* (c) Francis Besset * (c) Andreas Schamberger * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. * * @link https://github.com/BeSimple/BeSimpleSoapClient */ namespace BeSimple\SoapClient; /** * Downloads WSDL files with cURL. Uses all SoapClient options for * authentication. Uses the WSDL_CACHE_* constants and the 'soap.wsdl_*' * ini settings. Does only file caching as SoapClient only supports a file * name parameter. The class also resolves remote XML schema includes. * * @author Andreas Schamberger */ class WsdlDownloader { /** * Cache enabled. * * @var bool */ private $cacheEnabled; /** * Cache dir. * * @var string */ private $cacheDir; /** * Cache TTL. * * @var int */ private $cacheTtl; /** * Options array * * @var array(string=>mixed) */ private $options = array(); /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct( $options ) { // get current WSDL caching config $this->cacheEnabled = (bool)ini_get( 'soap.wsdl_cache_enabled' ); if ( $this->cacheEnabled === true && isset( $options['cache_wsdl'] ) && $options['cache_wsdl'] === WSDL_CACHE_NONE ) { $this->cacheEnabled = false; } $this->cacheDir = ini_get( 'soap.wsdl_cache_dir' ); if ( !is_dir( $this->cacheDir ) ) { $this->cacheDir = sys_get_temp_dir(); } $this->cacheDir = rtrim( $this->cacheDir, '/\\' ); $this->cacheTtl = ini_get( 'soap.wsdl_cache_ttl' ); $this->options = $options; } /** * Download given WSDL file and return name of cache file. * * @param string $wsdl * @return string */ public function download( $wsdl ) { // download and cache remote WSDL files or local ones where we want to // resolve remote XSD includes $isRemoteFile = $this->isRemoteFile( $wsdl ); if ( $isRemoteFile === true || $this->options['resolve_xsd_includes'] === true ) { $cacheFile = $this->cacheDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wsdl_' . md5( $wsdl ) . '.cache'; if ( $this->cacheEnabled === false || !file_exists( $cacheFile ) || ( filemtime( $cacheFile ) + $this->cacheTtl ) < time() ) { if ( $isRemoteFile === true ) { // new curl object for request $curl = new Curl( $this->options ); // execute request $responseSuccessfull = $curl->exec( $wsdl ); // get content if ( $responseSuccessfull === true ) { $response = $curl->getResponseBody(); if ( $this->options['resolve_xsd_includes'] === true ) { $this->resolveXsdIncludes( $response, $cacheFile, $wsdl ); } else { file_put_contents( $cacheFile, $response ); } } else { throw new \ErrorException( "SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '" . $wsdl ."'" ); } } elseif ( file_exists( $wsdl ) ) { $response = file_get_contents( $wsdl ); $this->resolveXsdIncludes( $response, $cacheFile ); } else { throw new \ErrorException( "SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '" . $wsdl ."'" ); } } return $cacheFile; } elseif ( file_exists( $wsdl ) ) { return realpath( $wsdl ); } else { throw new \ErrorException( "SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '" . $wsdl ."'" ); } } /** * Do we have a remote file? * * @param string $file * @return boolean */ private function isRemoteFile( $file ) { $isRemoteFile = false; // @parse_url to suppress E_WARNING for invalid urls if ( ( $url = @parse_url( $file ) ) !== false ) { if ( isset( $url['scheme'] ) && substr( $url['scheme'], 0, 4 ) == 'http' ) { $isRemoteFile = true; } } return $isRemoteFile; } /** * Resolves remote XSD includes within the WSDL files. * * @param string $xml * @param string $cacheFile * @param unknown_type $parentIsRemote * @return string */ private function resolveXsdIncludes( $xml, $cacheFile, $parentFile = null ) { $doc = new \DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML( $xml ); $xpath = new \DOMXPath( $doc ); $xpath->registerNamespace( Helper::PFX_XML_SCHEMA, Helper::NS_XML_SCHEMA ); $query = './/' . Helper::PFX_XML_SCHEMA . ':include'; $nodes = $xpath->query( $query ); if ( $nodes->length > 0 ) { foreach ( $nodes as $node ) { $schemaLocation = $node->getAttribute( 'schemaLocation' ); if ( $this->isRemoteFile( $schemaLocation ) ) { $schemaLocation = $this->download( $schemaLocation ); $node->setAttribute( 'schemaLocation', $schemaLocation ); } elseif ( !is_null( $parentFile ) ) { $schemaLocation = $this->resolveRelativePathInUrl( $parentFile, $schemaLocation ); $schemaLocation = $this->download( $schemaLocation ); $node->setAttribute( 'schemaLocation', $schemaLocation ); } } } $doc->save( $cacheFile ); } /** * Resolves the relative path to base into an absolute. * * @param string $base * @param string $relative * @return string */ private function resolveRelativePathInUrl( $base, $relative ) { $urlParts = parse_url( $base ); // combine base path with relative path if ( strrpos( '/', $urlParts['path'] ) === ( strlen( $urlParts['path'] ) - 1 ) ) { $path = trim( $urlParts['path'] . $relative ); } else { $path = trim( dirname( $urlParts['path'] ) . '/' . $relative ); } // foo/./bar ==> foo/bar $path = preg_replace( '~/\./~', '/', $path ); // remove double slashes $path = preg_replace( '~/+~', '/', $path ); // split path by '/' $parts = explode( '/', $path ); // resolve /../ foreach ( $parts as $key => $part ) { if ( $part == ".." ) { if ( $key-1 >= 0 ) { unset( $parts[$key-1] ); } unset( $parts[$key] ); } } return $urlParts['scheme'] . '://' . $urlParts['host'] . implode( '/', $parts ); } }