Afin de pouvoir bénéficier du HTTPS et de VNC on fait écouter sunstone sur l'IP du serveur plutôt que sur ainsi websocketify écoute également sur l'IP et on a toujours accès au port VNC. Cette méthode marche car le reverse proxy est sur la même machine. Sunstone reste accessible sur le port 9000 aux IP listées dans ip_ssh_eth0 Sunstone en https est lui disponible pour les IP listées dans ip_admin_eth0. fixes #9081 @1h00
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# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright 2002-2013, OpenNebula Project (, C12G Labs #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may #
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain #
# a copy of the License at #
# #
# #
# #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
# limitations under the License. #
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Server Configuration
# Directory to store temp files when uploading images
:tmpdir: /var/tmp
# OpenNebula sever contact information
:one_xmlrpc: http://localhost:2633/RPC2
# Server Configuration
:host: %%ip_sunstone
:port: %%port_sunstone
# Place where to store sessions, this value can be memory or memcache
# Use memcache when starting multiple server processes, for example,
# with passenger
# NOTE. memcache needs a separate memcached server to be configured. Refer
# to memcached documentation to configure the server.
:sessions: memory
# Memcache configuration
:memcache_host: localhost
:memcache_port: 11211
:memcache_namespace: opennebula.sunstone
# Log
# Log debug level
# 0 = ERROR, 1 = WARNING, 2 = INFO, 3 = DEBUG
:debug_level: 3
# Auth
# Authentication driver for incomming requests
# sunstone, for OpenNebula's user-password scheme
# x509, for x509 certificates based authentication
# opennebula, the authentication will be done by the opennebula core using the
# driver defined for the user
#:auth: sunstone
%if %%getVar('sunstone_auth_modes', 'sunstone') == 'ldap'
:auth: opennebula
:auth: sunstone
%end if
# Authentication driver to communicate with OpenNebula core
# cipher, for symmetric cipher encryption of tokens
# x509, for x509 certificate encryption of tokens
:core_auth: cipher
# For LDAP auth. Encode credentials sent to OpenNebula. Turns espaces into %20.
# This only works with "opennebula" auth.
#:encode_user_password: true
# UI Settings
# :vnc_proxy_
# port: port where the vnc proxy will listen
# support_wss: no | yes | only. For yes and only, provide path to
# cert and key. "yes" means both ws and wss connections will be
# supported.
# vnc_proxy_cert: Certificate to encrypt wss connections.
# vnc_proxy_key: Key for wss connections. Only necessary if not included in cert.
# vnc_proxy_ipv6: Enable ipv6 support for novnc-server
:vnc_proxy_port: %%vnc_proxy_port_sunstone
:vnc_proxy_support_wss: yes
:vnc_proxy_cert: %%server_cert
:vnc_proxy_key: %%server_key
:vnc_proxy_ipv6: false
# Default language setting
:lang: %%langue_sunstone
# Default table order
:table_order: desc
# Marketplace
# Marketplace username and password
# If no credentials are provided, an anonymous client will be used
# Marketplace endpoint
%if %%getVar('activer_market_place','non') == 'oui'
:marketplace_url: %%market_place_url
%end if
%if %%getVar('activer_oneflow', 'non') == 'oui'
# OneFlow
# OneFlow endpoint
:oneflow_server: http://%%getVar('ip_oneflow',''):%%getVar('port_oneflow', '2474')/
%end if
# Routes
# Array of files containing ruby code to extend the default sunstone-server
# routes. These files must be placed inside the custom_routes directory
# in the sunstone root dir (/usr/lib/one/sunstone/routes)
# Example:
# $ ls /usr/lib/one/sunstone/routes
# custom.rb other.rb
# $ cat /usr/lib/one/sunstone/routes/example.rb
# get '/custom' do
# body "It works"
# end
# - custom
# - other
%if %%getVar('activer_oneflow', 'non') == 'oui'
- oneflow
%end if
%if %%getVar('activer_market_views', 'non') == 'oui'
- appmarket
%end if