* (c) Francis Besset * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace BeSimple\SoapCommon\Mime; use BeSimple\SoapCommon\Helper; /** * Mime multi part container. * * Headers: * - MIME-Version * - Content-Type * - Content-ID * - Content-Location * - Content-Description * * @author Andreas Schamberger */ class MultiPart extends PartHeader { /** * Content-ID of main part. * * @var string */ protected $mainPartContentId; /** * Mime parts. * * @var array(\BeSimple\SoapCommon\Mime\Part) */ protected $parts = array(); /** * Construct new mime object. * * @param string $boundary Boundary string * @return void */ public function __construct($boundary = null) { $this->setHeader('MIME-Version', '1.0'); $this->setHeader('Content-Type', 'multipart/related'); $this->setHeader('Content-Type', 'type', 'text/xml'); $this->setHeader('Content-Type', 'charset', 'utf-8'); if (is_null($boundary)) { $boundary = $this->generateBoundary(); } $this->setHeader('Content-Type', 'boundary', $boundary); } /** * Get mime message of this object (without headers). * * @param boolean $withHeaders Returned mime message contains headers * @return string */ public function getMimeMessage($withHeaders = false) { $message = ($withHeaders === true) ? $this->generateHeaders() : ""; // add parts foreach ($this->parts as $part) { $message .= "\r\n" . '--' . $this->getHeader('Content-Type', 'boundary') . "\r\n"; $message .= $part->getMessagePart(); } $message .= "\r\n" . '--' . $this->getHeader('Content-Type', 'boundary') . '--'; return $message; } /** * Get string array with MIME headers for usage in HTTP header (with CURL). * * @return arrray(string) */ public function getHeadersForHttp() { $allowed = array( 'Content-Type', 'Content-Description', ); $headers = array(); foreach ($this->headers as $fieldName => $value) { if (in_array($fieldName, $allowed)) { $fieldValue = ''; if (is_array($value)) { if (isset($value['@'])) { $fieldValue .= $value['@']; } foreach ($value as $subName => $subValue) { if ($subName != '@') { $fieldValue .= '; ' . $subName . '="' . $subValue . '"'; } } } else { $fieldValue .= $value; } // for http only ISO-8859-1 $headers[] = $fieldName . ': '. iconv('utf-8', 'ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $fieldValue); } } return $headers; } /** * Add new part to MIME message. * * @param \BeSimple\SoapCommon\Mime\Part $part Part that is added * @param boolean $isMain Is the given part the main part of mime message * @return void */ public function addPart(Part $part, $isMain = false) { $contentId = trim($part->getHeader('Content-ID'), '<>'); if ($isMain === true) { $this->mainPartContentId = $contentId; $this->setHeader('Content-Type', 'start', $part->getHeader('Content-ID')); } $this->parts[$contentId] = $part; } /** * Get part with given content id. If there is no content id given it * returns the main part that is defined through the content-id start * parameter. * * @param string $contentId Content id of desired part * @return \BeSimple\SoapCommon\Mime\Part|null */ public function getPart($contentId = null) { if (is_null($contentId)) { $contentId = $this->mainPartContentId; } if (isset($this->parts[$contentId])) { return $this->parts[$contentId]; } return null; } /** * Get all parts. * * @param boolean $includeMainPart Should main part be in result set * @return array(\BeSimple\SoapCommon\Mime\Part) */ public function getParts($includeMainPart = false) { if ($includeMainPart === true) { $parts = $this->parts; } else { $parts = array(); foreach ($this->parts as $cid => $part) { if ($cid != $this->mainPartContentId) { $parts[$cid] = $part; } } } return $parts; } /** * Returns a unique boundary string. * * @return string */ protected function generateBoundary() { return 'urn:uuid:' . Helper::generateUUID(); } }