEnd ? 0 : lexeme.length; } if (isIllegal(lexeme, top)) throw new Error('Illegal lexeme "' + lexeme + '" for mode "' + (top.className || '') + '"'); /* Parser should not reach this point as all types of lexemes should be caught earlier, but if it does due to some bug make sure it advances at least one character forward to prevent infinite looping. */ mode_buffer += lexeme; return lexeme.length || 1; } var language = getLanguage(name); if (!language) { throw new Error('Unknown language: "' + name + '"'); } compileLanguage(language); var top = continuation || language; var result = ''; for(var current = top; current != language; current = current.parent) { if (current.className) { result += buildSpan(current.className, result, true); } } var mode_buffer = ''; var relevance = 0; try { var match, count, index = 0; while (true) { top.terminators.lastIndex = index; match = top.terminators.exec(value); if (!match) break; count = processLexeme(value.substr(index, match.index - index), match[0]); index = match.index + count; } processLexeme(value.substr(index)); for(var current = top; current.parent; current = current.parent) { // close dangling modes if (current.className) { result += ''; } }; return { relevance: relevance, value: result, language: name, top: top }; } catch (e) { if (e.message.indexOf('Illegal') != -1) { return { relevance: 0, value: escape(value) }; } else { throw e; } } } /* Highlighting with language detection. Accepts a string with the code to highlight. Returns an object with the following properties: - language (detected language) - relevance (int) - value (an HTML string with highlighting markup) - second_best (object with the same structure for second-best heuristically detected language, may be absent) */ function highlightAuto(text, languageSubset) { languageSubset = languageSubset || options.languages || Object.keys(languages); var result = { relevance: 0, value: escape(text) }; var second_best = result; languageSubset.forEach(function(name) { if (!getLanguage(name)) { return; } var current = highlight(name, text, false); current.language = name; if (current.relevance > second_best.relevance) { second_best = current; } if (current.relevance > result.relevance) { second_best = result; result = current; } }); if (second_best.language) { result.second_best = second_best; } return result; } /* Post-processing of the highlighted markup: - replace TABs with something more useful - replace real line-breaks with '
' for non-pre containers */ function fixMarkup(value) { if (options.tabReplace) { value = value.replace(/^((<[^>]+>|\t)+)/gm, function(match, p1, offset, s) { return p1.replace(/\t/g, options.tabReplace); }); } if (options.useBR) { value = value.replace(/\n/g, '
'); } return value; } /* Applies highlighting to a DOM node containing code. Accepts a DOM node and two optional parameters for fixMarkup. */ function highlightBlock(block) { var text = options.useBR ? block.innerHTML .replace(/\n/g,'').replace(/
]*>/g, '\n').replace(/<[^>]*>/g,'') : block.textContent; var language = blockLanguage(block); if (language == 'no-highlight') return; var result = language ? highlight(language, text, true) : highlightAuto(text); var original = nodeStream(block); if (original.length) { var pre = document.createElementNS('', 'pre'); pre.innerHTML = result.value; result.value = mergeStreams(original, nodeStream(pre), text); } result.value = fixMarkup(result.value); block.innerHTML = result.value; block.className += ' hljs ' + (!language && result.language || ''); block.result = { language: result.language, re: result.relevance }; if (result.second_best) { block.second_best = { language: result.second_best.language, re: result.second_best.relevance }; } } var options = { classPrefix: 'hljs-', tabReplace: null, useBR: false, languages: undefined }; /* Updates highlight.js global options with values passed in the form of an object */ function configure(user_options) { options = inherit(options, user_options); } /* Applies highlighting to all
blocks on a page. */ function initHighlighting() { if (initHighlighting.called) return; initHighlighting.called = true; var blocks = document.querySelectorAll('pre code');, highlightBlock); } /* Attaches highlighting to the page load event. */ function initHighlightingOnLoad() { addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initHighlighting, false); addEventListener('load', initHighlighting, false); } var languages = {}; var aliases = {}; function registerLanguage(name, language) { var lang = languages[name] = language(this); if (lang.aliases) { lang.aliases.forEach(function(alias) {aliases[alias] = name;}); } } function listLanguages() { return Object.keys(languages); } function getLanguage(name) { return languages[name] || languages[aliases[name]]; } /* Interface definition */ this.highlight = highlight; this.highlightAuto = highlightAuto; this.fixMarkup = fixMarkup; this.highlightBlock = highlightBlock; this.configure = configure; this.initHighlighting = initHighlighting; this.initHighlightingOnLoad = initHighlightingOnLoad; this.registerLanguage = registerLanguage; this.listLanguages = listLanguages; this.getLanguage = getLanguage; this.inherit = inherit; // Common regexps this.IDENT_RE = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'; this.