package proxy_test import ( "context" "io" "log" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/http/httputil" "net/url" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime/pprof" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" redisStore "" "" "" "" "" ) func BenchmarkProxies(b *testing.B) { proxyFiles, err := filepath.Glob("testdata/proxies/*.yml") if err != nil { b.Fatalf("%+v", errors.WithStack(err)) } for _, f := range proxyFiles { name := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(f), filepath.Ext(f)) b.Run(name, func(b *testing.B) { conf, err := loadProxyBenchConfig(f) if err != nil { b.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrapf(err, "could notre load bench config")) } proxy, backend, err := createProxy(name, conf, b.Logf) if err != nil { b.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrapf(err, "could not create proxy")) } defer proxy.Close() if backend != nil { defer backend.Close() } client := proxy.Client() proxyURL, err := url.Parse(proxy.URL) if err != nil { b.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrapf(err, "could not parse proxy url")) } if conf.Fetch.URL.Path != "" { proxyURL.Path = conf.Fetch.URL.Path } if conf.Fetch.URL.RawQuery != "" { proxyURL.RawQuery = conf.Fetch.URL.RawQuery } if conf.Fetch.URL.User.Username != "" || conf.Fetch.URL.User.Password != "" { proxyURL.User = url.UserPassword(conf.Fetch.URL.User.Username, conf.Fetch.URL.User.Password) } rawProxyURL := proxyURL.String() b.Logf("fetching url '%s'", rawProxyURL) profile, err := os.Create(filepath.Join("testdata", "proxies", name+".prof")) if err != nil { b.Fatalf("%+v", errors.Wrapf(err, "could not create cpu profile")) } defer profile.Close() if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(profile); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer pprof.StopCPUProfile() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { res, err := client.Get(rawProxyURL) if err != nil { b.Errorf("could not fetch proxy url: %+v", errors.WithStack(err)) } body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { b.Errorf("could not read response body: %+v", errors.WithStack(err)) } b.Logf("%s \n %v", res.Status, string(body)) if err := res.Body.Close(); err != nil { b.Errorf("could not close response body: %+v", errors.WithStack(err)) } } }) } } type proxyBenchConfig struct { Proxy config.BootstrapProxyConfig `yaml:"proxy"` Fetch fetchBenchConfig `yaml:"fetch"` } type fetchBenchConfig struct { URL fetchURLBenchConfig `yaml:"url"` } type fetchURLBenchConfig struct { Path string `yaml:"path"` RawQuery string `yaml:"rawQuery"` User fetchURLUserBenchConfig `yaml:"user"` } type fetchURLUserBenchConfig struct { Username string `yaml:"username"` Password string `yaml:"password"` } func loadProxyBenchConfig(filename string) (*proxyBenchConfig, error) { data, err := os.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not read file '%s'", filename) } conf := proxyBenchConfig{} if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &conf); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not unmarshal config") } return &conf, nil } func createProxy(name string, conf *proxyBenchConfig, logf func(format string, a ...any)) (*httptest.Server, *httptest.Server, error) { redisEndpoint := os.Getenv("BOUNCER_BENCH_REDIS_ADDR") if redisEndpoint == "" { redisEndpoint = "" } client := redis.NewUniversalClient(&redis.UniversalOptions{ Addrs: []string{redisEndpoint}, }) proxyRepository := redisStore.NewProxyRepository(client, redisStore.DefaultTxMaxAttempts, redisStore.DefaultTxBaseDelay) layerRepository := redisStore.NewLayerRepository(client, redisStore.DefaultTxMaxAttempts, redisStore.DefaultTxBaseDelay) var backend *httptest.Server if conf.Proxy.To == "" { backend = httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) if _, err := w.Write([]byte("Hello, world.")); err != nil { logf("[ERROR] %+v", errors.WithStack(err)) } })) if err := waitFor(backend.URL, 5*time.Second); err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.WithStack(err) } logf("started backend '%s'", backend.URL) } ctx := context.Background() proxyName := store.ProxyName("bench-" + name) proxies, err := proxyRepository.QueryProxy(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.WithStack(err) } // Cleanup existing proxies for _, p := range proxies { if err := proxyRepository.DeleteProxy(ctx, p.Name); err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.WithStack(err) } } logf("creating proxy '%s'", proxyName) to := string(conf.Proxy.To) if to == "" { to = backend.URL } if _, err := proxyRepository.CreateProxy(ctx, proxyName, to, conf.Proxy.From...); err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.WithStack(err) } if _, err := proxyRepository.UpdateProxy(ctx, proxyName, store.WithProxyUpdateEnabled(true)); err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.WithStack(err) } for layerName, layerConf := range conf.Proxy.Layers { if err := layerRepository.DeleteLayer(ctx, proxyName, store.LayerName(layerName)); err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.WithStack(err) } _, err := layerRepository.CreateLayer(ctx, proxyName, store.LayerName(layerName), store.LayerType(layerConf.Type), layerConf.Options.Data) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.WithStack(err) } _, err = layerRepository.UpdateLayer(ctx, proxyName, store.LayerName(layerName), store.WithLayerUpdateEnabled(bool(layerConf.Enabled))) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.WithStack(err) } } layers, err := setup.GetLayers(context.Background(), config.NewDefault()) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.WithStack(err) } director := director.New( proxyRepository, layerRepository, director.WithLayerCache( ttl.NewCache( memory.NewCache[string, []*store.Layer](), memory.NewCache[string, time.Time](), 30*time.Second, ), ), director.WithProxyCache( ttl.NewCache( memory.NewCache[string, []*store.Proxy](), memory.NewCache[string, time.Time](), 30*time.Second, ), ), director.WithLayers(layers...), ) directorMiddleware := director.Middleware() handler := proxy.New( proxy.WithRequestTransformers( director.RequestTransformer(), ), proxy.WithResponseTransformers( director.ResponseTransformer(), ), proxy.WithReverseProxyFactory(func(ctx context.Context, target *url.URL) *httputil.ReverseProxy { reverse := httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy(target) reverse.ErrorHandler = func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) { logf("[ERROR] %s", errors.WithStack(err)) } return reverse }), ) server := httptest.NewServer(directorMiddleware(handler)) return server, backend, nil } func waitFor(url string, ttl time.Duration) error { var lastErr error timeout := time.After(ttl) for { select { case <-timeout: if lastErr != nil { return lastErr } return errors.New("wait timed out") default: res, err := http.Get(url) if err != nil { lastErr = errors.WithStack(err) continue } if res.StatusCode >= 200 && res.StatusCode < 400 { return nil } } } }