WS-Adressing and WS-Security Filters
This commit is contained in:
@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ class Curl
private function execManualRedirect($redirects = 0)
if ($redirects > $this->followLocationMaxRedirects) {
// TODO Redirection limit reached, aborting
return false;
@ -171,9 +172,11 @@ class Curl
$newUrl = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host'] . $url['path'] . ($url['query'] ? '?' . $url['query'] : '');
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $newUrl);
return $this->execManualRedirect($redirects++);
return $response;
@ -225,8 +228,10 @@ class Curl
$errorCodeMapping = $this->getErrorCodeMapping();
$errorNumber = curl_errno($this->ch);
if (isset($errorCodeMapping[$errorNumber])) {
return $errorCodeMapping[$errorNumber];
return curl_error($this->ch);
@ -258,6 +263,7 @@ class Curl
public function getResponseBody()
$headerSize = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
return substr($this->response, $headerSize);
@ -279,6 +285,7 @@ class Curl
public function getResponseHeaders()
$headerSize = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
return substr($this->response, 0, $headerSize);
@ -300,6 +307,7 @@ class Curl
public function getResponseStatusMessage()
preg_match('/HTTP\/(1\.[0-1]+) ([0-9]{3}) (.*)/', $this->response, $matches);
return trim(array_pop($matches));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
* This file is part of the BeSimpleSoapClient.
* (c) Christian Kerl <>
* (c) Francis Besset <>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace BeSimple\SoapClient;
* Soap request/response filter helper for manipulating SOAP messages.
* @author Andreas Schamberger <>
class FilterHelper
* DOMDocument on which the helper functions operate.
* @var \DOMDocument
protected $domDocument = null;
* Namespaces added.
* @var array(string=>string)
protected $namespaces = array();
* Constructor.
* @param \DOMDocument $domDocument
public function __construct(\DOMDocument $domDocument)
$this->domDocument = $domDocument;
* Add new soap header.
* @param \DOMElement $node
* @param boolean $mustUnderstand
* @param string $actor
* @param string $soapVersion
* @return void
public function addHeaderElement(\DOMElement $node, $mustUnderstand = null, $actor = null, $soapVersion = SOAP_1_1)
$root = $this->domDocument->documentElement;
$namespace = $root->namespaceURI;
$prefix = $root->prefix;
if (null !== $mustUnderstand) {
$node->appendChild(new \DOMAttr($prefix . ':mustUnderstand', (int)$mustUnderstand));
if (null !== $actor) {
$attributeName = ($soapVersion == SOAP_1_1) ? 'actor' : 'role';
$node->appendChild(new \DOMAttr($prefix . ':' . $attributeName, $actor));
$nodeListHeader = $root->getElementsByTagNameNS($namespace, 'Header');
// add header if not there
if ($nodeListHeader->length == 0) {
// new header element
$header = $this->domDocument->createElementNS($namespace, $prefix . ':Header');
// try to add it before body
$nodeListBody = $root->getElementsByTagNameNS($namespace, 'Body');
if ($nodeListBody->length == 0) {
} else {
$body = $nodeListBody->item(0);
$header = $body->parentNode->insertBefore($header, $body);
} else {
* Add new soap body element.
* @param \DOMElement $node
* @return void
public function addBodyElement(\DOMElement $node)
$root = $this->domDocument->documentElement;
$namespace = $root->namespaceURI;
$prefix = $root->prefix;
$nodeList = $this->domDocument->getElementsByTagNameNS($namespace, 'Body');
// add body if not there
if ($nodeList->length == 0) {
// new body element
$body = $this->domDocument->createElementNS($namespace, $prefix . ':Body');
} else {
* Add new namespace to root tag.
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $namespaceURI
* @return void
public function addNamespace($prefix, $namespaceURI)
if (!isset($this->namespaces[$namespaceURI])) {
$root = $this->domDocument->documentElement;
$root->setAttributeNS('', 'xmlns:' . $prefix, $namespaceURI);
$this->namespaces[$namespaceURI] = $prefix;
* Create new element for given namespace.
* @param string $namespaceURI
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return \DOMElement
public function createElement($namespaceURI, $name, $value = null)
$prefix = $this->namespaces[$namespaceURI];
return $this->domDocument->createElementNS($namespaceURI, $prefix . ':' . $name, $value);
* Add new attribute to element with given namespace.
* @param \DOMElement $element
* @param string $namespaceURI
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return void
public function setAttribute(\DOMElement $element, $namespaceURI = null, $name, $value)
if (null !== $namespaceURI) {
$prefix = $this->namespaces[$namespaceURI];
$element->setAttributeNS($namespaceURI, $prefix . ':' . $name, $value);
} else {
$element->setAttribute($name, $value);
* Register namespace.
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $namespaceURI
* @return void
public function registerNamespace($prefix, $namespaceURI)
if (!isset($this->namespaces[$namespaceURI])) {
$this->namespaces[$namespaceURI] = $prefix;
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of the BeSimpleSoapClient.
* (c) Christian Kerl <>
* (c) Francis Besset <>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace BeSimple\SoapClient;
* Soap helper class with static functions that are used in the client and
* server implementations. It also provides namespace and configuration
* constants.