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE = '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'; this.NUMBER_RE = '\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?'; this.C_NUMBER_RE = '(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)'; // 0x..., 0..., decimal, float this.BINARY_NUMBER_RE = '\\b(0b[01]+)'; // 0b... this.RE_STARTERS_RE = '!|!=|!==|%|%=|&|&&|&=|\\*|\\*=|\\+|\\+=|,|-|-=|/=|/|:|;|<<|<<=|<=|<|===|==|=|>>>=|>>=|>=|>>>|>>|>|\\?|\\[|\\{|\\(|\\^|\\^=|\\||\\|=|\\|\\||~'; // Common modes this.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE = { begin: '\\\\[\\s\\S]', relevance: 0 }; this.APOS_STRING_MODE = { className: 'string', begin: '\'', end: '\'', illegal: '\\n', contains: [this.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }; this.QUOTE_STRING_MODE = { className: 'string', begin: '"', end: '"', illegal: '\\n', contains: [this.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }; this.PHRASAL_WORDS_MODE = { begin: /\b(a|an|the|are|I|I'm|isn't|don't|doesn't|won't|but|just|should|pretty|simply|enough|gonna|going|wtf|so|such)\b/ }; this.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE = { className: 'comment', begin: '//', end: '$', contains: [this.PHRASAL_WORDS_MODE] }; this.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE = { className: 'comment', begin: '/\\*', end: '\\*/', contains: [this.PHRASAL_WORDS_MODE] }; this.HASH_COMMENT_MODE = { className: 'comment', begin: '#', end: '$', contains: [this.PHRASAL_WORDS_MODE] }; this.NUMBER_MODE = { className: 'number', begin: this.NUMBER_RE, relevance: 0 }; this.C_NUMBER_MODE = { className: 'number', begin: this.C_NUMBER_RE, relevance: 0 }; this.BINARY_NUMBER_MODE = { className: 'number', begin: this.BINARY_NUMBER_RE, relevance: 0 }; this.CSS_NUMBER_MODE = { className: 'number', begin: this.NUMBER_RE + '(' + '%|em|ex|ch|rem' + '|vw|vh|vmin|vmax' + '|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px' + '|deg|grad|rad|turn' + '|s|ms' + '|Hz|kHz' + '|dpi|dpcm|dppx' + ')?', relevance: 0 }; this.REGEXP_MODE = { className: 'regexp', begin: /\//, end: /\/[gim]*/, illegal: /\n/, contains: [ this.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, { begin: /\[/, end: /\]/, relevance: 0, contains: [this.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] } ] }; this.TITLE_MODE = { className: 'title', begin: this.IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }; this.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE = { className: 'title', begin: this.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 }; } )() , languages = [{name:"javascript",create:/* Language: JavaScript */ function(hljs) { return { aliases: ['js'], keywords: { keyword: 'in if for while finally var new function do return void else break catch ' + 'instanceof with throw case default try this switch continue typeof delete ' + 'let yield const class', literal: 'true false null undefined NaN Infinity', built_in: 'eval isFinite isNaN parseFloat parseInt decodeURI decodeURIComponent ' + 'encodeURI encodeURIComponent escape unescape Object Function Boolean Error ' + 'EvalError InternalError RangeError ReferenceError StopIteration SyntaxError ' + 'TypeError URIError Number Math Date String RegExp Array Float32Array ' + 'Float64Array Int16Array Int32Array Int8Array Uint16Array Uint32Array ' + 'Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray ArrayBuffer DataView JSON Intl arguments require ' + 'module console window document' }, contains: [ { className: 'pi', begin: /^\s*('|")use strict('|")/, relevance: 10 }, hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE, hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE, { // "value" container begin: '(' + hljs.RE_STARTERS_RE + '|\\b(case|return|throw)\\b)\\s*', keywords: 'return throw case', contains: [ hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.REGEXP_MODE, { // E4X begin: /;/, relevance: 0, subLanguage: 'xml' } ], relevance: 0 }, { className: 'function', beginKeywords: 'function', end: /\{/, excludeEnd: true, contains: [ hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, {begin: /[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*/}), { className: 'params', begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, contains: [ hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE ], illegal: /["'\(]/ } ], illegal: /\[|%/ }, { begin: /\$[(.]