import os, glob, subprocess, configparser import web, system import codecs def run_profile_hooks(profile, step, cwd=None, env=None, debug=False): hooks_dir = get_hooks_dir() step_hooks = profile[step]["hooks"] if not step_hooks: return for hook_name in step_hooks.split(","): trimmed_hook_name = hook_name.strip(' \t\n\r') if not trimmed_hook_name: continue hook_path = os.path.join(hooks_dir, trimmed_hook_name) code =, cwd=cwd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) if code != 0: raise Exception("Hook '{:s}' exited with a non zero code ({:d}) !".format(trimmed_hook_name, code)) def get_hooks_dir(): return os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../hooks") def get_lib_dir(): return os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../lib") def load_profile(profile_name, debug=False): profile_filename = profile_name+".conf" for profile_file in get_available_profiles(): if profile_filename == os.path.basename(profile_file): config = configparser.ConfigParser() with, encoding = 'utf-8', mode = 'r') as handle: config.read_file(handle) return config return None def get_profiles_dir(): return os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../profiles") def get_available_profiles(): return glob.glob(get_profiles_dir() + '/*.conf') def get_available_profile_names(): profile_files = get_available_profiles() return [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] for f in profile_files] def get_workspace_dir(): """Return the absolute path to the tamarin workspace ($HOME/.tamarin)""" home = os.environ["HOME"] return os.path.join(os.sep, home, '.tamarin') def get_workspace_subdir(subdir): """Return the absolute path to a subdirectory in tamarin workspace""" dir_path = os.path.join(os.sep, get_workspace_dir(), subdir) os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) return dir_path def get_acbuild_achive_dest_dir(): """Return the first path matching the acbuild archive extraction destination in tamarin workspace""" workspace_tmp = get_workspace_subdir('tmp') return glob.glob(os.path.join(os.sep, workspace_tmp, 'acbuild-v*'))[0] def get_rkt_achive_dest_dir(): """Return the first path matching the rkt archive extraction destination in tamarin workspace""" workspace_tmp = get_workspace_subdir('tmp') return glob.glob(os.path.join(os.sep, workspace_tmp, 'rkt-v*'))[0] def download_rkt(debug=False): """Download a local copy of rkt in the tamarin workspace and return the absolute path to the archive""" url = "" file_path=os.path.join(os.sep, get_workspace_subdir('tmp'), "rkt.tar.gz") web.download_file(file_url=url, dest_path=file_path) return file_path def download_acbuild(debug=False): """Download a local copy of acbuild in the tamarin workspace and return the absolute path to the archive""" url = "" file_path=os.path.join(os.sep, get_workspace_subdir('tmp'), "acbuild.tar.gz") web.download_file(file_url=url, dest_path=file_path) return file_path def run_acbuild(args, captureOutput=False, as_root=False, debug=False): """Run acbuild with the specified args (use the local copy if acbuild is not found in the $PATH)""" acbuild_bin = system.which('acbuild', get_workspace_subdir('acbuild')) cmd = ( ["sudo", "-E", acbuild_bin] if os.geteuid() != 0 and as_root == True else [acbuild_bin] ) + args if debug: print(" ".join(cmd)) if captureOutput: return subprocess.check_output(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) else: return, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)