app_name: "Daddy Dev" host_port: web_ui: true # debug, error, warn, info log_level: debug # enable or disable http compression (uses gzip) http_compress: true # When production mode is 'true' only queries # from the allow list are permitted. # When it's 'false' all queries are saved to the # the allow list in ./config/allow.list production: false # Throw a 401 on auth failure for queries that need auth auth_fail_block: true # Latency tracing for database queries and remote joins # the resulting latency information is returned with the # response enable_tracing: true # Watch the config folder and reload Super Graph # with the new configs when a change is detected reload_on_config_change: true # File that points to the database seeding script # seed_file: seed.js # Path pointing to where the migrations can be found # this must be a relative path under the config path migrations_path: ./migrations # Secret key for general encryption operations like # encrypting the cursor data secret_key: supercalifajalistics # CORS: A list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from. # If the special * value is present in the list, all origins will be allowed. # An origin may contain a wildcard (*) to replace 0 or more # characters (i.e.: http://* cors_allowed_origins: ["*"] # Debug Cross Origin Resource Sharing requests cors_debug: false # Postgres related environment Variables # SG_DATABASE_HOST # SG_DATABASE_PORT # SG_DATABASE_USER # SG_DATABASE_PASSWORD # Auth related environment Variables # SG_AUTH_RAILS_COOKIE_SECRET_KEY_BASE # SG_AUTH_RAILS_REDIS_URL # SG_AUTH_RAILS_REDIS_PASSWORD # SG_AUTH_JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE # inflections: # person: people # sheep: sheep auth: # Can be 'rails', 'jwt' or 'header' type: jwt #cookie: _supergraph_session # Comment this out if you want to disable setting # the user_id via a header for testing. # Disable in production #creds_in_header: false jwt: provider: hydra jwks_url: http://hydra:4444/.well-known/jwks.json # header: # name: dnt # exists: true # value: localhost:8080 # You can add additional named auths to use with actions # In this example actions using this auth can only be # called from the Google Appengine Cron service that # sets a special header to all it's requests # auths: # - name: from_taskqueue # type: header # header: # name: X-Appengine-Cron # exists: true database: type: postgres host: localhost port: 5432 dbname: daddy user: daddy password: daddy #schema: "public" #pool_size: 10 #max_retries: 0 log_level: "debug" # Set session variable "" to the user id # Enable this if you need the user id in triggers, etc set_user_id: true # database ping timeout is used for db health checking ping_timeout: 1m # Define additional variables here to be used with filters variables: # admin_account_id: "5" # admin_account_id: "sql:select id from users where admin = true limit 1" # Field and table names that you wish to block blocklist: - ar_internal_metadata - schema_migrations - secret - password - encrypted - token # Create custom actions with their own api endpoints # For example the below action will be available at /api/v1/actions/refresh_leaderboard_users # A request to this url will execute the configured SQL query # which in this case refreshes a materialized view in the database. # The auth_name is from one of the configured auths actions: # - name: refresh_leaderboard_users # sql: REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY "leaderboard_users" # auth_name: from_taskqueue tables: # - name: customers # remotes: # - name: payments # id: stripe_id # url: http://rails_app:3000/stripe/$id # path: data # # debug: true # pass_headers: # - cookie # set_headers: # - name: Host # value: # - name: Authorization # value: Bearer # - # You can create new fields that have a # # real db table backing them # name: me # table: users roles_query: "select * from users where = $user_id" roles: # Rôle par défaut si l'utilisateur n'existe pas dans la table `users` - name: anon tables: # - name: users # insert: # block: true # query: # block: true # update: # block: true # delete: # block: true # Rôle par défaut si l'utilisateur existe dans la table `users` # mais que la valeur de la colonne `role` n'est pas définie - name: user tables: - name: users insert: block: true query: filters: ["{ email: { _eq: $user_id } }"] update: columns: - full_name filters: ["{ email: { _eq: $user_id } }"] delete: block: true - name: admin match: role = 'admin' tables: - name: users query: filters: [] # - name: products # query: # limit: 50 # filters: ["{ user_id: { eq: $user_id } }"] # disable_functions: false # insert: # filters: ["{ user_id: { eq: $user_id } }"] # presets: # - user_id: "$user_id" # - created_at: "now" # update: # filters: ["{ user_id: { eq: $user_id } }"] # presets: # - updated_at: "now" # delete: # block: true # - name: admin # match: id = 1000 # tables: # - name: users # filters: []