* @author Andreas Schamberger <>
class Helper
* Attachment type: xsd:base64Binary (native in ext/soap).
* Attachment type: MTOM (SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism).
* Attachment type: SWA (SOAP Messages with Attachments).
* Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security 1.0 (WS-Security 2004)
const NAME_WSS_SMS = '';
* Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security 1.1 (WS-Security 2004)
const NAME_WSS_SMS_1_1 = '';
* Web Services Security UsernameToken Profile 1.0
const NAME_WSS_UTP = '';
* Web Services Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile
const NAME_WSS_X509 = '';
* Soap 1.1 namespace.
const NS_SOAP_1_1 = '';
* Soap 1.1 namespace.
const NS_SOAP_1_2 = '';
* Web Services Addressing 1.0 namespace.
const NS_WSA = '';
* Web Services Security Extension namespace.
const NS_WSS = '';
* Web Services Security Utility namespace.
const NS_WSU = '';
* Describing Media Content of Binary Data in XML namespace.
const NS_XMLMIME = '';
* XML Schema namespace.
const NS_XML_SCHEMA = '';
* XML Schema instance namespace.
* XML-binary Optimized Packaging namespace.
const NS_XOP = '';
* Web Services Addressing 1.0 prefix.
const PFX_WSA = 'wsa';
* Web Services Security Extension namespace.
const PFX_WSS = 'wsse';
* Web Services Security Utility namespace prefix.
const PFX_WSU = 'wsu';
* Describing Media Content of Binary Data in XML namespace prefix.
const PFX_XMLMIME = 'xmlmime';
* XML Schema namespace prefix.
const PFX_XML_SCHEMA = 'xsd';
* XML Schema instance namespace prefix.
* XML-binary Optimized Packaging namespace prefix.
const PFX_XOP = 'xop';
* Generate a pseudo-random version 4 UUID.
* @see
* @return string
public static function generateUUID()
return sprintf(
// 32 bits for "time_low"
mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff),
// 16 bits for "time_mid"
mt_rand(0, 0xffff),
// 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
// four most significant bits holds version number 4
mt_rand(0, 0x0fff) | 0x4000,
// 16 bits, 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
// 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
// two most significant bits holds zero and one for variant DCE1.1
mt_rand(0, 0x3fff) | 0x8000,
// 48 bits for "node"
mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff)
* Get SOAP namespace for the given $version.
* @param int $version SOAP_1_1|SOAP_1_2
* @return string
public static function getSoapNamespace($version)
if ($version === SOAP_1_2) {
return self::NS_SOAP_1_2;
} else {
return self::NS_SOAP_1_1;
* Get SOAP version from namespace URI.
* @param string $namespace NS_SOAP_1_1|NS_SOAP_1_2
* @return int SOAP_1_1|SOAP_1_2
public static function getSoapVersionFromNamespace($namespace)
if ($namespace === self::NS_SOAP_1_2) {
return SOAP_1_2;
} else {
return SOAP_1_1;
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
namespace BeSimple\SoapClient;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapKernel;
* Extended SoapClient that uses a a cURL wrapper for all underlying HTTP
* requests in order to use proper authentication for all requests. This also
@ -71,6 +73,13 @@ class SoapClient extends \SoapClient
private $lastResponse = '';
* Last response.
* @var \BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapKernel
protected $soapKernel = null;
* Constructor.
@ -89,6 +98,8 @@ class SoapClient extends \SoapClient
$this->curl = new Curl($options);
$wsdlFile = $this->loadWsdl($wsdl, $options);
// TODO $wsdlHandler = new WsdlHandler($wsdlFile, $this->soapVersion);
$this->soapKernel = new SoapKernel();
// we want the exceptions option to be set
$options['exceptions'] = true;
// disable obsolete trace option for native SoapClient as we need to do our own tracing anyways
@ -102,91 +113,88 @@ class SoapClient extends \SoapClient
* Perform HTTP request with cURL.
* @param string $request
* @param string $location
* @param string $action
* @return string
* @param SoapRequest $soapRequest
* @return SoapResponse
private function __doHttpRequest($request, $location, $action)
private function __doHttpRequest(SoapRequest $soapRequest)
// $request is if unmodified from SoapClient not a php string type!
