--- # Simple task to update 1 client for hydra. # Parameter: client_id - fail: msg='Error, client does not exist. Please define the client first' when: hydra_clients|selectattr("client_id", "equalto", client_id)|list|length == 0 - name: Create or overwrite hydra-client template: src: hydra-client.json.j2 dest: "/etc/hydra/clients.d/{{ item.client_id }}.json" with_items: "{{ hydra_clients }}" when: item.client_id == client_id become: true - name: Update client command: > podman exec -t cadoles-pod-hydra-v1 /bin/sh -c "hydra clients update '{{ client_id }}' --endpoint --name '{{ item.client_name | default(item.client_id) }}' --secret '{{ item.client_secret | default(lookup('ansible.builtin.password', '/dev/null chars=ascii_lowercase,digits length=32 seed=inventory_hostname')) }}' --grant-types '{{ ','.join(item.grant_types) if "grant_types" in item else "authorization_code, refresh_token" }}' --post-logout-callbacks '{{ ','.join(item.post_logout_redirect_uris) if "post_logout_redirect_uris" in item else "" }}' --callbacks '{{ ','.join(item.redirect_uris) }}' --response-types '{{ ','.join(item.response_types) if "response_types" in item else "code" }}' --logo-uri '{{ item.logo_uri if "logo_uri" in item else "" }}' --scope '{{ ','.join(item.scope) if "scope" in item else "openid profile email webhook" }}' --token-endpoint-auth-method '{{ item.token_endpoint_auth_method if "token_endpoint_auth_method" in item else "client_secret_post" }}' " with_items: "{{ hydra_clients }}" when: item.client_id == client_id become: true