// Basic port of https://forge.cadoles.com/Cadoles/cpkg def call(Map params = [:]) { def currentRef = sh(script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true).trim() def baseRef = params.baseRef ? params.baseRef : currentRef def distRepo = params.distRepo ? params.distRepo : 'dev' def dist = params.dist ? params.dist : 'eole' def distVersion = params.distVersion ? params.distVersion : '2.7.0' def distBranchName = params.distBranchName ? params.distBranchName : env.GIT_BRANCH def gitCredentials = params.gitCredentials ? params.gitCredentials : null def gitEmail = params.gitEmail ? params.gitEmail : 'jenkins@cadoles.com' def gitUsername = params.gitUsername ? params.gitUsername : 'Jenkins' def skipCi = params.skipCi ? params.skipCi : false def skipPush = params.skipPush ? params.skipPush: true // Define dist branch based on provided informations and base branch name def distBranch = "dist/${dist}/${distVersion}/${distBranchName}" def result = [:] result['distBranch'] = distBranch result['distVersion'] = distVersion result['distRepo'] = distRepo result['distBranchName'] = distBranchName def proc = { // Add distBranch to fetched refs sh("git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/${distBranch}:refs/remotes/origin/${distBranch}") // Update branches sh("git fetch --all") // Merge currentRef into distBranch and push sh("git checkout -b '${distBranch}' 'origin/${distBranch}'") sh("git merge ${currentRef}") if (!skipPush) { sh("git push") } else { println("Skipping push. Set skipPush param to 'true' to enable remote repository update.") } // Retrieve last tag matching pattern pkg/${distRepo}/${dist}-${distVersion}/* def lastTag = sh( script: "git tag -l 'pkg/${distRepo}/${dist}-${distVersion}/*' --sort=v:refname | tail -n 1", returnStdout: true, ) result['previousTag'] = lastTag println("Last tag is '${lastTag}'") // Extract version number from last tag def lastVersionNumber = lastTag.split('/').last() result['previousVersionNumber'] = lastVersionNumber println("Last version number is '${lastVersionNumber}'") def versionNumber = incrementVersionNumber(lastVersionNumber) println("New version number will be '${versionNumber}'") result['newVersionNumber'] = versionNumber // Generate tag with incremented version number def tag = "pkg/${distRepo}/${dist}-${distVersion}/${versionNumber}" result['newTag'] = tag def tagComment="Build ${versionNumber} ${distRepo} package for ${dist}-${distVersion}." if (skipCi) { tagComment += ' [ci skip]' } sh("git tag -a '${tag}' -m '${tagComment}'") // Push tag if (!skipPush) { sh("git push --tags") } else { println("Skipping push. Set skipPush param to 'true' to enable remote repository update.") } // Switch back to previous ref sh("git checkout ${currentRef}") } if (gitCredentials != null) { withCredentials([ usernamePassword( credentialsId: gitCredentials, usernameVariable: 'GIT_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASSWORD' ) ]) { def randomUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString() def tmpAskPassScript = pwd(tmp:true) + "/${randomUUID}" try { writeFile( file: tmpAskPassScript, text: ''' #!/bin/sh case "$1" in Username*) echo $GIT_USERNAME ;; Password*) echo $GIT_PASSWORD ;; esac ''' ) sh(script: "git config user.email '${gitEmail}'") sh(script: "git config user.name '${gitUsername}'") sh(script: "chmod +x '${tmpAskPassScript}'") withEnv(["GIT_ASKPASS=${tmpAskPassScript}"]) { proc.call() } } finally { sh(script: "rm -f '${tmpAskPassScript}'") } } } else { proc.call() } return result } def incrementVersionNumber(String versionNumber) { // Split versionNumber (typical pattern: ..) def versionNumberParts = versionNumber.split(/\./) // Extract path number def patchNumber = versionNumberParts.last() // Split patch number (typical pattern: -) def patchNumberParts = patchNumber.split('-') // If version number matches pattern ..- if (patchNumberParts.size() > 1) { return versionNumberParts[0..-2].join('.') + '.' + patchNumberParts[0..-2].join('-') + '-' + (patchNumberParts.last().toInteger() + 1) } else { // Else version number matches pattern .. return versionNumberParts[0..-2].join('.') + '.' + (patchNumber.toInteger() + 1) } }