$request = (string)$request;
if ($this->soapVersion == SOAP_1_2) {
$headers = array(
'Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8',
} else {
$headers = array(
'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8',
// add SOAPAction header
$headers[] = 'SOAPAction: "' . $action . '"';
// execute request
$responseSuccessfull = $this->curl->exec($location, $request, $headers);
// HTTP headers
$headers = array(
'Content-Type:' . $soapRequest->getContentType(),
'SOAPAction: "' . $soapRequest->getAction() . '"',
// execute HTTP request with cURL
$responseSuccessfull = $this->curl->exec($soapRequest->getLocation(),
// tracing enabled: store last request header and body
if ($this->tracingEnabled === true) {
$this->lastRequestHeaders = $curl->getRequestHeaders();
$this->lastRequest = $request;
$this->lastRequestHeaders = $this->curl->getRequestHeaders();
$this->lastRequest = $soapRequest->getContent();
// in case of an error while making the http request throw a soapFault
if ($responseSuccessfull === false) {
// get error message from curl
$faultstring = $this->curl->getErrorMessage();
throw new \SoapFault('HTTP', $faultstring);
throw new \SoapFault( 'HTTP', $faultstring );
// tracing enabled: store last response header and body
if ($this->tracingEnabled === true) {
$this->lastResponseHeaders = $this->curl->getResponseHeaders();
$this->lastResponse = $this->curl->getResponseBody();
$response = $this->curl->getResponseBody();
// check if we do have a proper soap status code (if not soapfault)
// // TODO
// $responseStatusCode = $this->curl->getResponseStatusCode();
// if ($responseStatusCode >= 400) {
// $isError = 0;
// $response = trim($response);
// if (strlen($response) == 0) {
// $isError = 1;
// } else {
// $contentType = $this->curl->getResponseContentType();
// if ($contentType != 'application/soap+xml'
// && $contentType != 'application/soap+xml') {
// if (strncmp($response , "<?xml", 5)) {
// $isError = 1;
// }
// }
// }
// if ($isError == 1) {
// throw new \SoapFault('HTTP', $this->curl->getResponseStatusMessage());
// }
// } elseif ($responseStatusCode != 200 && $responseStatusCode != 202) {
// $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0');
// $dom->loadXML($response);
// if ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS($dom->documentElement->namespaceURI, 'Fault')->length == 0) {
// throw new \SoapFault('HTTP', 'HTTP response status must be 200 or 202');
// }
// }
return $response;
// wrap response data in SoapResponse object
$soapResponse = SoapResponse::create($this->curl->getResponseBody(),
return $soapResponse;
* Custom request method to be able to modify the SOAP messages.
* $oneWay parameter is not used at the moment.
* @param string $request
* @param string $location
* @param string $action
* @param int $version
* @param int $one_way 0|1
* @param int $oneWay 0|1
* @return string
public function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way = 0)
public function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $oneWay = 0)
// http request
$response = $this->__doHttpRequest($request, $location, $action);
// wrap request data in SoapRequest object
$soapRequest = SoapRequest::create($request, $location, $action, $version);
// do actual SOAP request
$soapResponse = $this->__doRequest2($soapRequest);
// return SOAP response to ext/soap
return $response;
return $soapResponse->getContent();
* Runs the currently registered request filters on the request, performs
* the HTTP request and runs the response filters.
* @param SoapRequest $soapRequest
* @return SoapResponse
protected function __doRequest2(SoapRequest $soapRequest)
// run SoapKernel on SoapRequest
$soapRequest = $this->soapKernel->filterRequest($soapRequest);
// perform HTTP request with cURL
$soapResponse = $this->__doHttpRequest($soapRequest);
// run SoapKernel on SoapResponse
$soapResponse = $this->soapKernel->filterResponse($soapResponse);
return $soapResponse;
@ -229,6 +237,48 @@ class SoapClient extends \SoapClient
return $this->lastResponse;
* Get SoapKernel instance.
* @return \BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapKernel
public function getSoapKernel()
return $this->soapKernel;
// TODO finish
protected function isValidSoapResponse()
//check if we do have a proper soap status code (if not soapfault)
$responseStatusCode = $this->curl->getResponseStatusCode();
$response = $this->curl->getResponseBody();
if ($responseStatusCode >= 400) {
$isError = 0;
$response = trim($response);
if (strlen($response) == 0) {
$isError = 1;
} else {
$contentType = $this->curl->getResponseContentType();
if ($contentType != 'application/soap+xml'
&& $contentType != 'application/soap+xml') {
if (strncmp($response , "<?xml", 5)) {
$isError = 1;
if ($isError == 1) {
throw new \SoapFault('HTTP', $this->curl->getResponseStatusMessage());
} elseif ($responseStatusCode != 200 && $responseStatusCode != 202) {
$dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0');
if ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS($dom->documentElement->namespaceURI, 'Fault')->length == 0) {
throw new \SoapFault('HTTP', 'HTTP response status must be 200 or 202');
* Downloads WSDL files with cURL. Uses all SoapClient options for
* authentication. Uses the WSDL_CACHE_* constants and the 'soap.wsdl_*'
@ -257,6 +307,7 @@ class SoapClient extends \SoapClient
} catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
throw new \SoapFault('WSDL', "SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '" . $wsdl . "' : failed to load external entity \"" . $wsdl . "\"");
return $cacheFileName;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* This file is part of the BeSimpleSoapClient.
* (c) Christian Kerl <>
* (c) Francis Besset <>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace BeSimple\SoapClient;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapRequest as CommonSoapRequest;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapMessage;
* SoapRequest class for SoapClient. Provides factory function for request object.
* @author Andreas Schamberger <>
class SoapRequest extends CommonSoapRequest
* Factory function for SoapRequest.
* @param string $content
* @param string $location
* @param string $action
* @param string $version
* @return BeSimple\SoapClient\SoapRequest
public static function create($content, $location, $action, $version)
$request = new SoapRequest();
// $content is if unmodified from SoapClient not a php string type!