/ // relevance booster for a pattern common to JS libs: `$(something)` and `$.something` }, { begin: '\\.' + hljs.IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 // hack: prevents detection of keywords after dots } ] }; } },{name:"ruby",create:/* Language: Ruby Author: Anton Kovalyov Contributors: Peter Leonov , Vasily Polovnyov , Loren Segal */ function(hljs) { var RUBY_METHOD_RE = '[a-zA-Z_]\\w*[!?=]?|[-+~]\\@|<<|>>|=~|===?|<=>|[<>]=?|\\*\\*|[-/+%^&*~`|]|\\[\\]=?'; var RUBY_KEYWORDS = 'and false then defined module in return redo if BEGIN retry end for true self when ' + 'next until do begin unless END rescue nil else break undef not super class case ' + 'require yield alias while ensure elsif or include attr_reader attr_writer attr_accessor'; var YARDOCTAG = { className: 'yardoctag', begin: '@[A-Za-z]+' }; var COMMENT = { className: 'comment', variants: [ { begin: '#', end: '$', contains: [YARDOCTAG] }, { begin: '^\\=begin', end: '^\\=end', contains: [YARDOCTAG], relevance: 10 }, { begin: '^__END__', end: '\\n$' } ] }; var SUBST = { className: 'subst', begin: '#\\{', end: '}', keywords: RUBY_KEYWORDS }; var STRING = { className: 'string', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, SUBST], variants: [ {begin: /'/, end: /'/}, {begin: /"/, end: /"/}, {begin: '%[qw]?\\(', end: '\\)'}, {begin: '%[qw]?\\[', end: '\\]'}, {begin: '%[qw]?{', end: '}'}, { begin: '%[qw]?<', end: '>', relevance: 10 }, { begin: '%[qw]?/', end: '/', relevance: 10 }, { begin: '%[qw]?%', end: '%', relevance: 10 }, { begin: '%[qw]?-', end: '-', relevance: 10 }, { begin: '%[qw]?\\|', end: '\\|', relevance: 10 }, { // \B in the beginning suppresses recognition of ?-sequences where ? // is the last character of a preceding identifier, as in: `func?4` begin: /\B\?(\\\d{1,3}|\\x[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,2}|\\u[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}|\\?\S)\b/ } ] }; var PARAMS = { className: 'params', begin: '\\(', end: '\\)', keywords: RUBY_KEYWORDS }; var RUBY_DEFAULT_CONTAINS = [ STRING, COMMENT, { className: 'class', beginKeywords: 'class module', end: '$|;', illegal: /=/, contains: [ hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, {begin: '[A-Za-z_]\\w*(::\\w+)*(\\?|\\!)?'}), { className: 'inheritance', begin: '<\\s*', contains: [{ className: 'parent', begin: '(' + hljs.IDENT_RE + '::)?' + hljs.IDENT_RE }] }, COMMENT ] }, { className: 'function', beginKeywords: 'def', end: ' |$|;', relevance: 0, contains: [ hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, {begin: RUBY_METHOD_RE}), PARAMS, COMMENT ] }, { className: 'constant', begin: '(::)?(\\b[A-Z]\\w*(::)?)+', relevance: 0 }, { className: 'symbol', begin: ':', contains: [STRING, {begin: RUBY_METHOD_RE}], relevance: 0 }, { className: 'symbol', begin: hljs.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + '(\\!|\\?)?:', relevance: 0 }, { className: 'number', begin: '(\\b0[0-7_]+)|(\\b0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+)|(\\b[1-9][0-9_]*(\\.[0-9_]+)?)|[0_]\\b', relevance: 0 }, { className: 'variable', begin: '(\\$\\W)|((\\$|\\@\\@?)(\\w+))' }, { // regexp container begin: '(' + hljs.RE_STARTERS_RE + ')\\s*', contains: [ COMMENT, { className: 'regexp', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, SUBST], illegal: /\n/, variants: [ {begin: '/', end: '/[a-z]*'}, {begin: '%r{', end: '}[a-z]*'}, {begin: '%r\\(', end: '\\)[a-z]*'}, {begin: '%r!', end: '![a-z]*'}, {begin: '%r\\[', end: '\\][a-z]*'} ] } ], relevance: 0 } ]; SUBST.contains = RUBY_DEFAULT_CONTAINS; PARAMS.contains = RUBY_DEFAULT_CONTAINS; return { aliases: ['rb', 'gemspec', 'podspec', 'thor'], keywords: RUBY_KEYWORDS, contains: RUBY_DEFAULT_CONTAINS }; } },{name:"python",create:/* Language: Python */ function(hljs) { var PROMPT = { className: 'prompt', begin: /^(>>>|\.\.\.) / }; var STRING = { className: 'string', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE], variants: [ { begin: /(u|b)?r?'''/, end: /'''/, contains: [PROMPT], relevance: 10 }, { begin: /(u|b)?r?"""/, end: /"""/, contains: [PROMPT], relevance: 10 }, { begin: /(u|r|ur)'/, end: /'/, relevance: 10 }, { begin: /(u|r|ur)"/, end: /"/, relevance: 10 }, { begin: /(b|br)'/, end: /'/ }, { begin: /(b|br)"/, end: /"/ }, hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE, hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE ] }; var NUMBER = { className: 'number', relevance: 0, variants: [ {begin: hljs.BINARY_NUMBER_RE + '[lLjJ]?'}, {begin: '\\b(0o[0-7]+)[lLjJ]?'}, {begin: hljs.C_NUMBER_RE + '[lLjJ]?'