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# OpenNebula Configuration file
# Daemon configuration attributes
# MESSAGE_SIZE: Buffer size in bytes for XML-RPC responses.
# XMLRPC_TIMEOUT: Seconds to timeout XML-RPC calls to oned
# ONE_XMLRPC: URL to connect to the OpenNebula daemon (oned)
# SCHED_INTERVAL: Seconds between two scheduling actions
# MAX_VM: Maximum number of Virtual Machines scheduled in each scheduling
# action. Use 0 to schedule all pending VMs each time.
# MAX_DISPATCH: Maximum number of Virtual Machines actually dispatched to a
# host in each scheduling action
# MAX_HOST: Maximum number of Virtual Machines dispatched to a given host in
# each scheduling action
# LIVE_RESCHEDS: Perform live (1) or cold migrations (0) when rescheduling a VM
# DEFAULT_SCHED: Definition of the default scheduling algorithm
# - policy:
# 0 = Packing. Heuristic that minimizes the number of hosts in use by
# packing the VMs in the hosts to reduce VM fragmentation
# 1 = Striping. Heuristic that tries to maximize resources available for
# the VMs by spreading the VMs in the hosts
# 2 = Load-aware. Heuristic that tries to maximize resources available for
# the VMs by using those nodes with less load
# 3 = Custom.
# - rank: Custom arithmetic expression to rank suitable hosts based in their
# attributes
# 4 = Fixed. Hosts will be ranked according to the PRIORITY attribute found
# in the Host or Cluster template.
# DEFAULT_DS_SCHED: Definition of the default storage scheduling algorithm
# - policy:
# 0 = Packing. Tries to optimize storage usage by selecting the DS with
# less free space
# 1 = Striping. Tries to optimize I/O by distributing the VMs across
# datastores.
# 2 = Custom.
# - rank: Custom arithmetic exprission to rank suitable datastores based on
# their attributes
# 3 = Fixed. Datastores will be ranked according to the PRIORITY attribute
# found in the Datastore template.
# LOG: Configuration for the logging system
# - system: defines the logging system:
# file to log in the sched.log file
# syslog to use the syslog facilities
# - debug_level:
# 0 = ERROR
# 2 = INFO
# 3 = DEBUG Includes general scheduling information (default)
# 4 = DDEBUG Includes time taken for each step
# 5 = DDDEBUG Includes detailed information about the scheduling
# decision, such as VM requirements, Host ranking for
# each VM, etc. This will impact the performance
# MEMORY_SYSTEM_DS_SCALE: This factor scales the VM usage of the system DS with
# the memory size. This factor can be use to make the scheduler consider the
# overhead of checkpoint files:
# system_ds_usage = system_ds_usage + memory_system_ds_scale * memory
MESSAGE_SIZE = 1073741824
%if %%enable_one_ha == 'oui'
ONE_XMLRPC = "http://%%adresse_ip_eth0:2633/RPC2"
ONE_XMLRPC = "http://localhost:2633/RPC2"
%end if
MAX_VM = 5000
policy = 1
policy = 1
# policy = 3,
# rank = "- (RUNNING_VMS * 50 + FREE_CPU)"
LOG = [
system = "file",
debug_level = 3