$contentType = SoapMessage::getContentTypeForVersion($version);
return $request;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* This file is part of the BeSimpleSoapClient.
* (c) Christian Kerl <>
* (c) Francis Besset <>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace BeSimple\SoapClient;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapResponse as CommonSoapResponse;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapMessage;
* SoapResponse class for SoapClient. Provides factory function for response object.
* @author Andreas Schamberger <>
class SoapResponse extends CommonSoapResponse
* Factory function for SoapResponse.
* @param string $content
* @param string $location
* @param string $action
* @param string $version
* @param string $contentType
* @return BeSimple\SoapClient\SoapResponse
public static function create($content, $location, $action, $version, $contentType)
$response = new SoapResponse();
return $response;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
* This file is part of the BeSimpleSoapClient.
* (c) Christian Kerl <>
* (c) Francis Besset <>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace BeSimple\SoapClient;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\Helper;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapRequestFilter;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapResponseFilter;
* This plugin implements a subset of the following standards:
* * Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core
* * Web Services Addressing 1.0 - SOAP Binding
* Per default this plugin uses the SoapClient's $action and $location values
* for wsa:Action and wsa:To. Therefore the only REQUIRED property 'wsa:Action'
* is always set automatically.
* Limitation: wsa:From, wsa:FaultTo and wsa:ReplyTo only support the
* wsa:Address element of the endpoint reference at the moment.
* @author Andreas Schamberger <>
class WsAddressingFilter implements SoapRequestFilter, SoapResponseFilter
* (2.1) Endpoint reference (EPR) anonymous default address.
* Some endpoints cannot be located with a meaningful IRI; this URI is used
* to allow such endpoints to send and receive messages. The precise meaning
* of this URI is defined by the binding of Addressing to a specific
* protocol and/or the context in which the EPR is used.
* @see
* (2.1) Endpoint reference (EPR) address for discarting messages.
* Messages sent to EPRs whose [address] is this value MUST be discarded
* (i.e. not sent). This URI is typically used in EPRs that designate a
* reply or fault endpoint (see section 3.1 Abstract Property Definitions)
* to indicate that no reply or fault message should be sent.
* @see
* (3.1) Predefined value for reply.
* Indicates that this is a reply to the message identified by the [message id] IRI.
* see
* FaultTo.
* @var string
protected $faultTo;
* From.
* @var string
protected $from;
* MessageId.
* @var string
protected $messageId;
* List of reference parameters associated with this soap message.
* @var unknown_type
protected $referenceParametersSet = array();
* List of reference parameters recieved with this soap message.
* @var unknown_type
protected $referenceParametersRecieved = array();
* RelatesTo.
* @var string
protected $relatesTo;
* RelatesTo@RelationshipType.
* @var string
protected $relatesToRelationshipType;
* ReplyTo.
* @var string
protected $replyTo;
* Add additional reference parameters
* @param string $ns
* @param string $pfx
* @param string $parameter
* @param string $value
* @return void
public function addReferenceParameter($ns, $pfx, $parameter, $value)
$this->referenceParametersSet[] = array(
'ns' => $ns,
'pfx' => $pfx,
'parameter' => $parameter,
'value' => $value,
* Get additional reference parameters.
* @param string $ns
* @param string $parameter
* @return string|null
public function getReferenceParameter($ns, $parameter)
if (isset($this->referenceParametersRecieved[$ns][$parameter])) {
return $this->referenceParametersRecieved[$ns][$parameter];
return null;
* Set FaultTo address of type xs:anyURI.
* @param string $action
* @return void
public function setFaultTo($faultTo)
$this->faultTo = $faultTo;
* Set From address of type xs:anyURI.
* @param string $action
* @return void
public function setFrom($from)
$this->from = $from;
* Set MessageId of type xs:anyURI.
* Default: UUID v4 e.g. 'uuid:550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000'
* @param string $messageId
* @return void
public function setMessageId($messageId = null)
if (null === $messageId) {
$messageId = 'uuid:' . Helper::generateUUID();
$this->messageId = $messageId;
* Set RelatesTo of type xs:anyURI with the optional relationType
* (of type xs:anyURI).
* @param string $relatesTo
* @param string $relationType
* @return void
public function setRelatesTo($relatesTo, $relationType = null)
$this->relatesTo = $relatesTo;
if (null !== $relationType && $relationType != self::RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_REPLY) {
$this->relatesToRelationshipType = $relationType;
* Set ReplyTo address of type xs:anyURI
* @param string $replyTo
* @return void
public function setReplyTo($replyTo = null)
if (null === $replyTo) {
$this->replyTo = $replyTo;
* Modify the given request XML.
