--- - name: Provision Cadoles Server hosts: all tasks: - name : Install One Context tool ! apt: deb: https://github.com/OpenNebula/addon-context-linux/releases/download/v5.8.0/one-context_5.8.0-1.deb environment: HTTP_PROXY: "{{ http_proxy }}" HTTPS_PROXY: "{{ https_proxy }}" http_proxy: "{{ http_proxy }}" https_proxy: "{{ https_proxy }}" - name : Install JQ apt: name: jq environment: HTTP_PROXY: "{{ http_proxy }}" HTTPS_PROXY: "{{ https_proxy }}" http_proxy: "{{ http_proxy }}" https_proxy: "{{ https_proxy }}" - name : Add cadoles context script command: mv /root/net-99-eole /etc/one-context.d/net-99-eole - name: Make cadoles context script executable file: path: /etc/one-context.d/net-99-eole mode: '+x' - name: Copy sshd_template to modif directory command: cp /usr/share/eole/creole/distrib/sshd_config /usr/share/eole/creole/modif/sshd_config - name: Allow TCP Forwarding to ease GenConfig usage lineinfile: path: /usr/share/eole/creole/modif/sshd_config regexp: '^AllowTcpForwarding' line: 'AllowTcpForwarding yes' - name: Gen_Patch command: gen_patch - name: Update Hostname command: hostnamectl set-hostname eolebase272 - name: Cleanup apt: autoclean: yes autoremove: yes - name: Disable gpm systemd: name: gpm enabled: no masked: yes - name: Disable NUT Driver systemd: name: nut-driver enabled: no masked: yes - name: Disable NUT Monitor systemd: name: nut-monitor enabled: no masked: yes - name: FSTRIM command: fstrim -av - name: Zero out the disk command: dd if=/dev/zero of=/mytempfile ignore_errors: yes - name: Cleaup zero file command: rm -rf /mytempfile - name: Sync disk command: sync