} ] }; var PARAMS = { className: 'params', begin: /\(/, end: /\)/, contains: ['self', PROMPT, NUMBER, STRING] }; var FUNC_CLASS_PROTO = { end: /:/, illegal: /[${=;\n]/, contains: [hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE, PARAMS] }; return { aliases: ['py', 'gyp'], keywords: { keyword: 'and elif is global as in if from raise for except finally print import pass return ' + 'exec else break not with class assert yield try while continue del or def lambda ' + 'nonlocal|10 None True False', built_in: 'Ellipsis NotImplemented' }, illegal: /(<\/|->|\?)/, contains: [ PROMPT, NUMBER, STRING, hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.inherit(FUNC_CLASS_PROTO, {className: 'function', beginKeywords: 'def', relevance: 10}), hljs.inherit(FUNC_CLASS_PROTO, {className: 'class', beginKeywords: 'class'}), { className: 'decorator', begin: /@/, end: /$/ }, { begin: /\b(print|exec)\(/ // don’t highlight keywords-turned-functions in Python 3 } ] }; } },{name:"bash",create:/* Language: Bash Author: vah Contributrors: Benjamin Pannell */ function(hljs) { var VAR = { className: 'variable', variants: [ {begin: /\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/}, {begin: /\$\{(.*?)\}/} ] }; var QUOTE_STRING = { className: 'string', begin: /"/, end: /"/, contains: [ hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, VAR, { className: 'variable', begin: /\$\(/, end: /\)/, contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] } ] }; var APOS_STRING = { className: 'string', begin: /'/, end: /'/ }; return { aliases: ['sh', 'zsh'], lexemes: /-?[a-z\.]+/, keywords: { keyword: 'if then else elif fi for break continue while in do done exit return set '+ 'declare case esac export exec', literal: 'true false', built_in: 'printf echo read cd pwd pushd popd dirs let eval unset typeset readonly '+ 'getopts source shopt caller type hash bind help sudo', operator: '-ne -eq -lt -gt -f -d -e -s -l -a' // relevance booster }, contains: [ { className: 'shebang', begin: /^#![^\n]+sh\s*$/, relevance: 10 }, { className: 'function', begin: /\w[\w\d_]*\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{/, returnBegin: true, contains: [hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, {begin: /\w[\w\d_]*/})], relevance: 0 }, hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.NUMBER_MODE, QUOTE_STRING, APOS_STRING, VAR ] }; } },{name:"java",create:/* Language: Java Author: Vsevolod Solovyov */ function(hljs) { var KEYWORDS = 'false synchronized int abstract float private char boolean static null if const ' + 'for true while long throw strictfp finally protected import native final return void ' + 'enum else break transient new catch instanceof byte super volatile case assert short ' + 'package default double public try this switch continue throws'; return { aliases: ['jsp'], keywords: KEYWORDS, illegal: /<\//, contains: [ { className: 'javadoc', begin: '/\\*\\*', end: '\\*/', contains: [{ className: 'javadoctag', begin: '(^|\\s)@[A-Za-z]+' }], relevance: 10 }, hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE, hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, { beginKeywords: 'protected public private', end: /[{;=]/, keywords: KEYWORDS, contains: [ { className: 'class', beginKeywords: 'class interface', endsWithParent: true, excludeEnd: true, illegal: /[:"<>]/, contains: [ { beginKeywords: 'extends implements', relevance: 10 }, hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE ] }, { begin: hljs.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + '\\s*\\(', returnBegin: true, contains: [ hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE ] } ] }, hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE, { className: 'annotation', begin: '@[A-Za-z]+' } ] }; } },{name:"php",create:/* Language: PHP Author: Victor Karamzin Contributors: Evgeny Stepanischev , Ivan Sagalaev */ function(hljs) { var VARIABLE = { className: 'variable', begin: '\\$+[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*' }; var PREPROCESSOR = { className: 'preprocessor', begin: /<\?(php)?|\?>/ }; var STRING = { className: 'string', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, PREPROCESSOR], variants: [ { begin: 'b"', end: '"' }, { begin: 'b\'', end: '\'' }, hljs.inherit(hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE, {illegal: null}), hljs.inherit(hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, {illegal: null}) ] }; var NUMBER = {variants: [hljs.BINARY_NUMBER_MODE, hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE]}; return { aliases: ['php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6'], case_insensitive: true, keywords: 'and include_once list abstract global private echo interface as static endswitch ' + 'array null if endwhile or const for endforeach self var while isset public ' + 'protected exit foreach throw elseif include __FILE__ empty require_once do xor ' + 'return parent clone use __CLASS__ __LINE__ else break print eval new ' + 'catch __METHOD__ case exception default die require __FUNCTION__ ' + 'enddeclare final try switch continue endfor endif declare unset true false ' + 'trait goto instanceof insteadof __DIR__ __NAMESPACE__ ' + 'yield finally', contains: [ hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, { className: 'comment', begin: '/\\*', end: '\\*/', contains: [ { className: 'phpdoc', begin: '\\s@[A-Za-z]+' }, PREPROCESSOR ] }, { className: 'comment', begin: '__halt_compiler.