* @param SoapRequest $dom
* @return void
public function filterRequest(SoapRequest $request)
// get \DOMDocument from SOAP request
$dom = $request->getContentDocument();
// create FilterHelper
$filterHelper = new FilterHelper($dom);
// add the neccessary namespaces
$filterHelper->addNamespace(Helper::PFX_WSA, Helper::NS_WSA);
$action = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSA, 'Action', $request->getAction());
$to = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSA, 'To', $request->getLocation());
if (null !== $this->faultTo) {
$faultTo = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSA, 'FaultTo');
$address = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSA, 'Address', $this->faultTo);
if (null !== $this->from) {
$from = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSA, 'From');
$address = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSA, 'Address', $this->from);
if (null !== $this->messageId) {
$messageId = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSA, 'MessageID', $this->messageId);
if (null !== $this->relatesTo) {
$relatesTo = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSA, 'RelatesTo', $this->relatesTo);
if (null !== $this->relatesToRelationshipType) {
$filterHelper->setAttribute($relatesTo, Helper::NS_WSA, 'RelationshipType', $this->relatesToRelationshipType);
if (null !== $this->replyTo) {
$replyTo = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSA, 'ReplyTo');
$address = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSA, 'Address', $this->replyTo);
foreach ($this->referenceParametersSet as $rp) {
$filterHelper->addNamespace($rp['pfx'], $rp['ns']);
$parameter = $filterHelper->createElement($rp['ns'], $rp['parameter'], $rp['value']);
$filterHelper->setAttribute($parameter, Helper::NS_WSA, 'IsReferenceParameter', 'true');
* Modify the given response XML.
* @param SoapResponse $response
* @return void
public function filterResponse(SoapResponse $response)
// get \DOMDocument from SOAP response
$dom = $response->getContentDocument();
$this->referenceParametersRecieved = array();
$referenceParameters = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS(Helper::NS_WSA, 'ReferenceParameters')->item(0);
if (null !== $referenceParameters) {
foreach ($referenceParameters->childNodes as $childNode) {
if (!isset($this->referenceParametersRecieved[$childNode->namespaceURI])) {
$this->referenceParametersRecieved[$childNode->namespaceURI] = array();
$this->referenceParametersRecieved[$childNode->namespaceURI][$childNode->localName] = $childNode->nodeValue;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
* This file is part of the BeSimpleSoapClient.
* (c) Christian Kerl <>
* (c) Francis Besset <>
* This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace BeSimple\SoapClient;
use ass\XmlSecurity\DSig as XmlSecurityDSig;
use ass\XmlSecurity\Enc as XmlSecurityEnc;
use ass\XmlSecurity\Key as XmlSecurityKey;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\Helper;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapRequestFilter;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\SoapResponseFilter;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey;
* This plugin implements a subset of the following standards:
* * Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security 1.0 (WS-Security 2004)
* * Web Services Security UsernameToken Profile 1.0
* * Web Services Security X.509 Certificate Token Profile
* @author Andreas Schamberger <>
class WsSecurityFilter implements SoapRequestFilter, SoapResponseFilter
* The date format to be used with {@link \DateTime}
const DATETIME_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000\Z';
* (UT 3.1) Password type: plain text.
* (UT 3.1) Password type: digest.
* (X509 3.2.1) Reference to a Subject Key Identifier
* (X509 3.2.1) Reference to a Security Token
* (SMS_1.1 7.3) Key Identifiers
* Actor.
* @var string
protected $actor;
* (SMS 10) Add security timestamp.
* @var boolean
protected $addTimestamp;
* Encrypt the signature?
* @var boolean
protected $encryptSignature;
* (SMS 10) Security timestamp expires time in seconds.
* @var int
protected $expires;
* (UT 3.1) Password.
* @var string
protected $password;
* (UT 3.1) Password type: text or digest.
* @var int
protected $passwordType;
* Sign all headers.
* @var boolean
protected $signAllHeaders;
* (X509 3.2) Token reference type for encryption.
* @var int
protected $tokenReferenceEncryption = null;
* (X509 3.2) Token reference type for signature.
* @var int
protected $tokenReferenceSignature = null;
* Service WsSecurityKey.
* @var \BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey
protected $serviceSecurityKey;
* (UT 3.1) Username.
* @var string
protected $username;
* User WsSecurityKey.
* @var \BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey
protected $userSecurityKey;
* Constructor.
* @param boolean $addTimestamp (SMS 10) Add security timestamp.
* @param int $expires (SMS 10) Security timestamp expires time in seconds.
* @param string $actor
public function __construct($addTimestamp = true, $expires = 300, $actor = null)
$this->addTimestamp = $addTimestamp;
$this->expires = $expires;
$this->actor = $actor;
* Add user data.
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @param int $passwordType self::PASSWORD_TYPE_DIGEST | self::PASSWORD_TYPE_TEXT
* @return void
public function addUserData($username, $password = null, $passwordType = self::PASSWORD_TYPE_DIGEST)
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
$this->passwordType = $passwordType;
* Get service security key.
* @param \BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey $serviceSecurityKey
* @return void
public function setServiceSecurityKeyObject(WsSecurityKey $serviceSecurityKey)
$this->serviceSecurityKey = $serviceSecurityKey;
* Get user security key.
* @param \BeSimple\SoapCommon\WsSecurityKey $userSecurityKey
* @return void
public function setUserSecurityKeyObject(WsSecurityKey $userSecurityKey)
$this->userSecurityKey = $userSecurityKey;
* Set security options.
