implementation and deployable service archives for all tests)
117 lines
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117 lines
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use ass\XmlSecurity\Key as XmlSecurityKey;
use BeSimple\SoapClient\SoapClient as BeSimpleSoapClient;
use BeSimple\SoapClient\WsSecurityFilter as BeSimpleWsSecurityFilter;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey as BeSimpleWsSecurityKey;
require '../bootstrap.php';
echo '<pre>';
$options = array(
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2,
'features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS, // make sure that result is array for size=1
'trace' => true, // enables use of the methods SoapClient->__getLastRequest, SoapClient->__getLastRequestHeaders, SoapClient->__getLastResponse and SoapClient->__getLastResponseHeaders
* Deploy "axis_services/library-signencr.aar" to Apache Axis2 to get this
* example to work.
* Links:
* http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~pcamacho/tutorial/web/xmlsec/xmlsec.html
* http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/xmldsig-verifier.html
* Using code from axis example:
* http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jws5/index.html
* Download key tool to export private key
* http://couchpotato.net/pkeytool/
* keytool -export -alias serverkey -keystore server.keystore -storepass nosecret -file servercert.cer
* openssl x509 -out servercert.pem -outform pem -in servercert.pem -inform der
* keytool -export -alias clientkey -keystore client.keystore -storepass nosecret -file clientcert.cer
* openssl x509 -out clientcert.pem -outform pem -in clientcert.pem -inform der
* java -jar pkeytool.jar -exportkey -keystore client.keystore -storepass nosecret -keypass clientpass -rfc -alias clientkey -file clientkey.pem
* C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\keytool -export -alias serverkey -keystore server.keystore -storepass nosecret -file servercert.cer
* C:\xampp\apache\bin\openssl x509 -out servercert.pem -outform pem -in servercert.cer -inform der
* C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\keytool -export -alias clientkey -keystore client.keystore -storepass nosecret -file clientcert.cer
* C:\xampp\apache\bin\openssl x509 -out clientcert.pem -outform pem -in clientcert.cer -inform der
* java -jar C:\axis2\pkeytool\pkeytool.jar -exportkey -keystore client.keystore -storepass nosecret -keypass clientpass -rfc -alias clientkey -file clientkey.pem
* build.properties:
* server-policy=hash-policy-server.xml
* allows both text and digest!
class getBook {}
class getBookResponse {}
class getBooksByType {}
class getBooksByTypeResponse {}
class addBook {}
class addBookResponse {}
class BookInformation {}
$options['classmap'] = array(
'getBook' => 'getBook',
'getBookResponse' => 'getBookResponse',
'getBooksByType' => 'getBooksByType',
'getBooksByTypeResponse' => 'getBooksByTypeResponse',
'addBook' => 'addBook',
'addBookResponse' => 'addBookResponse',
'BookInformation' => 'BookInformation',
$sc = new BeSimpleSoapClient('WsSecuritySigEnc.wsdl', $options);
$wssFilter = new BeSimpleWsSecurityFilter();
// user key for signature and encryption
$securityKeyUser = new BeSimpleWsSecurityKey();
$securityKeyUser->addPrivateKey(XmlSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, 'clientkey.pem', true);
$securityKeyUser->addPublicKey(XmlSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, 'clientcert.pem', true);
// service key for encryption
$securityKeyService = new BeSimpleWsSecurityKey();
$securityKeyService->addPublicKey(XmlSecurityKey::RSA_1_5, 'servercert.pem', true);
$soapKernel = $sc->getSoapKernel();
try {
$gb = new getBook();
$gb->isbn = '0061020052';
$ab = new addBook();
$ab->isbn = '0445203498';
$ab->title = 'The Dragon Never Sleeps';
$ab->author = 'Cook, Glen';
$ab->type = 'scifi';
// getBooksByType("scifi");
} catch (Exception $e) {
// $sc->__getLastRequestHeaders(),
// $sc->__getLastRequest(),
// $sc->__getLastResponseHeaders(),
// $sc->__getLastResponse()