extract common code used in client/server

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Schamberger 2013-08-21 22:28:22 +02:00
parent ee321fca42
commit 5e6fd5de25
1 changed files with 358 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
* This file is part of the BeSimpleSoapCommon.
* (c) Christian Kerl <christian-kerl@web.de>
* (c) Francis Besset <francis.besset@gmail.com>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace BeSimple\SoapCommon;
use ass\XmlSecurity\DSig as XmlSecurityDSig;
use ass\XmlSecurity\Enc as XmlSecurityEnc;
use ass\XmlSecurity\Key as XmlSecurityKey;
use ass\XmlSecurity\Pem as XmlSecurityPem;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\FilterHelper;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\Helper;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapRequest as CommonSoapRequest;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapRequestFilter;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapResponse as CommonSoapResponse;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapResponseFilter;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey;
* WS-Security common code for client & server.
* @author Andreas Schamberger <mail@andreass.net>
abstract class WsSecurityFilterClientServer
* The date format to be used with {@link \DateTime}
const DATETIME_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000\Z';
* (X509 3.2.1) Reference to a Subject Key Identifier
* (X509 3.2.1) Reference to a Security Token
* (SMS_1.1 7.3) Key Identifiers
* Actor.
* @var string
protected $actor;
* (SMS 10) Add security timestamp.
* @var boolean
protected $addTimestamp;
* Encrypt the signature?
* @var boolean
protected $encryptSignature;
* (SMS 10) Security timestamp expires time in seconds.
* @var int
protected $expires;
* Sign all headers.
* @var boolean
protected $signAllHeaders;
* (X509 3.2) Token reference type for encryption.
* @var int
protected $tokenReferenceEncryption = null;
* (X509 3.2) Token reference type for signature.
* @var int
protected $tokenReferenceSignature = null;
* Service WsSecurityKey.
* @var \BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey
protected $serviceSecurityKey;
* User WsSecurityKey.
* @var \BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey
protected $userSecurityKey;
* Constructor.
* @param boolean $addTimestamp (SMS 10) Add security timestamp.
* @param int $expires (SMS 10) Security timestamp expires time in seconds.
* @param string $actor SOAP actor
public function __construct($addTimestamp = true, $expires = 300, $actor = null)
$this->addTimestamp = $addTimestamp;
$this->expires = $expires;
$this->actor = $actor;
* Reset all properties to default values.
public function resetFilter()
$this->actor = null;
$this->addTimestamp = null;
$this->encryptSignature = null;
$this->expires = null;
$this->serviceSecurityKey = null;
$this->signAllHeaders = null;
$this->tokenReferenceEncryption = null;
$this->tokenReferenceSignature = null;
$this->userSecurityKey = null;
* Get service security key.
* @param \BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey $serviceSecurityKey Service security key
* @return void
public function setServiceSecurityKeyObject(WsSecurityKey $serviceSecurityKey)
$this->serviceSecurityKey = $serviceSecurityKey;
* Get user security key.
* @param \BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey $userSecurityKey User security key
* @return void
public function setUserSecurityKeyObject(WsSecurityKey $userSecurityKey)
$this->userSecurityKey = $userSecurityKey;
* Set security options.
* @param boolean $encryptSignature Encrypt signature
* @return void
public function setSecurityOptionsEncryption($tokenReference, $encryptSignature = false)
$this->tokenReferenceEncryption = $tokenReference;
$this->encryptSignature = $encryptSignature;
* Set security options.
* @param boolean $signAllHeaders Sign all headers?
* @return void
public function setSecurityOptionsSignature($tokenReference, $signAllHeaders = false)
$this->tokenReferenceSignature = $tokenReference;
$this->signAllHeaders = $signAllHeaders;
* Adds the configured KeyInfo to the parentNode.
