# Kubernetes ## Getting started with Kind 1. Create your [Kind](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/) cluster ```shell kind create cluster --config misc/k8s/kind/bouncer-cluster.yaml ``` 2. Deploy required operators ```shell kubectl apply -k misc/k8s/kind/cluster --server-side ``` 3. Deploy your Bouncer development environment ```shell skaffold dev -p dev --cleanup=false --default-repo reg.cadoles.com/ ``` ## Testing 1. Open shell in bouncer-admin pod ```shell kubectl exec -it -n bouncer-dev bouncer-admin- -- /bin/sh ``` 2. Create an authentication token ```shell bouncer auth create-token > .bouncer-token ``` 3. Create a proxy and enable it ```shell bouncer admin proxy create --proxy-to https://www.cadoles.com --proxy-name cadoles bouncer admin proxy update --proxy-name cadoles --proxy-enabled=true ``` 4. With you host web browser, open http://localhost:9000, you should see the Cadoles website. ## Benchmarking You can use [`siege`](https://github.com/JoeDog/siege) to benchmark your instance with the Cadoles proxy. ```shell BASE_URL=http://localhost:9000 make siege ```