#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # build-package-from-git - Job handler for Marang # Author: Willam Petit <wpetit@cadoles.com> # # Dependencies: # # - jq - https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ - apt-get install jq # - git # # Arguments: # # - $1: Docker distribution to use for building package - Default: debian:jessie # - $2: Limit the build for commits in this specified branch - Default: No branch limitation #---------Config--------- TAMARIN_PATH=$(readlink -f ../../tamarin) #------------------------ #---------Functions--------- function get_payload_opt { echo "$MARANG_PAYLOAD" | jq -r "$1" } function clean_workspace { # Clean workspace echo "Cleaning workspace $workdir..." rm -rf "$workdir" } #--------------------------- # Get handlers arguments DISTRIB=$1 LIMIT_TO_BRANCH=$2 OUTPUT_DIR=$3 # Create temporary workspace workdir=$(mktemp -d) cd "$workdir" trap clean_workspace EXIT echo "Using workspace $workdir..." # Create temporary dist directory mkdir -p "$workdir/dist" # Extract project info project_name=$(get_payload_opt ".repository.name" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') repo_url=$(get_payload_opt ".repository.clone_url") commit=$(get_payload_opt ".ref") # Fetch project sources GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone "$repo_url" "$project_name" cd "$project_name" # Limit the build to a specific branch if needed if [ ! -z "$LIMIT_TO_BRANCH" ]; then echo "The build processus is limited to $LIMIT_TO_BRANCH..." git checkout "$LIMIT_TO_BRANCH" branches_containing_commit=$(git branch --contains $commit) if [[ ! "${branches_containing_commit[@]}" =~ "$LIMIT_TO_BRANCH" ]]; then echo "The commit $commit is not part of $LIMIT_TO_BRANCH !" clean_workspace exit fi fi # Checkout specified commit git checkout "$commit" git submodule init git submodule update echo "Building package..." # Build on package per version set +e COMMIT_TAGS=$(git describe --exact-match --abbrev=0) #git tag -l --contains HEAD | grep "^pkg") set -e if [[ -z ${COMMIT_TAGS} ]] then echo "Nothing to build :" echo " - No build build tags on last commit" clean_workspace exit fi for tag in ${COMMIT_TAGS} do PACKAGE_ENV=$(echo ${tag} | cut -d '/' -f 2) PACKAGE_DISTRIB=$(echo ${tag} | cut -d '/' -f 3) PKGVERSION=$(echo ${tag} | cut -d '/' -f 4) # Setting package version [[ -z ${PKGVERSION} ]] && PKGVERSION="NO-VERSION" cd ${workdir}/${project_name} tamarinrc="${workdir}/${project_name}/.tamarinrc" [[ ! -f ${tamarinrc} ]] && touch ${tamarinrc} set +e grep -q "^project_version=.*" ${tamarinrc} if [[ ${?} -eq 0 ]] then sed -i -e "s/^project_version=.*/project_version=${PKGVERSION}/" ${workdir}/${project_name}/.tamarinrc else echo "project_version=${PKGVERSION}" > ${tamarinrc} fi if [[ ${PACKAGE_ENV} =~ ^(staging|stable) ]] then grep -q "^no_version_suffix=.*" ${tamarinrc} if [[ ${?} -eq 0 ]] then sed -i -e "s/no_version_suffix=.*/no_version_suffix=yes/" ${tamarinrc} else echo "no_version_suffix=yes" >> ${tamarinrc} fi fi set -e # Build package with Tamarin for specified distrib echo echo "Building package with $TAMARIN_PATH/package (${tag})" echo "$TAMARIN_PATH/package" "$workdir/$project_name" -o "$workdir/dist" -b "$DISTRIB" # Copy debian packages to destination directory if arguments is specified if [ ! -z $OUTPUT_DIR ]; then DEST_DIR="$OUTPUT_DIR/$LIMIT_TO_BRANCH/$project_name" mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR" echo "Copying packages to $DEST_DIR/..." cp $workdir/dist/*.deb "$DEST_DIR/" else echo "No output directory specified." fi # Deploy packages automatically based on tags # Check that the package environment matches the expected ones if [[ "$PACKAGE_ENV" =~ ^(dev|staging|stable)$ ]]; then echo echo "Pushing packages to matching '$PACKAGE_ENV' repository ..." echo ssh aptly@vulcain.cadoles.com mkdir -p "/home/aptly/packages/$PACKAGE_ENV/$LIMIT_TO_BRANCH" scp -r $workdir/dist/*.deb "aptly@vulcain.cadoles.com:/home/aptly/packages/$PACKAGE_ENV/$LIMIT_TO_BRANCH/" echo "Cleaning builded package" rm -rf $workdir/dist/* else echo "Packaging tag prefix 'pkg' found but the environment token does not match any of 'dev', 'staging' or 'stable'. Ignoring..." fi done