+?;', endsWithParent: true, keywords: '__halt_compiler', lexemes: hljs.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE }, { className: 'string', begin: '<<<[\'"]?\\w+[\'"]?$', end: '^\\w+;', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, PREPROCESSOR, VARIABLE, { className: 'function', beginKeywords: 'function', end: /[;{]/, excludeEnd: true, illegal: '\\$|\\[|%', contains: [ hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE, { className: 'params', begin: '\\(', end: '\\)', contains: [ 'self', VARIABLE, hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, STRING, NUMBER ] } ] }, { className: 'class', beginKeywords: 'class interface', end: '{', excludeEnd: true, illegal: /[:\(\$"]/, contains: [ { beginKeywords: 'extends implements', relevance: 10 }, hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE ] }, { beginKeywords: 'namespace', end: ';', illegal: /[\.']/, contains: [hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE] }, { beginKeywords: 'use', end: ';', contains: [hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE] }, { begin: '=>' // No markup, just a relevance booster }, STRING, NUMBER ] }; } },{name:"perl",create:/* Language: Perl Author: Peter Leonov */ function(hljs) { var PERL_KEYWORDS = 'getpwent getservent quotemeta msgrcv scalar kill dbmclose undef lc ' + 'ma syswrite tr send umask sysopen shmwrite vec qx utime local oct semctl localtime ' + 'readpipe do return format read sprintf dbmopen pop getpgrp not getpwnam rewinddir qq' + 'fileno qw endprotoent wait sethostent bless s|0 opendir continue each sleep endgrent ' + 'shutdown dump chomp connect getsockname die socketpair close flock exists index shmget' + 'sub for endpwent redo lstat msgctl setpgrp abs exit select print ref gethostbyaddr ' + 'unshift fcntl syscall goto getnetbyaddr join gmtime symlink semget splice x|0 ' + 'getpeername recv log setsockopt cos last reverse gethostbyname getgrnam study formline ' + 'endhostent times chop length gethostent getnetent pack getprotoent getservbyname rand ' + 'mkdir pos chmod y|0 substr endnetent printf next open msgsnd readdir use unlink ' + 'getsockopt getpriority rindex wantarray hex system getservbyport endservent int chr ' + 'untie rmdir prototype tell listen fork shmread ucfirst setprotoent else sysseek link ' + 'getgrgid shmctl waitpid unpack getnetbyname reset chdir grep split require caller ' + 'lcfirst until warn while values shift telldir getpwuid my getprotobynumber delete and ' + 'sort uc defined srand accept package seekdir getprotobyname semop our rename seek if q|0 ' + 'chroot sysread setpwent no crypt getc chown sqrt write setnetent setpriority foreach ' + 'tie sin msgget map stat getlogin unless elsif truncate exec keys glob tied closedir' + 'ioctl socket readlink eval xor readline binmode setservent eof ord bind alarm pipe ' + 'atan2 getgrent exp time push setgrent gt lt or ne m|0 break given say state when'; var SUBST = { className: 'subst', begin: '[$@]\\{', end: '\\}', keywords: PERL_KEYWORDS }; var METHOD = { begin: '->{', end: '}' // contains defined later }; var VAR = { className: 'variable', variants: [ {begin: /\$\d/}, {begin: /[\$\%\@\*](\^\w\b|#\w+(\:\:\w+)*|{\w+}|\w+(\:\:\w*)*)/}, {begin: /[\$\%\@\*][^\s\w{]/, relevance: 0} ] }; var COMMENT = { className: 'comment', begin: '^(__END__|__DATA__)', end: '\\n$', relevance: 5 }; var STRING_CONTAINS = [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, SUBST, VAR]; var PERL_DEFAULT_CONTAINS = [ VAR, hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, COMMENT, { className: 'comment', begin: '^\\=\\w', end: '\\=cut', endsWithParent: true }, METHOD, { className: 'string', contains: STRING_CONTAINS, variants: [ { begin: 'q[qwxr]?\\s*\\(', end: '\\)', relevance: 5 }, { begin: 'q[qwxr]?\\s*\\[', end: '\\]', relevance: 5 }, { begin: 'q[qwxr]?\\s*\\{', end: '\\}', relevance: 5 }, { begin: 'q[qwxr]?\\s*\\|', end: '\\|', relevance: 5 }, { begin: 'q[qwxr]?\\s*\\<', end: '\\>', relevance: 5 }, { begin: 'qw\\s+q', end: 'q', relevance: 5 }, { begin: '\'', end: '\'', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, { begin: '"', end: '"' }, { begin: '`', end: '`', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, { begin: '{\\w+}', contains: [], relevance: 0 }, { begin: '\-?\\w+\\s*\\=\\>', contains: [], relevance: 0 } ] }, { className: 'number', begin: '(\\b0[0-7_]+)|(\\b0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+)|(\\b[1-9][0-9_]*(\\.