Application Security Scan for
This report contains the application security scan results for the w3af scan of the which finished 15.04.2019
The server header for the remote web server is: "nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)". This information was found in the request with id 28.
GET HTTP/1.1 Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate Accept: */* User-agent: Host: Cookie: quid_sync=MTU1NTM1MjM5Nnwxa2ZEUDdUdmd4YnNSMFJsRkJ6d0FjTTlLdFVaTm5SeU5IQzFvUVNuWnh1RWs2bllEc25QTzE5dWNDQWVfN3pvVFgwSWl1NHV1a2NUN0lkcnZ0T2FERVcxZE9EYmtseHJ3Q2VEaUJyX3pScmdfb1hZdE4ybWF2cTBYVklva2w5QlZQdz18TXiAblvgNn75j8ki3zz4no_1jtW6rjREpPmO9H5-uzE= Authorization: Basic ZWZzOnF1aWRkZXYyMDE5
HTTP/1.1 200 OK content-length: 585 content-encoding: gzip set-cookie: quid_sync=MTU1NTM1MjM5NnxNbjJLSVRVcUtLd3FUMnN1OUQwazFkc3RyT3FPX1Izbks4MHp3ZG9oWmRscWJBOUpzallNSnl4ZDJfVlROZXQwWFpmSXBQbU9OcjZROC15VkVPVVRPNFlyM3ZRdlFrRDRBRjJjVVMyTFlDWlhHQ2k1Q3ZULTRKMlM0akUyR3BnNUNPRT18YKydkxi11UB8j6ONxtW3h3lddmW2WBIdDi22lslK7lc=; Path=/; Expires=Wed, 15 May 2019 18:19:56 GMT; Max-Age=2592000 server: nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu) connection: keep-alive date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 18:19:56 GMT x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN, SAMEORIGIN content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="fr"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <title>Authentification - Quid</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/sync-app.css"> </head> <body> <section class="hero is-fullheight login"> <div class="hero-body"> <div class="container"> <div class="column is-4 is-offset-4"> <div class="flash has-margin-top-small"></div> <div class="has-text-centered has-margin-top-small"> <div class="box"> <figure class="avatar"> <img src="/img/logo-efs.svg" width="128" height="128"> </figure> <form method="POST"> <div class="field"> <div class="control"> <input class="input is-normal" name="email" type="email" placeholder="Votre adresse courriel" autofocus=""> </div> </div> <div class="field"> <div class="control"> <input class="input is-normal" name="password" type="password" placeholder="Votre mot de passe"> </div> </div> <button class="button is-block is-info is-normal is-fullwidth">S'identifier</button> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </body> </html>
The URL "" has the following enabled HTTP methods: *, GET. This information was found in the requests with ids 27, 174 and 179.
There are a number of HTTP methods that can be used on a webserver
etc.). Each of
these methods perform a different function and each have an associated
level of risk when their use is permitted on the webserver.
A client
can use the OPTIONS
method within a request to query a server to
determine which methods are allowed.
Cyber-criminals will almost always perform this simple test as it will give a very quick indication of any high-risk methods being permitted by the server. The tool discovered that several methods are supported by the server.
It is recommended that a whitelisting approach be taken to explicitly permit the HTTP methods required by the application and block all others.
Typically the only HTTP methods required for most
applications are GET
and POST
. All other methods perform actions
that are rarely required or perform actions that are inherently risky.
These risky methods (such as PUT
, etc) should be protected
by strict limitations, such as ensuring that the channel is secure
(SSL/TLS enabled) and only authorised and trusted clients are
permitted to use them.
OPTIONS HTTP/1.1 Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate Accept: */* User-agent: Host: Cookie: quid_sync=MTU1NTM1MjM5Nnwxa2ZEUDdUdmd4YnNSMFJsRkJ6d0FjTTlLdFVaTm5SeU5IQzFvUVNuWnh1RWs2bllEc25QTzE5dWNDQWVfN3pvVFgwSWl1NHV1a2NUN0lkcnZ0T2FERVcxZE9EYmtseHJ3Q2VEaUJyX3pScmdfb1hZdE4ybWF2cTBYVklva2w5QlZQdz18TXiAblvgNn75j8ki3zz4no_1jtW6rjREpPmO9H5-uzE= Authorization: Basic ZWZzOnF1aWRkZXYyMDE5
HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 18:19:56 GMT content-length: 0 connection: keep-alive server: nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)
GET HTTP/1.1 Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate Accept: */* User-agent: Host: Cookie: quid_sync=MTU1NTM1MjQwMnx0OW0zb2t1a3F0M1hOSFI0S3V2TFhhRG9wZ1RxMWZaUzlmdTZzSGMyTzV1aXVEZ0Jwakt1Z3FBSVdmSnh6Mkt6XzRfTmdzLTlPTzRlZ056eW9ncTlCRElDTndBaGpmV3kyQW9LQlFzVnN1XzMyWDdMei1BVkJQcFo0cUJpTDV1eWowRT18EoBy_faVfRRNOYwAG3u6kGEw2hAnDTWn_6SsTFVd_-E= Authorization: Basic ZWZzOnF1aWRkZXYyMDE5
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other content-length: 68 content-encoding: gzip server: nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu) connection: keep-alive location: /surveys/overview date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 18:20:02 GMT x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN, SAMEORIGIN content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 <a href="/surveys/overview">See Other</a>.
* HTTP/1.1 Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate Accept: */* User-agent: Host: Cookie: quid_sync=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_UqN_hmOjAyXwl4vWXmTUw== Authorization: Basic ZWZzOnF1aWRkZXYyMDE5
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 18:20:02 GMT content-length: 182 content-type: text/html connection: close server: nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu) <html> <head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)</center> </body> </html>
The remote HTTP Server omitted the "server" header in its response. This information was found in the request with id 912.
URLs found during application scan
Scan log
Timestamp | Log level | Message |
Mon Apr 15 18:19:55 2019 | error | Can't login into web application as admin@quid.local |
Mon Apr 15 18:19:57 2019 | error | audit.rfi plugin needs to be correctly configured to use. Please set valid values for local address (eg. and port (eg. 44449), or use the official w3af site as the target server for remote inclusions. The configuration error is: "Listen address and port need to be configured" |
Mon Apr 15 18:20:39 2019 | error | The server_header plugin got an error while requesting "". Exception: "HTTP timeout error". Generated 204 "No Content" response (id:912) |