WebServiceBundle ================ The WebServiceBundle is a Symfony2 bundle to build WSDL and SOAP based web services. It is based on the [ckWebServicePlugin] [1] for symfony. Installation ------------ Put WebServiceBundle in your `src/Bundle` dir. Enable PHP's `SOAP` extension. Create a new front controller script (like `index.php`) for your web service endpoint, e.g. `webservice.php`. Change the environment passed to the kernel constructor, e.g. to `soap`, in this new front controller script. Configure the WebServiceBundle in the configuration file for this new environment (e.g. `config_soap.yml`): webservice.config: definition: name: MyWebService binding: style: rpc-literal Test ---- phpunit -c myapp src/Bundle/WebServiceBundle [1]: http://www.symfony-project.org/plugins/ckWebServicePlugin