* (c) Francis Besset * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace BeSimple\SoapServer; use BeSimple\SoapCommon\Cache; /** * SoapServerBuilder provides a fluent interface to configure and create a SoapServer instance. * * @author Christian Kerl */ class SoapServerBuilder { public static function createEmpty() { return new self(); } public static function createWithDefaults() { $builder = new self(); $builder ->withSoapVersion12() ->withEncoding('UTF-8') ->withErrorReporting(false) ->withSingleElementArrays() ; return $builder; } private $options; private $optionWsdl = null; private $optionPersistence; private $optionErrorReporting; private $optionHandlerClass = null; private $optionHandlerObject = null; /** * Initializes all options with the defaults in the native SoapServer. */ private function __construct() { $this->optionPersistence = SOAP_PERSISTENCE_REQUEST; // TODO: this is not the default, but safer $this->optionErrorReporting = false; $this->options = array( 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1, 'cache_wsdl' => Cache::getType(), 'classmap' => array(), 'typemap' => array(), 'features' => 0 ); } public function build() { $this->validateOptions(); use_soap_error_handler($this->optionErrorReporting); $server = new SoapServer($this->optionWsdl, $this->options); $server->setPersistence($this->optionPersistence); if(null !== $this->optionHandlerClass) { $server->setClass($this->optionHandlerClass); } if(null !== $this->optionHandlerObject) { $server->setObject($this->optionHandlerObject); } return $server; } private function validateOptions() { if(null === $this->optionWsdl) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The WSDL has to be configured!'); } if(null === $this->optionHandlerClass && null === $this->optionHandlerObject) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The handler has to be configured!'); } } public function withWsdl($wsdl) { $this->optionWsdl = $wsdl; return $this; } public function withSoapVersion11() { $this->options['soap_version'] = SOAP_1_1; return $this; } public function withSoapVersion12() { $this->options['soap_version'] = SOAP_1_2; return $this; } public function withEncoding($encoding) { $this->options['encoding'] = $encoding; return $this; } public function withActor($actor) { $this->options['actor'] = $actor; return $this; } /** * Enables the HTTP session. The handler object is persisted between multiple requests in a session. */ public function withHttpSession() { $this->optionPersistence = SOAP_PERSISTENCE_SESSION; return $this; } /** * Enables reporting of internal errors to clients. This should only be enabled in development environments. * * @param boolean $enable */ public function withErrorReporting($enable = true) { $this->optionErrorReporting = $enable; return $this; } public function withWsdlDiskCache() { $this->options['cache_wsdl'] = WSDL_CACHE_DISK; return $this; } public function withWsdlMemoryCache() { $this->options['cache_wsdl'] = WSDL_CACHE_MEMORY; return $this; } public function withWsdlDiskAndMemoryCache() { $this->options['cache_wsdl'] = WSDL_CACHE_BOTH; return $this; } public function withBase64Attachments() { return $this; } public function withSwaAttachments() { return $this; } public function withMtomAttachments() { return $this; } /** * Enables the SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS feature. * * If enabled arrays containing only one element will be passed as arrays otherwise the single element is extracted and directly passed. */ public function withSingleElementArrays() { $this->options['features'] |= SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS; return $this; } /** * Enables the SOAP_WAIT_ONE_WAY_CALLS feature. */ public function withWaitOneWayCalls() { $this->options['features'] |= SOAP_WAIT_ONE_WAY_CALLS; return $this; } /** * Enables the SOAP_USE_XSI_ARRAY_TYPE feature. */ public function withUseXsiArrayType() { $this->options['features'] |= SOAP_USE_XSI_ARRAY_TYPE; return $this; } /** * * * @param mixed $handler Can be either a class name or an object. */ public function withHandler($handler) { if(is_string($handler) && class_exists($handler)) { $this->optionHandlerClass = $handler; $this->optionHandlerObject = null; } if(is_object($handler)) { $this->optionHandlerClass = null; $this->optionHandlerObject = $handler; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The handler has to be a class name or an object!'); } /** * Adds a type mapping to the typemap. * * @param string $xmlNamespace * @param string $xmlType * @param callable $fromXmlCallback * @param callable $toXmlCallback */ public function withTypeMapping($xmlNamespace, $xmlType, $fromXmlCallback, $toXmlCallback) { $this->options['typemap'][] = array( 'type_ns' => $xmlNamespace, 'type_name' => $xmlType, 'from_xml' => $fromXmlCallback, 'to_xml' => $toXmlCallback ); return $this; } /** * Sets the typemap. * * @param array $typemap The typemap. * @param boolean $merge If true the given typemap is merged into the existing one, otherwise the existing one is overwritten. */ public function withTypemap($typemap, $merge = true) { if($merge) { $this->options['typemap'] = array_merge($this->options['typemap'], $typemap); } else { $this->options['typemap'] = $typemap; } return $this; } /** * Adds a class mapping to the classmap. * * @param string $xmlType * @param string $phpType */ public function withClassMapping($xmlType, $phpType) { $this->options['classmap'][$xmlType] = $phpType; return $this; } /** * Sets the classmap. * * @param array $classmap The classmap. * @param boolean $merge If true the given classmap is merged into the existing one, otherwise the existing one is overwritten. */ public function withClassmap($classmap, $merge = true) { if($merge) { $this->options['classmap'] = array_merge($this->options['classmap'], $classmap); } else { $this->options['classmap'] = $classmap; } return $this; } }