#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) source "$DIR/lib/util.sh" function show_usage { echo echo "Usage: $0 " echo echo "Paramètres: " echo echo " - Chemin vers le répertoire des sources du projet à empaqueter" echo " - Chemin vers le répertoire de destination du paquet à créer" echo " - Nom de l'image Docker à utiliser comme base pourl'environnement de build. Exemple: debian:jessie" echo } # Create a build container based on the $BASE_IMAGE argument function create_container { # Escape image name escaped_basename=$(echo "$BASE_IMAGE" | sed 's/[^a-z0-9\-\_\.]/\_/gi') # Generate container tag container_tag="tamarin:${escaped_basename}_$(date +%s)" # Create temporary dir for the Dockerfile temp_dir="$(mktemp -d)" # Link lib folder ln -s $(readlink -f "$DIR/lib") "$temp_dir/lib" # Create Dockerfile cat << EOF > "$temp_dir/Dockerfile" FROM $BASE_IMAGE ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive RUN apt-get update &&\ apt-get install jq ADD ./lib /root/.tamarin RUN chmod +x /root/.tamarin/build.sh VOLUME /src VOLUME /dist CMD /root/.tamarin/build.sh EOF # Build image tar -C "$temp_dir" -czh . | docker build -t "$container_tag" - 1>&2 # Delete temporary folder rm -rf "$temp_dir" # Return newly created container's tag echo $container_tag } # Main function function main { info "Building container from $BASE_IMAGE..." container_tag="$(create_container)" info "Launching container..." docker run -e "DISTRIB=$BASE_IMAGE" --rm -v="$PROJECT_PATH:/src" -v="$PROJECT_DIST:/dist" "$container_tag" info "Cleaning container data..." info "Done" } # Test for arguments if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || [ -z "$3" ]; then show_usage exit 1 fi PROJECT_PATH="$(readlink -f $1)" PROJECT_DIST="$(readlink -f $2)" BASE_IMAGE="$3" main