* @param boolean $encryptSignature
* @return void
public function setSecurityOptionsEncryption($tokenReference, $encryptSignature = false)
$this->tokenReferenceEncryption = $tokenReference;
$this->encryptSignature = $encryptSignature;
* Set security options.
* @param boolean $signAllHeaders
* @return void
public function setSecurityOptionsSignature($tokenReference, $signAllHeaders = false)
$this->tokenReferenceSignature = $tokenReference;
$this->signAllHeaders = $signAllHeaders;
* Modify the given request XML.
* @param SoapRequest $dom
* @return void
public function filterRequest(SoapRequest $request)
// get \DOMDocument from SOAP request
$dom = $request->getContentDocument();
// create FilterHelper
$filterHelper = new FilterHelper($dom);
// add the neccessary namespaces
$filterHelper->addNamespace(Helper::PFX_WSS, Helper::NS_WSS);
$filterHelper->addNamespace(Helper::PFX_WSU, Helper::NS_WSU);
$filterHelper->registerNamespace(XmlSecurityDSig::PFX_XMLDSIG, XmlSecurityDSig::NS_XMLDSIG);
// init timestamp
$dt = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$createdTimestamp = $dt->format(self::DATETIME_FORMAT);
// create security header
$security = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'Security');
$filterHelper->addHeaderElement($security, true, $this->actor, $request->getSoapVersion());
if (true === $this->addTimestamp || null !== $this->expires) {
$timestamp = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSU, 'Timestamp');
$created = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSU, 'Created', $createdTimestamp);
if (null !== $this->expires) {
$dt->modify('+' . $this->expires . ' seconds');
$expiresTimestamp = $dt->format(self::DATETIME_FORMAT);
$expires = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSU, 'Expires', $expiresTimestamp);
if (null !== $this->username) {
$usernameToken = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'UsernameToken');
$username = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'Username', $this->username);
if (null !== $this->password
&& (null === $this->userSecurityKey
|| (null !== $this->userSecurityKey && !$this->userSecurityKey->hasPrivateKey()))) {
if (self::PASSWORD_TYPE_DIGEST === $this->passwordType) {
$nonce = mt_rand();
$password = base64_encode(sha1($nonce . $createdTimestamp . $this->password , true));
$passwordType = Helper::NAME_WSS_UTP . '#PasswordDigest';
} else {
$password = $this->password;
$passwordType = Helper::NAME_WSS_UTP . '#PasswordText';
$password = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'Password', $password);
$filterHelper->setAttribute($password, null, 'Type', $passwordType);
if (self::PASSWORD_TYPE_DIGEST === $this->passwordType) {
$nonce = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'Nonce', base64_encode($nonce));
$created = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSU, 'Created', $createdTimestamp);
if (null !== $this->userSecurityKey && $this->userSecurityKey->hasKeys()) {
$guid = 'CertId-' . Helper::generateUUID();
// add token references
$keyInfo = null;
if (null !== $this->tokenReferenceSignature) {
$keyInfo = $this->createKeyInfo($filterHelper, $this->tokenReferenceSignature, $guid, $this->userSecurityKey->getPublicKey());
$nodes = $this->createNodeListForSigning($dom, $security);
$signature = XmlSecurityDSig::createSignature($this->userSecurityKey->getPrivateKey(), XmlSecurityDSig::EXC_C14N, $security, null, $keyInfo);
$options = array(
'id_ns_prefix' => Helper::PFX_WSU,
'id_prefix_ns' => Helper::NS_WSU,
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
XmlSecurityDSig::addNodeToSignature($signature, $node, XmlSecurityDSig::SHA1, XmlSecurityDSig::EXC_C14N, $options);
XmlSecurityDSig::signDocument($signature, $this->userSecurityKey->getPrivateKey(), XmlSecurityDSig::EXC_C14N);
$publicCertificate = $this->userSecurityKey->getPublicKey()->getX509Certificate(true);
$binarySecurityToken = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'BinarySecurityToken', $publicCertificate);
$filterHelper->setAttribute($binarySecurityToken, null, 'EncodingType', Helper::NAME_WSS_SMS . '#Base64Binary');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($binarySecurityToken, null, 'ValueType', Helper::NAME_WSS_X509 . '#X509v3');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($binarySecurityToken, Helper::NS_WSU, 'Id', $guid);
$security->insertBefore($binarySecurityToken, $signature);
// encrypt soap document
if (null !== $this->serviceSecurityKey && $this->serviceSecurityKey->hasKeys()) {
$guid = 'EncKey-' . Helper::generateUUID();
// add token references
$keyInfo = null;
if (null !== $this->tokenReferenceEncryption) {
$keyInfo = $this->createKeyInfo($filterHelper, $this->tokenReferenceEncryption, $guid, $this->serviceSecurityKey->getPublicKey());
$encryptedKey = XmlSecurityEnc::createEncryptedKey($guid, $this->serviceSecurityKey->getPrivateKey(), $this->serviceSecurityKey->getPublicKey(), $security, $signature, $keyInfo);
$referenceList = XmlSecurityEnc::createReferenceList($encryptedKey);
// token reference to encrypted key
$keyInfo = $this->createKeyInfo($filterHelper, self::TOKEN_REFERENCE_SECURITY_TOKEN, $guid);
$nodes = $this->createNodeListForEncryption($dom, $security);
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$type = XmlSecurityEnc::ELEMENT;
if ($node->localName == 'Body') {
$type = XmlSecurityEnc::CONTENT;
XmlSecurityEnc::encryptNode($node, $type, $this->serviceSecurityKey->getPrivateKey(), $referenceList, $keyInfo);
* Modify the given request XML.
