#!/usr/bin/env bash source "${TAMARIN_UTIL}" if [ -f debian/changelog ] || [ ! -d .git ]; then info "Not a Git repository or Debian changelog already exists !" exit fi # Get commits log as changelog BUILD_BRANCH=$(get_opt build_branch dist/ubuntu/precise/master) BUILD_TAG=$(get_opt build_tag "last") echo "BUILD TAG IS ${BUILD_TAG}" if [[ ${BUILD_TAG} == "last" ]] then git checkout ${BUILD_BRANCH} tags=$(git tag master -l "release/*"|sort -r) else info "DEBUG DEBUG DEBUG " tagbranch="build-tag-${BUILD_TAG}" git checkout -b ${tagbranch} set_opt "tag_branch" "${tag_branch}" tags="${BUILD_TAG}" fi if [[ -z ${tags} ]] then error "No relase tag found, you repo must have a tag like 'release/X.X'" exit 2 fi touch debian/changelog for tag in ${tags} do logs=$(git log --pretty=format:"%an - %h : %s" ${tag} | sed 's/"/\\"/g') # Set the top commiter as the maintainer of the project if not defined top_contributor=$(git log --pretty=short | git shortlog -s -n -e | sed 's/^\s*[0-9]*\s*//g' | head -n 1) maintainer=$(get_opt maintainer "${top_contributor}") project_name=$(get_opt project_name) version=${tag#*/} #$(get_opt version 0.0.0) version=${version/_/-} #$(get_opt version 0.0.0) distribution=$(get_opt distribution UNRELEASED) urgency=$(get_opt urgency low) commit_count=$(git rev-list --count --first-parent HEAD) current_commit=$(git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%h") version_suffix=${commit_count}~${current_commit} echo "${project_name} (${version}.tamarin${version_suffix}) ${distribution}; urgency=${urgency}" >> debian/changelog echo >> debian/changelog while read -r entry; do echo " * ${entry}" >> debian/changelog done <<< "$(echo -e "${logs}" | sed 's/^"//')" echo >> debian/changelog echo " -- ${maintainer} $(date -R)" >> debian/changelog echo >> debian/changelog done