# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # W3AF AUDIT SCRIPT FOR WEB APPLICATION # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Configure HTTP settings http-settings set timeout 30 back #Configure scanner global behaviors misc-settings set max_discovery_time 20 set fuzz_cookies True set fuzz_form_files True set fuzz_url_parts True set fuzz_url_filenames True back plugins #Configure entry point (CRAWLING) scanner crawl web_spider crawl config web_spider set only_forward False set ignore_regex (?i)(logout|disconnect|signout|exit)+ back #Configure vulnerability scanners ##Specify list of AUDIT plugins type to use audit blind_sqli, buffer_overflow, cors_origin, csrf, eval, file_upload, ldapi, lfi, os_commanding, phishing_vector, redos, response_splitting, sqli, xpath, xss, xst ##Customize behavior of each audit plugin when needed audit config file_upload set extensions jsp,php,php2,php3,php4,php5,asp,aspx,pl,cfm,rb,py,sh,ksh,csh,bat,ps,exe back ##Specify list of GREP plugins type to use (grep plugin is a type of plugin that can find also vulnerabilities or informations disclosure) grep analyze_cookies, click_jacking, code_disclosure, cross_domain_js, csp, directory_indexing, dom_xss, error_500, error_pages, html_comments, objects, path_disclosure, private_ip, strange_headers, strange_http_codes, strange_parameters, strange_reason, url_session, xss_protection_header ##Specify list of INFRASTRUCTURE plugins type to use (infrastructure plugin is a type of plugin that can find informations disclosure) infrastructure server_header, server_status, domain_dot, dot_net_errors #Configure target authentication auth detailed auth config detailed set username admin set password password set method POST set auth_url http://pcdom/dvwa/login.php set username_field user set password_field pass set check_url http://pcdom/dvwa/index.php set check_string 'admin' set data_format username=%U&password=%P&Login=Login back #Configure reporting in order to generate an HTML report output console, html_file output config html_file set output_file /tmp/W3afReport.html set verbose False back output config console set verbose False back back #Set target informations, do a cleanup and run the scan target set target http://pcdom/dvwa set target_os windows set target_framework php back cleanup start