[0-9_]+)?)|[0_]\\b', relevance: 0 }, { // regexp container begin: '(\\/\\/|' + hljs.RE_STARTERS_RE + '|\\b(split|return|print|reverse|grep)\\b)\\s*', keywords: 'split return print reverse grep', relevance: 0, contains: [ hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, COMMENT, { className: 'regexp', begin: '(s|tr|y)/(\\\\.|[^/])*/(\\\\.|[^/])*/[a-z]*', relevance: 10 }, { className: 'regexp', begin: '(m|qr)?/', end: '/[a-z]*', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE], relevance: 0 // allows empty "//" which is a common comment delimiter in other languages } ] }, { className: 'sub', beginKeywords: 'sub', end: '(\\s*\\(.*?\\))?[;{]', relevance: 5 }, { className: 'operator', begin: '-\\w\\b', relevance: 0 } ]; SUBST.contains = PERL_DEFAULT_CONTAINS; METHOD.contains = PERL_DEFAULT_CONTAINS; return { aliases: ['pl'], keywords: PERL_KEYWORDS, contains: PERL_DEFAULT_CONTAINS }; } },{name:"cpp",create:/* Language: C++ Author: Ivan Sagalaev Contributors: Evgeny Stepanischev , Zaven Muradyan */ function(hljs) { var CPP_KEYWORDS = { keyword: 'false int float while private char catch export virtual operator sizeof ' + 'dynamic_cast|10 typedef const_cast|10 const struct for static_cast|10 union namespace ' + 'unsigned long throw volatile static protected bool template mutable if public friend ' + 'do return goto auto void enum else break new extern using true class asm case typeid ' + 'short reinterpret_cast|10 default double register explicit signed typename try this ' + 'switch continue wchar_t inline delete alignof char16_t char32_t constexpr decltype ' + 'noexcept nullptr static_assert thread_local restrict _Bool complex _Complex _Imaginary', built_in: 'std string cin cout cerr clog stringstream istringstream ostringstream ' + 'auto_ptr deque list queue stack vector map set bitset multiset multimap unordered_set ' + 'unordered_map unordered_multiset unordered_multimap array shared_ptr abort abs acos ' + 'asin atan2 atan calloc ceil cosh cos exit exp fabs floor fmod fprintf fputs free frexp ' + 'fscanf isalnum isalpha iscntrl isdigit isgraph islower isprint ispunct isspace isupper ' + 'isxdigit tolower toupper labs ldexp log10 log malloc memchr memcmp memcpy memset modf pow ' + 'printf putchar puts scanf sinh sin snprintf sprintf sqrt sscanf strcat strchr strcmp ' + 'strcpy strcspn strlen strncat strncmp strncpy strpbrk strrchr strspn strstr tanh tan ' + 'vfprintf vprintf vsprintf' }; return { aliases: ['c', 'h', 'c++', 'h++'], keywords: CPP_KEYWORDS, illegal: '"]', keywords: 'include', illegal: '\\n' }, hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE ] }, { className: 'stl_container', begin: '\\b(deque|list|queue|stack|vector|map|set|bitset|multiset|multimap|unordered_map|unordered_set|unordered_multiset|unordered_multimap|array)\\s*<', end: '>', keywords: CPP_KEYWORDS, relevance: 10, contains: ['self'] }, { begin: hljs.IDENT_RE + '::' } ] }; } },{name:"objectivec",create:/* Language: Objective C Author: Valerii Hiora Contributors: Angel G. Olloqui */ function(hljs) { var OBJC_KEYWORDS = { keyword: 'int float while char export sizeof typedef const struct for union ' + 'unsigned long volatile static bool mutable if do return goto void ' + 'enum else break extern asm case short default double register explicit ' + 'signed typename this switch continue wchar_t inline readonly assign ' + 'self synchronized id ' + 'nonatomic super unichar IBOutlet IBAction strong weak ' + '@private @protected @public @try @property @end @throw @catch @finally ' + '@synthesize @dynamic @selector @optional @required', literal: 'false true FALSE TRUE nil YES NO NULL', built_in: 'NSString NSDictionary CGRect CGPoint UIButton UILabel UITextView UIWebView MKMapView ' + 'UISegmentedControl NSObject UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource NSThread ' + 'UIActivityIndicator UITabbar UIToolBar UIBarButtonItem UIImageView NSAutoreleasePool ' + 'UITableView BOOL NSInteger CGFloat NSException NSLog NSMutableString NSMutableArray ' + 'NSMutableDictionary NSURL NSIndexPath CGSize UITableViewCell UIView UIViewController ' + 'UINavigationBar UINavigationController UITabBarController UIPopoverController ' + 'UIPopoverControllerDelegate UIImage NSNumber UISearchBar NSFetchedResultsController ' + 'NSFetchedResultsChangeType UIScrollView UIScrollViewDelegate UIEdgeInsets UIColor ' + 'UIFont UIApplication NSNotFound NSNotificationCenter NSNotification ' + 'UILocalNotification NSBundle NSFileManager NSTimeInterval NSDate NSCalendar ' + 'NSUserDefaults UIWindow NSRange NSArray NSError NSURLRequest NSURLConnection ' + 'UIInterfaceOrientation MPMoviePlayerController dispatch_once_t ' + 'dispatch_queue_t dispatch_sync dispatch_async dispatch_once' }; var LEXEMES = /[a-zA-Z@][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/; var CLASS_KEYWORDS = '@interface @class @protocol @implementation'; return { aliases: ['m', 'mm', 'objc', 'obj-c'], keywords: OBJC_KEYWORDS, lexemes: LEXEMES, illegal: '' } ] }, { className: 'preprocessor', begin: '#', end: '$' }, { className: 'class', begin: '(' + CLASS_KEYWORDS.split(' ').join('|') + ')\\b', end: '({|$)', excludeEnd: true, keywords: CLASS_KEYWORDS, lexemes: LEXEMES, contains: [ hljs.