#!/bin/bash # Install and initialize gitea # Variables WKDIR="/srv/forge" USER="git" GROUP="gitservice" GECOS="Gitea User" USERSHELL="/bin/bash" HOMEDIR="${WKDIR}/${USER}" OS="linux" ARCH="amd64" APPVERSION="1.5.2" APPNAME="gitea" APPBINARY="gitea" APPSIG="7C9E68152594688862D62AF62D9AE806EC1592E2" APPASC="${APPNAME}-${APPVERSION}-${OS}-${ARCH}.asc" KEYSERV="pgp.mit.edu" DLSERV="dl.gitea.io" APPDIR="${WKDIR}/gitea" APPBINDIR="${APPDIR}/bin" APPCONFDIR="/etc/${APPNAME}" if [[ -d ${APPCONFDIR} ]] then exit 0 fi proxy=$(CreoleGet activer_proxy_client non) if [[ ${proxy} == "oui" ]] then prAddr=$(CreoleGet proxy_client_adresse) prPort=$(CreoleGet proxy_client_port) export HTTP_PROXY=http://${prAddr}:${prPort} export http_proxy=http://${prAddr}:${prPort} export HTTPS_PROXY=http://${prAddr}:${prPort} export https_proxy=http://${prAddr}:${prPort} fi if [[ ! -d ${APPDIR} ]] then mkdir -p ${APPDIR} fi # Create app user and group groupadd ${GROUP} adduser \ --shell ${USERSHELL} \ --gecos "${GECOS}" \ --ingroup ${GROUP} \ --disabled-password \ --home ${HOMEDIR} \ ${USER} # Create app structure mkdir -p ${APPDIR}/{custom,data,indexers,public,log} chown ${USER}:${GROUP} ${APPDIR}/{data,indexers,log} chmod 750 ${APPDIR}/{data,indexers,log} mkdir ${APPCONFDIR} chown root:${GROUP} ${APPCONFDIR} chmod 770 ${APPCONFDIR} if [[ ! -d ${APPBINDIR} ]] then mkdir -p ${APPBINDIR} fi cd $APPBINDIR if [[ ! -f ${APPBINARY} ]] then wget -O ${APPBINARY} https://${DLSERV}/${APPNAME}/${APPVERSION}/${APPNAME}-${APPVERSION}-${OS}-${ARCH} if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then chmod +x ${APPBINARY} else echo "Error downloading binary for ${APPNAME}" return 123 fi fi if [[ ! -f ${APPASC} ]] then wget -O ${APPASC} https://${DLSERV}/${APPNAME}/${APPVERSION}/${APPASC} gpg --keyserver ${KEYSERV} --recv ${APPSIG} gpg --verify ${APPNAME}-${APPVERSION}-${OS}-${ARCH}.asc ${APPBINARY} fi cd -