* @param FilterHelper $filterHelper Filter helper object
* @param int $tokenReference Token reference type
* @param string $guid Unique ID
* @param \ass\XmlSecurity\Key $xmlSecurityKey XML security key
* @return \DOMElement
protected function createKeyInfo(FilterHelper $filterHelper, $tokenReference, $guid, XmlSecurityKey $xmlSecurityKey = null)
$keyInfo = $filterHelper->createElement(XmlSecurityDSig::NS_XMLDSIG, 'KeyInfo');
$securityTokenReference = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'SecurityTokenReference');
// security token
if (self::TOKEN_REFERENCE_SECURITY_TOKEN === $tokenReference) {
$reference = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'Reference');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($reference, null, 'URI', '#' . $guid);
if (null !== $xmlSecurityKey) {
$filterHelper->setAttribute($reference, null, 'ValueType', Helper::NAME_WSS_X509 . '#X509v3');
// subject key identifier
} elseif (self::TOKEN_REFERENCE_SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER === $tokenReference && null !== $xmlSecurityKey) {
$keyIdentifier = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'KeyIdentifier');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($keyIdentifier, null, 'EncodingType', Helper::NAME_WSS_SMS . '#Base64Binary');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($keyIdentifier, null, 'ValueType', Helper::NAME_WSS_X509 . '#509SubjectKeyIdentifier');
$certificate = $xmlSecurityKey->getX509SubjectKeyIdentifier();
$dataNode = new \DOMText($certificate);
// thumbprint sha1
} elseif (self::TOKEN_REFERENCE_THUMBPRINT_SHA1 === $tokenReference && null !== $xmlSecurityKey) {
$keyIdentifier = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'KeyIdentifier');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($keyIdentifier, null, 'EncodingType', Helper::NAME_WSS_SMS . '#Base64Binary');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($keyIdentifier, null, 'ValueType', Helper::NAME_WSS_SMS_1_1 . '#ThumbprintSHA1');
$thumbprintSha1 = base64_encode(sha1(base64_decode($xmlSecurityKey->getX509Certificate(true)), true));
$dataNode = new \DOMText($thumbprintSha1);
return $keyInfo;
* Create a list of \DOMNodes that should be encrypted.
* @param \DOMDocument $dom DOMDocument to query
* @param \DOMElement $security Security element
* @return \DOMNodeList
protected function createNodeListForEncryption(\DOMDocument $dom, \DOMElement $security)
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
$xpath->registerNamespace('SOAP-ENV', $dom->documentElement->namespaceURI);
$xpath->registerNamespace('ds', XmlSecurityDSig::NS_XMLDSIG);
if ($this->encryptSignature === true) {
$query = '//ds:Signature | //SOAP-ENV:Body';
} else {
$query = '//SOAP-ENV:Body';
return $xpath->query($query);
* Create a list of \DOMNodes that should be signed.
* @param \DOMDocument $dom DOMDocument to query
* @param \DOMElement $security Security element
* @return array(\DOMNode)
protected function createNodeListForSigning(\DOMDocument $dom, \DOMElement $security)
$nodes = array();
$body = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS($dom->documentElement->namespaceURI, 'Body')->item(0);
if (null !== $body) {
$nodes[] = $body;
foreach ($security->childNodes as $node) {
if (XML_ELEMENT_NODE === $node->nodeType) {
$nodes[] = $node;
if ($this->signAllHeaders) {
foreach ($security->parentNode->childNodes as $node) {
if (XML_ELEMENT_NODE === $node->nodeType &&
Helper::NS_WSS !== $node->namespaceURI) {
$nodes[] = $node;
return $nodes;
* Gets the referenced node for the given URI.
* @param \DOMElement $node Node
* @param string $uri URI
* @return \DOMElement
protected function getReferenceNodeForUri(\DOMElement $node, $uri)
$url = parse_url($uri);
$referenceId = $url['fragment'];
$query = '//*[@'.Helper::PFX_WSU.':Id="'.$referenceId.'" or @Id="'.$referenceId.'"]';
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument);
$xpath->registerNamespace(Helper::PFX_WSU, Helper::NS_WSU);
return $xpath->query($query)->item(0);
* Tries to resolve a key from the given \DOMElement.
* @param \DOMElement $node Node where to resolve the key
* @param string $algorithm XML security key algorithm
* @return \ass\XmlSecurity\Key|null
public function keyInfoSecurityTokenReferenceResolver(\DOMElement $node, $algorithm)
foreach ($node->childNodes as $key) {
if (Helper::NS_WSS === $key->namespaceURI) {
switch ($key->localName) {
case 'KeyIdentifier':
return $this->serviceSecurityKey->getPublicKey();
case 'Reference':
$uri = $key->getAttribute('URI');
$referencedNode = $this->getReferenceNodeForUri($node, $uri);
if (XmlSecurityEnc::NS_XMLENC === $referencedNode->namespaceURI
&& 'EncryptedKey' == $referencedNode->localName) {
$key = XmlSecurityEnc::decryptEncryptedKey($referencedNode, $this->userSecurityKey->getPrivateKey());
return XmlSecurityKey::factory($algorithm, $key, false, XmlSecurityKey::TYPE_PRIVATE);
} elseif (Helper::NS_WSS === $referencedNode->namespaceURI
&& 'BinarySecurityToken' == $referencedNode->localName) {
$key = XmlSecurityPem::formatKeyInPemFormat($referencedNode->textContent);
return XmlSecurityKey::factory(XmlSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, $key, false, XmlSecurityKey::TYPE_PUBLIC);
return null;