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE ] }, { className: 'variable', begin: '\\.'+hljs.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, relevance: 0 } ] }; } },{name:"cs",create:/* Language: C# Author: Jason Diamond */ function(hljs) { var KEYWORDS = // Normal keywords. 'abstract as base bool break byte case catch char checked const continue decimal ' + 'default delegate do double else enum event explicit extern false finally fixed float ' + 'for foreach goto if implicit in int interface internal is lock long new null ' + 'object operator out override params private protected public readonly ref return sbyte ' + 'sealed short sizeof stackalloc static string struct switch this throw true try typeof ' + 'uint ulong unchecked unsafe ushort using virtual volatile void while async await ' + // Contextual keywords. 'ascending descending from get group into join let orderby partial select set value var ' + 'where yield'; return { keywords: KEYWORDS, illegal: /::/, contains: [ { className: 'comment', begin: '///', end: '$', returnBegin: true, contains: [ { className: 'xmlDocTag', variants: [ { begin: '///', relevance: 0 }, { begin: '' }, { begin: '' } ] } ] }, hljs.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, { className: 'preprocessor', begin: '#', end: '$', keywords: 'if else elif endif define undef warning error line region endregion pragma checksum' }, { className: 'string', begin: '@"', end: '"', contains: [{begin: '""'}] }, hljs.APOS_STRING_MODE, hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE, { beginKeywords: 'protected public private internal', end: /[{;=]/, keywords: KEYWORDS, contains: [ { beginKeywords: 'class namespace interface', starts: { contains: [hljs.TITLE_MODE] } }, { begin: hljs.IDENT_RE + '\\s*\\(', returnBegin: true, contains: [ hljs.TITLE_MODE ] } ] } ] }; } },{name:"sql",create:/* Language: SQL Contributors: Nikolay Lisienko , Heiko August , Travis Odom */ function(hljs) { var COMMENT_MODE = { className: 'comment', begin: '--', end: '$' }; return { case_insensitive: true, illegal: /[<>]/, contains: [ { className: 'operator', beginKeywords: 'begin end start commit rollback savepoint lock alter create drop rename call '+ 'delete do handler insert load replace select truncate update set show pragma grant '+ 'merge describe use explain help declare prepare execute deallocate savepoint release '+ 'unlock purge reset change stop analyze cache flush optimize repair kill '+ 'install uninstall checksum restore check backup', end: /;/, endsWithParent: true, keywords: { keyword: 'abs absolute acos action add adddate addtime aes_decrypt aes_encrypt after aggregate all allocate alter ' + 'analyze and any are as asc ascii asin assertion at atan atan2 atn2 authorization authors avg backup ' + 'before begin benchmark between bin binlog bit_and bit_count bit_length bit_or bit_xor both by ' + 'cache call cascade cascaded case cast catalog ceil ceiling chain change changed char_length ' + 'character_length charindex charset check checksum checksum_agg choose close coalesce ' + 'coercibility collate collation collationproperty column columns columns_updated commit compress concat ' + 'concat_ws concurrent connect connection connection_id consistent constraint constraints continue ' + 'contributors conv convert convert_tz corresponding cos cot count count_big crc32 create cross cume_dist ' + 'curdate current current_date current_time current_timestamp current_user cursor curtime data database ' + 'databases datalength date_add date_format date_sub dateadd datediff datefromparts datename ' + 'datepart datetime2fromparts datetimeoffsetfromparts day dayname dayofmonth dayofweek dayofyear ' + 'deallocate declare decode default deferrable deferred degrees delayed delete des_decrypt ' + 'des_encrypt des_key_file desc describe descriptor diagnostics difference disconnect distinct ' + 'distinctrow div do domain double drop dumpfile each else elt enclosed encode encrypt end end-exec ' + 'engine engines eomonth errors escape escaped event eventdata events except exception exec execute ' + 'exists exp explain export_set extended external extract fast fetch field fields find_in_set ' + 'first first_value floor flush for force foreign format found found_rows from from_base64 ' + 'from_days from_unixtime full function get get_format get_lock getdate getutcdate global go goto grant ' + 'grants greatest group group_concat grouping