* @param SoapResponse $response
* @return void
public function filterResponse(SoapResponse $response)
// get \DOMDocument from SOAP response
$dom = $response->getContentDocument();
// locate security header
$security = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS(Helper::NS_WSS, 'Security')->item(0);
if (null !== $security) {
// add SecurityTokenReference resolver for KeyInfo
if (null !== $this->serviceSecurityKey) {
$keyResolver = array($this, 'keyInfoSecurityTokenReferenceResolver');
XmlSecurityDSig::addKeyInfoResolver(Helper::NS_WSS, 'SecurityTokenReference', $keyResolver);
// do we have a reference list in header
$referenceList = XmlSecurityEnc::locateReferenceList($security);
// get a list of encrypted nodes
$encryptedNodes = XmlSecurityEnc::locateEncryptedData($dom, $referenceList);
// decrypt them
if (null !== $encryptedNodes) {
foreach ($encryptedNodes as $encryptedNode) {
// locate signature node
$signature = XmlSecurityDSig::locateSignature($security);
if (null !== $signature) {
// verify references
$options = array(
'id_ns_prefix' => Helper::PFX_WSU,
'id_prefix_ns' => Helper::NS_WSU,
if (XmlSecurityDSig::verifyReferences($signature, $options) !== true) {
throw new \SoapFault('wsse:FailedCheck', 'The signature or decryption was invalid');
// verify signature
if (XmlSecurityDSig::verifyDocumentSignature($signature) !== true) {
throw new \SoapFault('wsse:FailedCheck', 'The signature or decryption was invalid');
* Adds the configured KeyInfo to the parentNode.
* @param FilterHelper $filterHelper
* @param int $tokenReference
* @param \DOMNode $parentNode
* @param string $guid
* @param \ass\XmlSecurity\Key $xmlSecurityKey
* @param \DOMNode $insertBefore
* @return \DOMElement
protected function createKeyInfo(FilterHelper $filterHelper, $tokenReference, $guid, XmlSecurityKey $xmlSecurityKey = null)
$keyInfo = $filterHelper->createElement(XmlSecurityDSig::NS_XMLDSIG, 'KeyInfo');
$securityTokenReference = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'SecurityTokenReference');
// security token
if (self::TOKEN_REFERENCE_SECURITY_TOKEN === $tokenReference) {
$reference = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'Reference');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($reference, null, 'URI', '#' . $guid);
if (null !== $xmlSecurityKey) {
$filterHelper->setAttribute($reference, null, 'ValueType', Helper::NAME_WSS_X509 . '#X509v3');
// subject key identifier
} elseif (self::TOKEN_REFERENCE_SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER === $tokenReference && null !== $xmlSecurityKey) {
$keyIdentifier = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'KeyIdentifier');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($keyIdentifier, null, 'EncodingType', Helper::NAME_WSS_SMS . '#Base64Binary');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($keyIdentifier, null, 'ValueType', Helper::NAME_WSS_X509 . '#509SubjectKeyIdentifier');
$certificate = $xmlSecurityKey->getX509SubjectKeyIdentifier();
$dataNode = new \DOMText($certificate);
// thumbprint sha1
} elseif (self::TOKEN_REFERENCE_THUMBPRINT_SHA1 === $tokenReference && null !== $xmlSecurityKey) {
$keyIdentifier = $filterHelper->createElement(Helper::NS_WSS, 'KeyIdentifier');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($keyIdentifier, null, 'EncodingType', Helper::NAME_WSS_SMS . '#Base64Binary');
$filterHelper->setAttribute($keyIdentifier, null, 'ValueType', Helper::NAME_WSS_SMS_1_1 . '#ThumbprintSHA1');
$thumbprintSha1 = base64_encode(sha1(base64_decode($xmlSecurityKey->getX509Certificate(true)), true));
$dataNode = new \DOMText($thumbprintSha1);
return $keyInfo;
* Create a list of \DOMNodes that should be encrypted.
* @param \DOMDocument $dom
* @param \DOMElement $security
* @return \DOMNodeList
protected function createNodeListForEncryption(\DOMDocument $dom, \DOMElement $security)
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
$xpath->registerNamespace('SOAP-ENV', $dom->documentElement->namespaceURI);
$xpath->registerNamespace('ds', XmlSecurityDSig::NS_XMLDSIG);
if ($this->encryptSignature === true) {
$query = '//ds:Signature | //SOAP-ENV:Body';
} else {
$query = '//SOAP-ENV:Body';
return $xpath->query($query);
* Create a list of \DOMNodes that should be signed.
