Configuration ============= Routing ------- Include the `BeSimpleSoapBundle`'s routing configuration in your routing file (you can choose the prefix arbitrarily): .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/routing.yml _besimple_soap: resource: "@BeSimpleSoapBundle/Resources/config/routing/webservicecontroller.xml" prefix: /ws Config ------ Configure your first web service in your config file: .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/config.yml be_simple_soap: services: DemoApi: namespace: binding: rpc-literal resource: "@AcmeDemoBundle/Controller/DemoController.php" resource_type: annotation Annotations for Controllers --------------------------- .. code-block:: php use BeSimple\SoapBundle\ServiceDefinition\Annotation as Soap; use BeSimple\SoapBundle\Soap\SoapResponse; class DemoController extends Controller { /** * @Soap\Method("Hello") * @Soap\Param("name", phpType = "string") * @Soap\Result(phpType = "string") */ public function helloAction($name) { return new SoapResponse(sprintf('Hello %s!', $name)); } }