import system, subprocess, os, tamarin, json, re def run(args, as_root = False, capture_output=False, debug=False): """Run rkt with the specified args (use the local copy if rkt is not found in the $PATH)""" rkt_bin = system.which('rkt', tamarin.get_workspace_subdir('rkt')) cmd = ( ["sudo", "-E", rkt_bin] if os.geteuid() != 0 and as_root == True else [rkt_bin] ) + args if debug: print(" ".join(cmd)) if capture_output: return subprocess.check_output(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) else: return subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) def get_images_list(rkt_flags = [], debug=False): output = run([ "image", "list", "--format=json" ] + rkt_flags, capture_output=True, debug=debug) # Fetch the list of installed images return json.loads(output.decode('utf-8')) def find_image_by_name(name_pattern, rkt_flags = []): if type(name_pattern) is str: name_pattern = re.compile(name_pattern) images_list = get_images_list(rkt_flags = rkt_flags) for image in images_list: if['name']): return image return None def export_image(image_id, dest_file, rkt_flags = [], debug=False): run([ "image", "export", image_id, dest_file, ] + rkt_flags, debug=debug)