'; class base64Binary { public $_; public $contentType; } class AttachmentType { public $fileName; public $binaryData; } class AttachmentRequest extends AttachmentType { } $options = array( 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1, 'features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS, // make sure that result is array for size=1 'trace' => true, // enables use of the methods SoapClient->__getLastRequest, SoapClient->__getLastRequestHeaders, SoapClient->__getLastResponse and SoapClient->__getLastResponseHeaders 'attachment_type' => BeSimpleSoapHelper::ATTACHMENTS_TYPE_MTOM, 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE, 'classmap' => array( 'base64Binary' => 'base64Binary', 'AttachmentRequest' => 'AttachmentRequest', ), ); /* * Deploy "axis_services/sample-mtom.aar" to Apache Axis2 to get this * example to work. * * Apache Axis2 MTOM example. * */ $sc = new BeSimpleSoapClient('MTOM.wsdl', $options); //var_dump($sc->__getFunctions()); //var_dump($sc->__getTypes()); try { $b64 = new base64Binary(); $b64->_ = 'This is a test. :)'; $b64->contentType = 'text/plain'; $attachment = new AttachmentRequest(); $attachment->fileName = 'test123.txt'; $attachment->binaryData = $b64; var_dump($sc->attachment($attachment)); } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e); } // var_dump( // $sc->__getLastRequestHeaders(), // $sc->__getLastRequest(), // $sc->__getLastResponseHeaders(), // $sc->__getLastResponse() // );