* @param \DOMDocument $dom
* @param \DOMElement $security
* @return array(\DOMNode)
protected function createNodeListForSigning(\DOMDocument $dom, \DOMElement $security)
$nodes = array();
$body = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS($dom->documentElement->namespaceURI, 'Body')->item(0);
if (null !== $body) {
$nodes[] = $body;
foreach ($security->childNodes as $node) {
if (XML_ELEMENT_NODE === $node->nodeType) {
$nodes[] = $node;
if ($this->signAllHeaders) {
foreach ($security->parentNode->childNodes as $node) {
if (XML_ELEMENT_NODE === $node->nodeType &&
Helper::NS_WSS !== $node->namespaceURI) {
$nodes[] = $node;
return $nodes;
* Gets the referenced node for the given URI.
* @param \DOMElement $node
* @param string $uri
* @return \DOMElement
protected function getReferenceNodeForUri(\DOMElement $node, $uri)
$url = parse_url($uri);
$referenceId = $url['fragment'];
$query = '//*[@'.Helper::PFX_WSU.':Id="'.$referenceId.'" or @Id="'.$referenceId.'"]';
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument);
$xpath->registerNamespace(Helper::PFX_WSU, Helper::NS_WSU);
return $xpath->query($query)->item(0);
* Tries to resolve a key from the given \DOMElement.
* @param \DOMElement $node
* @param string $algorithm
* @return \ass\XmlSecurity\Key|null
public function keyInfoSecurityTokenReferenceResolver(\DOMElement $node, $algorithm)
foreach ($node->childNodes as $key) {
if (Helper::NS_WSS === $key->namespaceURI) {
switch ($key->localName) {
case 'KeyIdentifier':
return $this->serviceSecurityKey->getPublicKey();
case 'Reference':
$uri = $key->getAttribute('URI');
$referencedNode = $this->getReferenceNodeForUri($node, $uri);
if (XmlSecurityEnc::NS_XMLENC === $referencedNode->namespaceURI
&& 'EncryptedKey' == $referencedNode->localName) {
$key = XmlSecurityEnc::decryptEncryptedKey($referencedNode, $this->userSecurityKey->getPrivateKey());
return XmlSecurityKey::factory($algorithm, $key, XmlSecurityKey::TYPE_PRIVATE);
} else {
//$valueType = $key->getAttribute('ValueType');
return $this->serviceSecurityKey->getPublicKey();
return null;
@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
namespace BeSimple\SoapClient;
//use BeSimple\SoapCommon\Helper;
use BeSimple\SoapCommon\Helper;
* Downloads WSDL files with cURL. Uses the WSDL_CACHE_* constants and the
@ -30,28 +29,28 @@ class WsdlDownloader
* @var bool
private $cacheEnabled;
protected $cacheEnabled;
* Cache dir.
* @var string
private $cacheDir;
protected $cacheDir;
* Cache TTL.
* @var int
private $cacheTtl;
protected $cacheTtl;
* cURL instance for downloads.
* @var unknown_type
private $curl;
protected $curl;
* Resolve WSDl/XSD includes.
@ -122,8 +121,10 @@ class WsdlDownloader
throw new \ErrorException("SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '" . $wsdl ."'");
return $cacheFile;
} elseif (file_exists($wsdl)) {
return realpath($wsdl);
} else {
throw new \ErrorException("SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '" . $wsdl ."'");
@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ class WsdlDownloader
$isRemoteFile = true;
return $isRemoteFile;
@ -154,7 +156,7 @@ class WsdlDownloader
* @param string $xml
* @param string $cacheFile
* @param unknown_type $parentIsRemote
* @return string
* @return void
private function resolveRemoteIncludes($xml, $cacheFile, $parentFile = null)
@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ class WsdlDownloader
$xpath->registerNamespace(Helper::PFX_XML_SCHEMA, Helper::NS_XML_SCHEMA);
$xpath->registerNamespace('wsdl', ''); // TODO add to Helper
// WSDL include/import
$query = './/wsdl:include | .//wsdl:import';
$query = './/wsdl:include | .//wsdl:import'; // TODO
$nodes = $xpath->query($query);
if ($nodes->length > 0) {
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
@ -247,6 +249,7 @@ class WsdlDownloader
if (isset($urlParts['port'])) {
$hostname .= ':' . $urlParts['port'];
return $hostname . implode('/', $parts);
@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
if (file_exists($path) && is_readable($path)) {
require_once $path;
return true;
} elseif (0 === strpos($class, 'ass\XmlSecurity\\')) {
$path = __DIR__.'/../vendor/XmlSecurity/src/'.strtr($class, '\\', '/').'.php';
if (file_exists($path) && is_readable($path)) {
require_once $path;
return true;
} elseif (0 === strpos($class, 'BeSimple\SoapCommon\\')) {
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ if (!is_dir($vendorDir = dirname(__FILE__).'/vendor')) {
$deps = array(
array('besimple-soapcommon', '', 'origin/HEAD'),
array('XmlSecurity', '', 'origin/HEAD'),
foreach ($deps as $dep) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user