grouping_id gtid_subset gtid_subtract handler having help ' + 'hex high_priority hosts hour ident_current ident_incr ident_seed identified identity if ifnull ignore ' + 'iif ilike immediate in index indicator inet6_aton inet6_ntoa inet_aton inet_ntoa infile initially inner ' + 'innodb input insert install instr intersect into is is_free_lock is_ipv4 ' + 'is_ipv4_compat is_ipv4_mapped is_not is_not_null is_used_lock isdate isnull isolation join key kill ' + 'language last last_day last_insert_id last_value lcase lead leading least leaves left len lenght level ' + 'like limit lines ln load load_file local localtime localtimestamp locate lock log log10 log2 logfile ' + 'logs low_priority lower lpad ltrim make_set makedate maketime master master_pos_wait match matched max ' + 'md5 medium merge microsecond mid min minute mod mode module month monthname mutex name_const names ' + 'national natural nchar next no no_write_to_binlog not now nullif nvarchar oct ' + 'octet_length of old_password on only open optimize option optionally or ord order outer outfile output ' + 'pad parse partial partition password patindex percent_rank percentile_cont percentile_disc period_add ' + 'period_diff pi plugin position pow power pragma precision prepare preserve primary prior privileges ' + 'procedure procedure_analyze processlist profile profiles public publishingservername purge quarter ' + 'query quick quote quotename radians rand read references regexp relative relaylog release ' + 'release_lock rename repair repeat replace replicate reset restore restrict return returns reverse ' + 'revoke right rlike rollback rollup round row row_count rows rpad rtrim savepoint schema scroll ' + 'sec_to_time second section select serializable server session session_user set sha sha1 sha2 share ' + 'show sign sin size slave sleep smalldatetimefromparts snapshot some soname soundex ' + 'sounds_like space sql sql_big_result sql_buffer_result sql_cache sql_calc_found_rows sql_no_cache ' + 'sql_small_result sql_variant_property sqlstate sqrt square start starting status std ' + 'stddev stddev_pop stddev_samp stdev stdevp stop str str_to_date straight_join strcmp string stuff ' + 'subdate substr substring subtime subtring_index sum switchoffset sysdate sysdatetime sysdatetimeoffset ' + 'system_user sysutcdatetime table tables tablespace tan temporary terminated tertiary_weights then time ' + 'time_format time_to_sec timediff timefromparts timestamp timestampadd timestampdiff timezone_hour ' + 'timezone_minute to to_base64 to_days to_seconds todatetimeoffset trailing transaction translation ' + 'trigger trigger_nestlevel triggers trim truncate try_cast try_convert try_parse ucase uncompress ' + 'uncompressed_length unhex unicode uninstall union unique unix_timestamp unknown unlock update upgrade ' + 'upped upper usage use user user_resources using utc_date utc_time utc_timestamp uuid uuid_short ' + 'validate_password_strength value values var var_pop var_samp variables variance varp ' + 'version view warnings week weekday weekofyear weight_string when whenever where with work write xml ' + 'xor year yearweek zon', literal: 'true false null', built_in: 'array bigint binary bit blob boolean char character date dec decimal float int integer interval number ' + 'numeric real serial smallint varchar varying int8 serial8 text' }, contains: [ { className: 'string', begin: '\'', end: '\'', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, {begin: '\'\''}] }, { className: 'string', begin: '"', end: '"', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, {begin: '""'}] }, { className: 'string', begin: '`', end: '`', contains: [hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] }, hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE, hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, COMMENT_MODE ] }, hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, COMMENT_MODE ] }; } },{name:"xml",create:/* Language: HTML, XML */ function(hljs) { var XML_IDENT_RE = '[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+'; var PHP = { begin: /<\?(php)?(?!\w)/, end: /\?>/, subLanguage: 'php', subLanguageMode: 'continuous' }; var TAG_INTERNALS = { endsWithParent: true, illegal: /]+/} ] } ] } ] }; return { aliases: ['html', 'xhtml', 'rss', 'atom', 'xsl', 'plist'], case_insensitive: true, contains: [ { className: 'doctype', begin: '', relevance: 10, contains: [{begin: '\\[', end: '\\]'}] }, { className: 'comment', begin: '', relevance: 10 }, { className: 'cdata', begin: '<\\!\\[CDATA\\[', end: '\\]\\]>', relevance: 10 }, { className: 'tag', /* The lookahead pattern (?=...) ensures that 'begin' only matches '|$)', end: '>', keywords: {title: 'style'}, contains: [TAG_INTERNALS], starts: { end: '', returnEnd: true, subLanguage: 'css' } }, { className: 'tag', // See the comment in the